The Spring Framework

Class HibernateAccessor

  extended by org.springframework.orm.hibernate.HibernateAccessor
All Implemented Interfaces:
BeanFactoryAware, InitializingBean
Direct Known Subclasses:
HibernateInterceptor, HibernateTemplate, OpenSessionInViewInterceptor

public abstract class HibernateAccessor
extends Object
implements InitializingBean, BeanFactoryAware

Base class for HibernateTemplate and HibernateInterceptor, defining common properties such as SessionFactory and flushing behavior.

Not intended to be used directly. See HibernateTemplate and HibernateInterceptor.

Juergen Hoeller
See Also:
HibernateTemplate, HibernateInterceptor, setFlushMode(int)

Field Summary
static int FLUSH_AUTO
          Automatic flushing is the default mode for a Hibernate Session.
static int FLUSH_COMMIT
          Flushing at commit only is intended for units of work where no intermediate flushing is desired, not even for find operations that might involve already modified instances.
static int FLUSH_EAGER
          Eager flushing leads to immediate synchronization with the database, even if in a transaction.
static int FLUSH_NEVER
          Never flush is a good strategy for read-only units of work.
protected  Log logger
          Logger available to subclasses
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void afterPropertiesSet()
          Invoked by a BeanFactory after it has set all bean properties supplied (and satisfied BeanFactoryAware and ApplicationContextAware).
protected  net.sf.hibernate.FlushMode applyFlushMode(net.sf.hibernate.Session session, boolean existingTransaction)
          Apply the flush mode that's been specified for this accessor to the given Session.
 DataAccessException convertHibernateAccessException(net.sf.hibernate.HibernateException ex)
          Convert the given HibernateException to an appropriate exception from the org.springframework.dao hierarchy.
protected  DataAccessException convertJdbcAccessException(net.sf.hibernate.JDBCException ex)
          Convert the given JDBCException to an appropriate exception from the org.springframework.dao hierarchy.
protected  DataAccessException convertJdbcAccessException(SQLException ex)
          Convert the given SQLException to an appropriate exception from the org.springframework.dao hierarchy.
protected  void flushIfNecessary(net.sf.hibernate.Session session, boolean existingTransaction)
          Flush the given Hibernate Session if necessary.
 net.sf.hibernate.Interceptor getEntityInterceptor()
          Return the current Hibernate entity interceptor, or null if none.
 int getFlushMode()
          Return if a flush should be forced after executing the callback code.
 SQLExceptionTranslator getJdbcExceptionTranslator()
          Return the JDBC exception translator for this instance.
 net.sf.hibernate.SessionFactory getSessionFactory()
          Return the Hibernate SessionFactory that should be used to create Hibernate Sessions.
 void setBeanFactory(BeanFactory beanFactory)
          The bean factory just needs to be known for resolving entity interceptor bean names.
 void setEntityInterceptor(net.sf.hibernate.Interceptor entityInterceptor)
          Set a Hibernate entity interceptor that allows to inspect and change property values before writing to and reading from the database.
 void setEntityInterceptorBeanName(String entityInterceptorBeanName)
          Set the bean name of a Hibernate entity interceptor that allows to inspect and change property values before writing to and reading from the database.
 void setFlushMode(int flushMode)
          Set the flush behavior to one of the constants in this class.
 void setFlushModeName(String constantName)
          Set the flush behavior by the name of the respective constant in this class, e.g.
 void setJdbcExceptionTranslator(SQLExceptionTranslator jdbcExceptionTranslator)
          Set the JDBC exception translator for this instance.
 void setSessionFactory(net.sf.hibernate.SessionFactory sessionFactory)
          Set the Hibernate SessionFactory that should be used to create Hibernate Sessions.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final int FLUSH_NEVER
Never flush is a good strategy for read-only units of work. Hibernate will not track and look for changes in this case, avoiding any overhead of modification detection.

In case of an existing Session, FLUSH_NEVER will turn the flush mode to NEVER for the scope of the current operation, resetting the previous flush mode afterwards.

See Also:
setFlushMode(int), Constant Field Values


public static final int FLUSH_AUTO
Automatic flushing is the default mode for a Hibernate Session. A session will get flushed on transaction commit, and on certain find operations that might involve already modified instances, but not after each unit of work like with eager flushing.

In case of an existing Session, FLUSH_AUTO will participate in the existing flush mode, not modifying it for the current operation. This in particular means that this setting will not modify an existing flush mode NEVER, in contrast to FLUSH_EAGER.

See Also:
setFlushMode(int), Constant Field Values


public static final int FLUSH_EAGER
Eager flushing leads to immediate synchronization with the database, even if in a transaction. This causes inconsistencies to show up and throw a respective exception immediately, and JDBC access code that participates in the same transaction will see the changes as the database is already aware of them then. But the drawbacks are:

In case of an existing Session, FLUSH_EAGER will turn the flush mode to AUTO for the scope of the current operation and issue a flush at the end, resetting the previous flush mode afterwards.

See Also:
setFlushMode(int), Constant Field Values


public static final int FLUSH_COMMIT
Flushing at commit only is intended for units of work where no intermediate flushing is desired, not even for find operations that might involve already modified instances.

In case of an existing Session, FLUSH_COMMIT will turn the flush mode to COMMIT for the scope of the current operation, resetting the previous flush mode afterwards. The only exception is an existing flush mode NEVER, which will not be modified through this setting.

See Also:
setFlushMode(int), Constant Field Values


protected final Log logger
Logger available to subclasses

Constructor Detail


public HibernateAccessor()
Method Detail


public void setSessionFactory(net.sf.hibernate.SessionFactory sessionFactory)
Set the Hibernate SessionFactory that should be used to create Hibernate Sessions.


public net.sf.hibernate.SessionFactory getSessionFactory()
Return the Hibernate SessionFactory that should be used to create Hibernate Sessions.


public void setEntityInterceptorBeanName(String entityInterceptorBeanName)
Set the bean name of a Hibernate entity interceptor that allows to inspect and change property values before writing to and reading from the database. Will get applied to any new Session created by this transaction manager.

Requires the bean factory to be known, to be able to resolve the bean name to an interceptor instance on session creation. Typically used for prototype interceptors, i.e. a new interceptor instance per session.

Can also be used for shared interceptor instances, but it is recommended to set the interceptor reference directly in such a scenario.

entityInterceptorBeanName - the name of the entity interceptor in the bean factory
See Also:
setBeanFactory(org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanFactory), setEntityInterceptor(net.sf.hibernate.Interceptor)


public void setEntityInterceptor(net.sf.hibernate.Interceptor entityInterceptor)
Set a Hibernate entity interceptor that allows to inspect and change property values before writing to and reading from the database. Will get applied to any new Session created by this object.

Such an interceptor can either be set at the SessionFactory level, i.e. on LocalSessionFactoryBean, or at the Session level, i.e. on HibernateTemplate, HibernateInterceptor, and HibernateTransactionManager. It's preferable to set it on LocalSessionFactoryBean or HibernateTransactionManager to avoid repeated configuration and guarantee consistent behavior in transactions.

See Also:
setEntityInterceptorBeanName(java.lang.String), LocalSessionFactoryBean.setEntityInterceptor(net.sf.hibernate.Interceptor), HibernateTransactionManager.setEntityInterceptor(net.sf.hibernate.Interceptor)


public net.sf.hibernate.Interceptor getEntityInterceptor()
                                                  throws IllegalStateException,
Return the current Hibernate entity interceptor, or null if none. Resolves an entity interceptor bean name via the bean factory, if necessary.

IllegalStateException - if bean name specified but no bean factory set
BeansException - if bean name resolution via the bean factory failed
See Also:
setEntityInterceptor(net.sf.hibernate.Interceptor), setEntityInterceptorBeanName(java.lang.String), setBeanFactory(org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanFactory)


public void setJdbcExceptionTranslator(SQLExceptionTranslator jdbcExceptionTranslator)
Set the JDBC exception translator for this instance. Applied to SQLExceptions thrown by callback code, be it direct SQLExceptions or wrapped Hibernate JDBCExceptions.

The default exception translator is either a SQLErrorCodeSQLExceptionTranslator if a DataSource is available, or a SQLStateSQLExceptionTranslator else.

jdbcExceptionTranslator - the exception translator
See Also:
SQLException, JDBCException, SessionFactoryUtils.newJdbcExceptionTranslator(net.sf.hibernate.SessionFactory), SQLErrorCodeSQLExceptionTranslator, SQLStateSQLExceptionTranslator


public SQLExceptionTranslator getJdbcExceptionTranslator()
Return the JDBC exception translator for this instance.

Creates a default SQLErrorCodeSQLExceptionTranslator or SQLStateSQLExceptionTranslator for the specified SessionFactory, if no exception translator explicitly specified.


public void setFlushModeName(String constantName)
Set the flush behavior by the name of the respective constant in this class, e.g. "FLUSH_AUTO". Default is "FLUSH_AUTO".

constantName - name of the constant
See Also:
setFlushMode(int), FLUSH_AUTO


public void setFlushMode(int flushMode)
Set the flush behavior to one of the constants in this class. Default is FLUSH_AUTO.

See Also:
setFlushModeName(java.lang.String), FLUSH_AUTO


public int getFlushMode()
Return if a flush should be forced after executing the callback code.


public void setBeanFactory(BeanFactory beanFactory)
The bean factory just needs to be known for resolving entity interceptor bean names. It does not need to be set for any other mode of operation.

Specified by:
setBeanFactory in interface BeanFactoryAware
beanFactory - owning BeanFactory (may not be null). The bean can immediately call methods on the factory.
See Also:


public void afterPropertiesSet()
Description copied from interface: InitializingBean
Invoked by a BeanFactory after it has set all bean properties supplied (and satisfied BeanFactoryAware and ApplicationContextAware).

This method allows the bean instance to perform initialization only possible when all bean properties have been set and to throw an exception in the event of misconfiguration.

Specified by:
afterPropertiesSet in interface InitializingBean


protected net.sf.hibernate.FlushMode applyFlushMode(net.sf.hibernate.Session session,
                                                    boolean existingTransaction)
Apply the flush mode that's been specified for this accessor to the given Session.

session - the current Hibernate Session
existingTransaction - if executing within an existing transaction
the previous flush mode to restore after the operation, or null if none
See Also:
setFlushMode(int), Session.setFlushMode(net.sf.hibernate.FlushMode)


protected void flushIfNecessary(net.sf.hibernate.Session session,
                                boolean existingTransaction)
                         throws net.sf.hibernate.HibernateException
Flush the given Hibernate Session if necessary.

session - the current Hibernate Session
existingTransaction - if executing within an existing transaction
net.sf.hibernate.HibernateException - in case of Hibernate flushing errors


public DataAccessException convertHibernateAccessException(net.sf.hibernate.HibernateException ex)
Convert the given HibernateException to an appropriate exception from the org.springframework.dao hierarchy. Will automatically detect wrapped SQLExceptions and convert them accordingly.

The default implementation delegates to SessionFactoryUtils and convertJdbcAccessException(net.sf.hibernate.JDBCException). Can be overridden in subclasses.

ex - HibernateException that occured
the corresponding DataAccessException instance
See Also:
convertJdbcAccessException(net.sf.hibernate.JDBCException), SessionFactoryUtils.convertHibernateAccessException(net.sf.hibernate.HibernateException)


protected DataAccessException convertJdbcAccessException(net.sf.hibernate.JDBCException ex)
Convert the given JDBCException to an appropriate exception from the org.springframework.dao hierarchy. Can be overridden in subclasses.

ex - JDBCException that occured, wrapping a SQLException
the corresponding DataAccessException instance
See Also:


protected DataAccessException convertJdbcAccessException(SQLException ex)
Convert the given SQLException to an appropriate exception from the org.springframework.dao hierarchy. Can be overridden in subclasses.

Note that a direct SQLException can just occur when callback code performs direct JDBC access via Session.connection().

ex - the SQLException
the corresponding DataAccessException instance
See Also:
setJdbcExceptionTranslator(, Session.connection()

The Spring Framework

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