The Spring Framework

Class ExtendedEntityManagerCreator

  extended by org.springframework.orm.jpa.ExtendedEntityManagerCreator

public abstract class ExtendedEntityManagerCreator
extends Object

Factory for dynamic EntityManager proxies that follow the JPA spec's semantics for "extended" EntityManagers.

Supports explicit joining of a transaction through the joinTransaction() method ("application-managed extended EntityManager") as well as automatic joining on each operation ("container-managed extended EntityManager").

Rod Johnson, Juergen Hoeller

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
static javax.persistence.EntityManager createApplicationManagedEntityManager(javax.persistence.EntityManager rawEntityManager, EntityManagerPlusOperations plusOperations)
          Create an EntityManager that can join transactions with the joinTransaction() method, but is not automatically managed by the container.
static javax.persistence.EntityManager createApplicationManagedEntityManager(javax.persistence.EntityManager rawEntityManager, EntityManagerPlusOperations plusOperations, PersistenceExceptionTranslator exceptionTranslator)
          Create an EntityManager that can join transactions with the joinTransaction() method, but is not automatically managed by the container.
static javax.persistence.EntityManager createContainerManagedEntityManager(javax.persistence.EntityManager rawEntityManager, EntityManagerPlusOperations plusOperations)
          Create an EntityManager that automatically joins transactions on each operation in a transaction.
static javax.persistence.EntityManager createContainerManagedEntityManager(javax.persistence.EntityManager rawEntityManager, EntityManagerPlusOperations plusOperations, PersistenceExceptionTranslator exceptionTranslator)
          Create an EntityManager that automatically joins transactions on each operation in a transaction.
static javax.persistence.EntityManager createContainerManagedEntityManager(javax.persistence.EntityManagerFactory emf)
          Create an EntityManager that automatically joins transactions on each operation in a transaction.
static javax.persistence.EntityManager createContainerManagedEntityManager(javax.persistence.EntityManagerFactory emf, Map properties)
          Create an EntityManager that automatically joins transactions on each operation in a transaction.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public ExtendedEntityManagerCreator()
Method Detail


public static javax.persistence.EntityManager createApplicationManagedEntityManager(javax.persistence.EntityManager rawEntityManager,
                                                                                    EntityManagerPlusOperations plusOperations)
Create an EntityManager that can join transactions with the joinTransaction() method, but is not automatically managed by the container.

rawEntityManager - raw EntityManager
plusOperations - an implementation of the EntityManagerPlusOperations interface, if those operations should be exposed (may be null)
an application-managed EntityManager that can join transactions but does not participate in them automatically


public static javax.persistence.EntityManager createApplicationManagedEntityManager(javax.persistence.EntityManager rawEntityManager,
                                                                                    EntityManagerPlusOperations plusOperations,
                                                                                    PersistenceExceptionTranslator exceptionTranslator)
Create an EntityManager that can join transactions with the joinTransaction() method, but is not automatically managed by the container.

rawEntityManager - raw EntityManager
plusOperations - an implementation of the EntityManagerPlusOperations interface, if those operations should be exposed (may be null)
exceptionTranslator - the exception translator to use for translating JPA commit/rollback exceptions during transaction synchronization (may be null)
an application-managed EntityManager that can join transactions but does not participate in them automatically


public static javax.persistence.EntityManager createContainerManagedEntityManager(javax.persistence.EntityManager rawEntityManager,
                                                                                  EntityManagerPlusOperations plusOperations)
Create an EntityManager that automatically joins transactions on each operation in a transaction.

rawEntityManager - raw EntityManager
plusOperations - an implementation of the EntityManagerPlusOperations interface, if those operations should be exposed (may be null)
a container-managed EntityManager that will automatically participate in any managed transaction


public static javax.persistence.EntityManager createContainerManagedEntityManager(javax.persistence.EntityManager rawEntityManager,
                                                                                  EntityManagerPlusOperations plusOperations,
                                                                                  PersistenceExceptionTranslator exceptionTranslator)
Create an EntityManager that automatically joins transactions on each operation in a transaction.

rawEntityManager - raw EntityManager
plusOperations - an implementation of the EntityManagerPlusOperations interface, if those operations should be exposed (may be null)
exceptionTranslator - the exception translator to use for translating JPA commit/rollback exceptions during transaction synchronization (may be null)
a container-managed EntityManager that will automatically participate in any managed transaction


public static javax.persistence.EntityManager createContainerManagedEntityManager(javax.persistence.EntityManagerFactory emf)
Create an EntityManager that automatically joins transactions on each operation in a transaction.

emf - the EntityManagerFactory to create the EntityManager with. If this implements the EntityManagerFactoryInfo interface, appropriate handling of the native EntityManagerFactory and available EntityManagerPlusOperations will automatically apply.
a container-managed EntityManager that will automatically participate in any managed transaction
See Also:


public static javax.persistence.EntityManager createContainerManagedEntityManager(javax.persistence.EntityManagerFactory emf,
                                                                                  Map properties)
Create an EntityManager that automatically joins transactions on each operation in a transaction.

emf - the EntityManagerFactory to create the EntityManager with. If this implements the EntityManagerFactoryInfo interface, appropriate handling of the native EntityManagerFactory and available EntityManagerPlusOperations will automatically apply.
properties - the properties to be passed into the createEntityManager call (may be null)
a container-managed EntityManager that will automatically participate in any managed transaction
See Also:

The Spring Framework

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