The Spring Framework | |||||||||
Interface Summary | |
SessionFactory | The SessionFactory interface serves as factory for TopLink Sessions, allowing for dependency injection on thread-safe TopLink-based DAOs. |
TopLinkCallback | Callback interface for TopLink code. |
TopLinkOperations | Interface that specifies a basic set of TopLink operations,
implemented by TopLinkTemplate . |
Class Summary | |
AbstractSessionFactory | Abstract SessionFactory implementation that creates proxies for "managed" client Sessions and transaction-aware Session references. |
LocalSessionFactory | Convenient JavaBean-style factory for a TopLink SessionFactory instance. |
LocalSessionFactoryBean | Factory bean that configures a TopLink SessionFactory and provides it as bean reference. |
ServerSessionFactory | Full-fledged default implementation of the SessionFactory interface: creates ClientSessions for a given ServerSession. |
SessionBrokerSessionFactory | Spring SessionFactory implementation allowing users to inject a TopLink Session built from a TopLink SessionBroker. |
SessionFactoryUtils | Helper class featuring methods for TopLink Session handling, allowing for reuse of TopLink Session instances within transactions. |
SessionHolder | Session holder, wrapping a TopLink Session. |
SessionReadCallback | Convenient abstract implementation of the TopLinkCallback interface, exposing either the plain TopLink Session or the TopLink UnitOfWork (which extends the Session interface) to code that reads persistent objects. |
SingleSessionFactory | Simple implementation of the SessionFactory interface: always returns the passed-in Session as-is. |
TopLinkAccessor | Base class for TopLinkTemplate and TopLinkInterceptor, defining common properties such as SessionFactory and JDBC exception translator. |
TopLinkInterceptor | This interceptor binds a new TopLink Session to the thread before a method call, closing and removing it afterwards in case of any method outcome. |
TopLinkTemplate | Helper class that simplifies TopLink data access code, and converts
TopLinkExceptions into unchecked DataAccessExceptions, following the
org.springframework.dao exception hierarchy. |
TopLinkTransactionManager | PlatformTransactionManager implementation for a single TopLink SessionFactory. |
UnitOfWorkCallback | Convenient abstract implementation of the TopLinkCallback interface, exposing a UnitOfWork to perform write operations on. |
Exception Summary | |
TopLinkJdbcException | TopLink-specific subclass of DataAccessException, for JDBC exceptions that TopLink rethrew. |
TopLinkOptimisticLockingFailureException | TopLink-specific subclass of ObjectOptimisticLockingFailureException. |
TopLinkQueryException | TopLink-specific subclass of InvalidDataAccessResourceUsageException, thrown on invalid TopLink query syntax or behavior. |
TopLinkSystemException | TopLink-specific subclass of UncategorizedDataAccessException,
for TopLink system errors that do not match any concrete
org.springframework.dao exceptions. |
Package providing integration of Oracle TopLink with Spring concepts.
Contains SessionFactory helper classes, a template plus callback for TopLink access, and an implementation of Spring's transaction SPI for local TopLink transactions.
The Spring Framework | |||||||||