Interface ApplicationContext
- All Superinterfaces:
- ApplicationEventPublisher, BeanFactory, HierarchicalBeanFactory, ListableBeanFactory, MessageSource, ResourceLoader, ResourcePatternResolver
- All Known Subinterfaces:
- ConfigurableApplicationContext, ConfigurablePortletApplicationContext, ConfigurableWebApplicationContext, WebApplicationContext
- All Known Implementing Classes:
- AbstractApplicationContext, AbstractRefreshableApplicationContext, AbstractRefreshablePortletApplicationContext, AbstractRefreshableWebApplicationContext, AbstractXmlApplicationContext, ClassPathXmlApplicationContext, FileSystemXmlApplicationContext, GenericApplicationContext, GenericWebApplicationContext, StaticApplicationContext, StaticPortletApplicationContext, StaticWebApplicationContext, XmlPortletApplicationContext, XmlWebApplicationContext
public interface ApplicationContext
- extends ListableBeanFactory, HierarchicalBeanFactory, MessageSource, ApplicationEventPublisher, ResourcePatternResolver
Central interface to provide configuration for an application.
This is read-only while the application is running, but may be
reloaded if the implementation supports this.
An ApplicationContext provides:
- Bean factory methods, inherited from ListableBeanFactory.
This avoids the need for applications to use singletons.
- The ability to resolve messages, supporting internationalization.
Inherited from the MessageSource interface.
- The ability to load file resources in a generic fashion.
Inherited from the ResourceLoader interface.
- The ability to publish events. Implementations must provide a means
of registering event listeners.
- Inheritance from a parent context. Definitions in a descendant context
will always take priority. This means, for example, that a single parent
context can be used by an entire web application, while each servlet has
its own child context that is independent of that of any other servlet.
In addition to standard bean factory lifecycle capabilities,
ApplicationContext implementations need to detect ApplicationContextAware
beans and invoke the setApplicationContext method accordingly.
- Author:
- Rod Johnson, Juergen Hoeller
- See Also:
ApplicationContext getParent()
- Return the parent context, or
if there is no parent,
and this is the root of the context hierarchy.
- Returns:
- the parent context, or
if there is no parent
AutowireCapableBeanFactory getAutowireCapableBeanFactory()
throws IllegalStateException
- Expose AutowireCapableBeanFactory functionality for this context.
This is not typically used by application code, except for the purpose
of initializing bean instances that live outside the application context,
applying the Spring bean lifecycle (fully or partly) to them.
Alternatively, the internal BeanFactory exposed by the
ConfigurableApplicationContext interface offers access to the
AutowireCapableBeanFactory interface too. The present method mainly
serves as convenient, specific facility on the ApplicationContext
interface itself.
- Throws:
- if the context does not support
the AutowireCapableBeanFactory interface or does not hold an autowire-capable
bean factory yet (usually if refresh()
has never been called)- See Also:
String getDisplayName()
- Return a friendly name for this context.
- Returns:
- a display name for this context
long getStartupDate()
- Return the timestamp when this context was first loaded.
- Returns:
- the timestamp (ms) when this context was first loaded
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