The Spring Framework

Interface SchedulingTaskExecutor

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
ConcurrentTaskExecutor, SimpleThreadPoolTaskExecutor, ThreadPoolTaskExecutor, TimerTaskExecutor, WorkManagerTaskExecutor

public interface SchedulingTaskExecutor
extends TaskExecutor

A TaskExecutor extension exposing scheduling characteristics that are relevant to potential task submitters.

Scheduling clients are encouraged to submit Runnables that match the exposed preferences of the TaskExecutor implementation in use.

Juergen Hoeller
See Also:
SchedulingAwareRunnable, TaskExecutor, WorkManagerTaskExecutor

Method Summary
 boolean prefersShortLivedTasks()
          Does this TaskExecutor prefer short-lived tasks over long-lived tasks?
Methods inherited from interface org.springframework.core.task.TaskExecutor

Method Detail


boolean prefersShortLivedTasks()
Does this TaskExecutor prefer short-lived tasks over long-lived tasks?

A SchedulingTaskExecutor implementation can indicate whether it prefers submitted tasks to perform as little work as they can within a single task execution. For example, submitted tasks might break a repeated loop into individual subtasks which submit a follow-up task afterwards (if feasible).

This should be considered a hint. Of course TaskExecutor clients are free to ignore this flag and hence the SchedulingTaskExecutor interface overall. However, thread pools will usually indicated a preference for short-lived tasks, to be able to perform more fine-grained scheduling.

true if this TaskExecutor prefers short-lived tasks

The Spring Framework

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