The Spring Framework

Uses of Class

Packages that use MutablePropertyValues
org.springframework.beans This package contains interfaces and classes for manipulating Java beans. 
org.springframework.beans.factory.config SPI interfaces and configuration-related convenience classes for bean factories. Classes supporting the org.springframework.beans.factory package. Classes supporting the org.springframework.context package, such as abstract base classes for ApplicationContext implementations and a MessageSource implementation. 
org.springframework.validation Provides data binding and validation functionality, for usage in business and/or UI layers. 
org.springframework.web.bind Provides web-specific data binding functionality, including a utility class for easy invocation of binding and validation. 
org.springframework.web.portlet.bind Provides portlet-specific data binding functionality. 

Uses of MutablePropertyValues in org.springframework.beans

Methods in org.springframework.beans that return MutablePropertyValues
 MutablePropertyValues MutablePropertyValues.addPropertyValue(PropertyValue pv)
          Add a PropertyValue object, replacing any existing one for the corresponding property.
 MutablePropertyValues MutablePropertyValues.addPropertyValues(Map other)
          Add all property values from the given Map.
 MutablePropertyValues MutablePropertyValues.addPropertyValues(PropertyValues other)
          Copy all given PropertyValues into this object.

Uses of MutablePropertyValues in org.springframework.beans.factory.config

Methods in org.springframework.beans.factory.config that return MutablePropertyValues
 MutablePropertyValues BeanDefinition.getPropertyValues()
          Return the property values to be applied to a new instance of the bean.

Methods in org.springframework.beans.factory.config with parameters of type MutablePropertyValues
protected  void BeanDefinitionVisitor.visitPropertyValues(MutablePropertyValues pvs)

Uses of MutablePropertyValues in

Methods in that return MutablePropertyValues
 MutablePropertyValues AbstractBeanDefinition.getPropertyValues()
          Return property values for this bean (never null).

Methods in with parameters of type MutablePropertyValues
protected  void AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory.autowireByName(String beanName, RootBeanDefinition mergedBeanDefinition, BeanWrapper bw, MutablePropertyValues pvs)
          Fill in any missing property values with references to other beans in this factory if autowire is set to "byName".
protected  void AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory.autowireByType(String beanName, RootBeanDefinition mergedBeanDefinition, BeanWrapper bw, MutablePropertyValues pvs)
          Abstract method defining "autowire by type" (bean properties by type) behavior.
static AbstractBeanDefinition BeanDefinitionReaderUtils.createBeanDefinition(String className, String parent, ConstructorArgumentValues cargs, MutablePropertyValues pvs, ClassLoader classLoader)
          Deprecated. in favor of createBeanDefinition(String, String, ClassLoader)
 void AbstractBeanDefinition.setPropertyValues(MutablePropertyValues propertyValues)
          Specify property values for this bean, if any.

Constructors in with parameters of type MutablePropertyValues
AbstractBeanDefinition(ConstructorArgumentValues cargs, MutablePropertyValues pvs)
          Create a new AbstractBeanDefinition with the given constructor argument values and property values.
ChildBeanDefinition(String parentName, Class beanClass, ConstructorArgumentValues cargs, MutablePropertyValues pvs)
          Create a new ChildBeanDefinition for the given parent, providing constructor arguments and property values.
ChildBeanDefinition(String parentName, ConstructorArgumentValues cargs, MutablePropertyValues pvs)
          Create a new ChildBeanDefinition for the given parent.
ChildBeanDefinition(String parentName, MutablePropertyValues pvs)
          Create a new ChildBeanDefinition for the given parent.
ChildBeanDefinition(String parentName, String beanClassName, ConstructorArgumentValues cargs, MutablePropertyValues pvs)
          Create a new ChildBeanDefinition for the given parent, providing constructor arguments and property values.
RootBeanDefinition(Class beanClass, ConstructorArgumentValues cargs, MutablePropertyValues pvs)
          Create a new RootBeanDefinition for a singleton, providing constructor arguments and property values.
RootBeanDefinition(Class beanClass, MutablePropertyValues pvs)
          Create a new RootBeanDefinition for a singleton, providing property values.
RootBeanDefinition(Class beanClass, MutablePropertyValues pvs, boolean singleton)
          Create a new RootBeanDefinition with the given singleton status, providing property values.
RootBeanDefinition(String beanClassName, ConstructorArgumentValues cargs, MutablePropertyValues pvs)
          Create a new RootBeanDefinition for a singleton, providing constructor arguments and property values.

Uses of MutablePropertyValues in

Methods in with parameters of type MutablePropertyValues
 void StaticApplicationContext.registerPrototype(String name, Class clazz, MutablePropertyValues pvs)
          Register a prototype bean with the underlying bean factory.
 void StaticApplicationContext.registerSingleton(String name, Class clazz, MutablePropertyValues pvs)
          Register a singleton bean with the underlying bean factory.

Uses of MutablePropertyValues in org.springframework.validation

Methods in org.springframework.validation with parameters of type MutablePropertyValues
protected  void DataBinder.applyPropertyValues(MutablePropertyValues mpvs)
          Apply given property values to the target object.
protected  void DataBinder.checkAllowedFields(MutablePropertyValues mpvs)
          Check the given property values against the allowed fields, removing values for fields that are not allowed.
protected  void DataBinder.checkRequiredFields(MutablePropertyValues mpvs)
          Check the given property values against the required fields, generating missing field errors where appropriate.
protected  void DataBinder.doBind(MutablePropertyValues mpvs)
          Actual implementation of the binding process, working with the passed-in MutablePropertyValues instance.

Uses of MutablePropertyValues in org.springframework.web.bind

Subclasses of MutablePropertyValues in org.springframework.web.bind
 class ServletRequestParameterPropertyValues
          PropertyValues implementation created from parameters in a ServletRequest.

Methods in org.springframework.web.bind with parameters of type MutablePropertyValues
protected  void WebDataBinder.bindMultipartFiles(Map multipartFiles, MutablePropertyValues mpvs)
          Bind the multipart files contained in the given request, if any (in case of a multipart request).
protected  void WebDataBinder.checkFieldMarkers(MutablePropertyValues mpvs)
          Check the given property values for field markers, i.e. for fields that start with the field marker prefix.
protected  void WebDataBinder.doBind(MutablePropertyValues mpvs)
          This implementation performs a field marker check before delegating to the superclass binding process.

Uses of MutablePropertyValues in org.springframework.web.portlet.bind

Subclasses of MutablePropertyValues in org.springframework.web.portlet.bind
 class PortletRequestParameterPropertyValues
          PropertyValues implementation created from parameters in a PortletRequest.

The Spring Framework

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