Class AbstractFallbackTransactionAttributeSource

  extended by org.springframework.transaction.interceptor.AbstractFallbackTransactionAttributeSource
All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
AnnotationTransactionAttributeSource, AttributesTransactionAttributeSource

public abstract class AbstractFallbackTransactionAttributeSource
extends Object
implements TransactionAttributeSource

Abstract implementation of TransactionAttributeSource that caches attributes for methods, and implements fallback policy of 1. most specific method; 2. target class attribute; 3. declaring method; 4. declaring class.

Defaults to using class's transaction attribute if none is associated with the target method. Any transaction attribute associated with the target method completely overrides a class transaction attribute.

This implementation caches attributes by method after they are first used. If it's ever desirable to allow dynamic changing of transaction attributes (unlikely) caching could be made configurable. Caching is desirable because of the cost of evaluating rollback rules.

Rod Johnson, Juergen Hoeller

Field Summary
protected  org.apache.commons.logging.Log logger
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
protected abstract  Collection findAllAttributes(Class clazz)
          Subclasses should implement this to return all attributes for this class.
protected abstract  Collection findAllAttributes(Method method)
          Subclasses should implement this to return all attributes for this method.
protected  TransactionAttribute findTransactionAttribute(Collection atts)
          Return the transaction attribute, given this set of attributes attached to a method or class.
protected  Object getCacheKey(Method method, Class targetClass)
          Determine a cache key for the given method and target class.
 TransactionAttribute getTransactionAttribute(Method method, Class targetClass)
          Return the transaction attribute for this method invocation.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected final org.apache.commons.logging.Log logger
Constructor Detail


public AbstractFallbackTransactionAttributeSource()
Method Detail


public final TransactionAttribute getTransactionAttribute(Method method,
                                                          Class targetClass)
Return the transaction attribute for this method invocation. Defaults to the class's transaction attribute if no method attribute is found

Specified by:
getTransactionAttribute in interface TransactionAttributeSource
method - method for the current invocation. Can't be null
targetClass - target class for this invocation. May be null.
TransactionAttribute for this method, or null if the method is non-transactional


protected Object getCacheKey(Method method,
                             Class targetClass)
Determine a cache key for the given method and target class. Must not produce same key for overloaded methods. Must produce same key for different instances of the same method.

method - the method
targetClass - the target class (may be null)
the cache key


protected abstract Collection findAllAttributes(Method method)
Subclasses should implement this to return all attributes for this method. We need all because of the need to analyze rollback rules.

method - the method to retrieve attributes for
all attributes associated with this method. May return null.


protected abstract Collection findAllAttributes(Class clazz)
Subclasses should implement this to return all attributes for this class.

clazz - class to retrieve attributes for
all attributes associated with this class. May return null.


protected TransactionAttribute findTransactionAttribute(Collection atts)
Return the transaction attribute, given this set of attributes attached to a method or class.

Protected rather than private as subclasses may want to customize how this is done: for example, returning a TransactionAttribute affected by the values of other attributes.

This implementation takes into account RollbackRuleAttributes, if the TransactionAttribute is a RuleBasedTransactionAttribute. Return null if it's not transactional.

atts - attributes attached to a method or class. May be null, in which case a null TransactionAttribute will be returned.
TransactionAttribute configured transaction attribute, or null if none was found

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