The Spring Framework

Package org.springframework.test

Superclasses for tests requiring Spring application contexts, including support for transactional execution of test cases, with automatic rollback on completion.


Class Summary
AbstractDependencyInjectionSpringContextTests Convenient superclass for tests depending on a Spring context.
AbstractSingleSpringContextTests Abstract JUnit test class that holds and exposes a single Spring ApplicationContext.
AbstractSpringContextTests Superclass for JUnit test cases using Spring ApplicationContexts.
AbstractTransactionalDataSourceSpringContextTests Subclass of AbstractTransactionalSpringContextTests that adds some convenience functionality for JDBC access.
AbstractTransactionalSpringContextTests Convenient superclass for tests that should occur in a transaction, but normally will roll the transaction back on the completion of each test.
AssertThrows Simple method object encapsulation of the 'test-for-Exception' scenario (for JUnit).
ConditionalTestCase Superclass for tests that allows conditional test execution at individual test method level.

Package org.springframework.test Description

Superclasses for tests requiring Spring application contexts, including support for transactional execution of test cases, with automatic rollback on completion. Useful as base classes for application-specific tests.

The superclasses in this package are ideal for integration testing. Unit testing should not normally involve the Spring container, but should test classes in isolation.

The Spring Framework

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