The Spring Framework

Uses of Interface

Packages that use LoadTimeWeaver
org.springframework.instrument.classloading Support package for load time weaving based on class loaders, as required by JPA providers (but not JPA-specific). 
org.springframework.instrument.classloading.oc4j Support for class instrumentation on Oracle OC4J. 
org.springframework.orm.jpa Package providing integration of JPA (Java Persistence API) with Spring concepts. 
org.springframework.orm.jpa.persistenceunit Internal support for managing JPA persistence units. 

Uses of LoadTimeWeaver in org.springframework.instrument.classloading

Classes in org.springframework.instrument.classloading that implement LoadTimeWeaver
 class InstrumentationLoadTimeWeaver
          Load time weaver relying on Instrumentation.
 class ReflectiveLoadTimeWeaver
          LoadTimeWeaver that uses reflection to delegate to an underlying ClassLoader, which needs to support the following weaving methods (as defined in the LoadTimeWeaver interface): public void addTransformer(java.lang.instrument.ClassFileTransformer): to register the given ClassFileTransformer for this ClassLoader public ClassLoader getThrowawayClassLoader(): to obtain a throwaway class loader for this ClassLoader (optional; ReflectiveLoadTimeWeaver will fall back to a SimpleThrowawayClassLoader if that method isn't available) Please note that the above methods must reside in a class that is publicly accessible.
 class SimpleLoadTimeWeaver
          LoadTimeWeaver that builds and exposes a SimpleInstrumentableClassLoader for the current context class loader.

Uses of LoadTimeWeaver in org.springframework.instrument.classloading.oc4j

Classes in org.springframework.instrument.classloading.oc4j that implement LoadTimeWeaver
 class OC4JLoadTimeWeaver
          LoadTimeWeaver implementation for OC4J's instrumentable ClassLoader.

Uses of LoadTimeWeaver in org.springframework.orm.jpa

Methods in org.springframework.orm.jpa with parameters of type LoadTimeWeaver
 void LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean.setLoadTimeWeaver(LoadTimeWeaver loadTimeWeaver)
          Specify the Spring LoadTimeWeaver to use for class instrumentation according to the JPA class transformer contract.

Uses of LoadTimeWeaver in org.springframework.orm.jpa.persistenceunit

Methods in org.springframework.orm.jpa.persistenceunit that return LoadTimeWeaver
 LoadTimeWeaver DefaultPersistenceUnitManager.getLoadTimeWeaver()
          Return the Spring LoadTimeWeaver to use for class instrumentation according to the JPA class transformer contract.

Methods in org.springframework.orm.jpa.persistenceunit with parameters of type LoadTimeWeaver
 void DefaultPersistenceUnitManager.setLoadTimeWeaver(LoadTimeWeaver loadTimeWeaver)
          Specify the Spring LoadTimeWeaver to use for class instrumentation according to the JPA class transformer contract.
 void SpringPersistenceUnitInfo.setLoadTimeWeaver(LoadTimeWeaver loadTimeWeaver)
          Set the LoadTimeWeaver SPI strategy interface used by Spring to add instrumentation to the current class loader.

The Spring Framework

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