Uses of Class

Packages that use AbstractView
org.springframework.web.servlet.view Provides standard View and ViewResolver implementations, including abstract base classes for custom implementations. 
org.springframework.web.servlet.view.document Support classes for document generation, providing View implementations for PDF and Excel. 
org.springframework.web.servlet.view.freemarker Support classes for the integration of FreeMarker as Spring web view technology. 
org.springframework.web.servlet.view.jasperreports Support classes for the integration of JasperReports as Spring web view technology. 
org.springframework.web.servlet.view.tiles Support classes for the integration of Tiles (included in Struts) as Spring web view technology. 
org.springframework.web.servlet.view.velocity Support classes for the integration of Velocity as Spring web view technology. 
org.springframework.web.servlet.view.xslt Support classes for XSLT, providing a View implementation for XSLT stylesheets. 

Uses of AbstractView in org.springframework.web.servlet.view

Subclasses of AbstractView in org.springframework.web.servlet.view
 class AbstractTemplateView
          AbstractTemplateView provides template based view technologies such as Velocity and FreeMarker, with the ability to use request and session attributes in their model and the option to expose helper objects for Spring's Velocity/FreeMarker macro library.
 class AbstractUrlBasedView
          Abstract base class for URL-based views.
 class InternalResourceView
          Wrapper for a JSP or other resource within the same web application.
 class JstlView
          Specialization of InternalResourceView for JSTL pages, i.e.
 class RedirectView
          View that redirects to an absolute, context relative, or current request relative URL, exposing all model attributes as HTTP query parameters.

Uses of AbstractView in org.springframework.web.servlet.view.document

Subclasses of AbstractView in org.springframework.web.servlet.view.document
 class AbstractExcelView
          Convenient superclass for Excel document views.
 class AbstractJExcelView
          Convenient superclass for Excel document views.
 class AbstractPdfView
          Abstract superclass for PDF views, using Bruno Lowagie's iText package.

Uses of AbstractView in org.springframework.web.servlet.view.freemarker

Subclasses of AbstractView in org.springframework.web.servlet.view.freemarker
 class FreeMarkerView
          View using the FreeMarker template engine.

Uses of AbstractView in org.springframework.web.servlet.view.jasperreports

Subclasses of AbstractView in org.springframework.web.servlet.view.jasperreports
 class AbstractJasperReportsSingleFormatView
          Extends AbstractJasperReportsView to provide basic rendering logic for views that are fixed format, i.e. always PDF or always HTML.
 class AbstractJasperReportsView
          Base class for all JasperReports views.
 class JasperReportsCsvView
          Implementation of AbstractJasperReportsSingleFormatView that renders report results in CSV format.
 class JasperReportsHtmlView
          Implementation of AbstractJasperReportsSingleFormatView that renders report results in HTML format.
 class JasperReportsMultiFormatView
          Jasper Reports view class that allows for the actual rendering format to be specified at runtime using a parameter contained in the model.
 class JasperReportsPdfView
          Implementation of AbstractJasperReportsSingleFormatView that renders report results in PDF format.
 class JasperReportsXlsView
          Implementation of AbstractJasperReportsSingleFormatView that renders report results in XLS format.

Uses of AbstractView in org.springframework.web.servlet.view.tiles

Subclasses of AbstractView in org.springframework.web.servlet.view.tiles
 class TilesJstlView
          Specialization of TilesView for JSTL pages, i.e.
 class TilesView
          View implementation that retrieves a Tiles definition.

Uses of AbstractView in org.springframework.web.servlet.view.velocity

Subclasses of AbstractView in org.springframework.web.servlet.view.velocity
 class VelocityLayoutView
          VelocityLayoutView emulates the functionality offered by Velocity's VelocityLayoutServlet to ease page composition from different templates.
 class VelocityToolboxView
          VelocityView subclass which adds support for Velocity Tools toolboxes and Velocity Tools' ViewTool callbacks.
 class VelocityView
          View using the Velocity template engine.

Uses of AbstractView in org.springframework.web.servlet.view.xslt

Subclasses of AbstractView in org.springframework.web.servlet.view.xslt
 class AbstractXsltView
          Convenient superclass for views rendered using an XSLT stylesheet.

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