The Spring Framework

Uses of Interface

Packages that use BeanClassLoaderAware
org.springframework.aop.framework Package containing Spring's basic AOP infrastructure, compliant with the AOP Alliance interfaces. 
org.springframework.beans.factory.config SPI interfaces and configuration-related convenience classes for bean factories. 
org.springframework.jmx.export.assembler Provides a strategy for MBeanInfo assembly. 
org.springframework.orm.jpa Package providing integration of JPA (Java Persistence API) with Spring concepts. Support for specific JAX-RPC providers. 
org.springframework.scheduling.quartz Support classes for the open source scheduler Quartz, allowing to set up Quartz Schedulers, JobDetails and Triggers as beans in a Spring context. Generic support classes for scheduling. 
org.springframework.scheduling.timer Scheduling convenience classes for the JDK 1.3+ Timer, allowing to set up Timers and ScheduledTimerTasks as beans in a Spring context. 
org.springframework.transaction.interceptor AOP-based solution for declarative transaction demarcation. 

Uses of BeanClassLoaderAware in org.springframework.aop.framework

Classes in org.springframework.aop.framework that implement BeanClassLoaderAware
 class ProxyFactoryBean
          FactoryBean implementation for use to source AOP proxies from a Spring BeanFactory.

Uses of BeanClassLoaderAware in org.springframework.beans.factory.config

Classes in org.springframework.beans.factory.config that implement BeanClassLoaderAware
 class CustomEditorConfigurer
          BeanFactoryPostProcessor implementation that allows for convenient registration of custom property editors.
 class CustomScopeConfigurer
          Simple BeanFactoryPostProcessor implementation that effects the registration of custom Scope(s) in a ConfigurableBeanFactory.
 class FieldRetrievingFactoryBean
          FactoryBean which retrieves a static or non-static field value.
 class MethodInvokingFactoryBean
          FactoryBean which returns a value which is the result of a static or instance method invocation.

Uses of BeanClassLoaderAware in org.springframework.jmx.export.assembler

Classes in org.springframework.jmx.export.assembler that implement BeanClassLoaderAware
 class InterfaceBasedMBeanInfoAssembler
          Subclass of AbstractReflectiveMBeanInfoAssembler that allows for the management interface of a bean to be defined using arbitrary interfaces.

Uses of BeanClassLoaderAware in org.springframework.orm.jpa

Classes in org.springframework.orm.jpa that implement BeanClassLoaderAware
 class LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean
          Powerful FactoryBean that creates a fully Spring-configured EntityManagerFactory according to the container contract for JPA bootstrapping As with LocalEntityManagerFactoryBean, configuration settings are usually read in from a META-INF/persistence.xml config file, residing in the class path, according to the general JPA configuration contract.

Uses of BeanClassLoaderAware in

Classes in that implement BeanClassLoaderAware
 class AxisBeanMappingServicePostProcessor
          Axis-specific JaxRpcServicePostProcessor that registers bean mappings for domain objects that follow the JavaBean pattern.

Uses of BeanClassLoaderAware in org.springframework.scheduling.quartz

Classes in org.springframework.scheduling.quartz that implement BeanClassLoaderAware
 class MethodInvokingJobDetailFactoryBean
          FactoryBean that exposes a JobDetail object that delegates job execution to a specified (static or non-static) method.

Uses of BeanClassLoaderAware in

Classes in that implement BeanClassLoaderAware
 class MethodInvokingRunnable
          Adapter that implements the Runnable interface as a configurable method invocation based on Spring's MethodInvoker.

Uses of BeanClassLoaderAware in org.springframework.scheduling.timer

Classes in org.springframework.scheduling.timer that implement BeanClassLoaderAware
 class MethodInvokingTimerTaskFactoryBean
          FactoryBean that exposes a TimerTask object that delegates job execution to a specified (static or non-static) method.

Uses of BeanClassLoaderAware in org.springframework.transaction.interceptor

Classes in org.springframework.transaction.interceptor that implement BeanClassLoaderAware
 class MethodMapTransactionAttributeSource
          Simple TransactionAttributeSource implementation that allows attributes to be stored per method in a Map.

The Spring Framework

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