The Spring Framework

Package org.springframework.beans.factory.xml

Contains an abstract XML-based BeanFactory implementation, including a standard "spring-beans" DTD.


Interface Summary
BeanDefinitionDecorator Interface used by the DefaultBeanDefinitionDocumentReader to handle custom, nested (directly under a <bean>) tags.
BeanDefinitionDocumentReader SPI for parsing an XML document that contains Spring bean definitions.
BeanDefinitionParser Interface used by the DefaultBeanDefinitionDocumentReader to handle custom, top-level (directly under <beans>) tags.
DocumentLoader Strategy interface for loading an XML Document.
NamespaceHandler Base interface used by the DefaultBeanDefinitionDocumentReader for handling custom namespaces in a Spring XML configuration file.
NamespaceHandlerResolver Used by the DefaultBeanDefinitionDocumentReader to locate a NamespaceHandler implementation for a particular namespace URI.
XmlBeanDefinitionParser Deprecated. as of Spring 2.0: superseded by BeanDefinitionDocumentReader

Class Summary
AbstractBeanDefinitionParser Abstract BeanDefinitionParser implementation providing a number of convenience methods and a template method that subclasses must override to provide the actual parsing logic.
AbstractSimpleBeanDefinitionParser Convenience base class for when there exists a one-to-one mapping between attribute names on the element that is to be parsed and the property names on the Class being configured.
AbstractSingleBeanDefinitionParser Base class for those BeanDefinitionParser implementations that need to parse and define just a single BeanDefinition.
BeanDefinitionParserDelegate Stateful delegate class used to parse XML bean definitions.
BeansDtdResolver EntityResolver implementation for the Spring beans DTD, to load the DTD from the Spring class path (or JAR file).
DefaultBeanDefinitionDocumentReader Default implementation of the BeanDefinitionDocumentReader interface.
DefaultDocumentLoader The default DocumentLoader implementation.
DefaultNamespaceHandlerResolver Default implementation of the NamespaceHandler.
DelegatingEntityResolver EntityResolver implementation that delegates to a BeansDtdResolver and a PluggableSchemaResolver for DTDs and XML schemas, respectively.
DocumentDefaultsDefinition Simple JavaBean that holds the defaults specified at the %lt;beans> level in a standard Spring XML bean definition document: default-lazy-init, default-autowire, etc
NamespaceHandlerSupport Support class for implementing custom NamespaceHandlers.
ParserContext Context that gets passed along a bean definition parsing process, encapsulating all relevant configuration as well as state.
PluggableSchemaResolver EntityResolver implementation that attempts to resolve schema URLs into local classpath resources using a set of mappings files.
ResourceEntityResolver EntityResolver implementation that tries to resolve entity references through a ResourceLoader (usually, relative to the resource base of an ApplicationContext), if applicable.
SimplePropertyNamespaceHandler Simple NamespaceHandler implementation that maps custom attributes directly through to bean properties.
UtilNamespaceHandler NamespaceHandler for the util namespace.
XmlBeanDefinitionReader Bean definition reader for XML bean definitions.
XmlBeanFactory Convenience extension of DefaultListableBeanFactory that reads bean definitions from an XML document.
XmlReaderContext Extension of ReaderContext, specific to use with an XmlBeanDefinitionReader.

Exception Summary
XmlBeanDefinitionStoreException XML-specific BeanDefinitionStoreException subclass that wraps a SAXException, typically a SAXParseException which contains information about the error location.

Package org.springframework.beans.factory.xml Description

Contains an abstract XML-based BeanFactory implementation, including a standard "spring-beans" DTD.

The Spring Framework

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