The Spring Framework

Interface TransactionStatus

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractTransactionStatus, DefaultTransactionStatus, SimpleTransactionStatus

public interface TransactionStatus
extends SavepointManager

Representation of the status of a transaction.

Transactional code can use this to retrieve status information, and to programmatically request a rollback (instead of throwing an exception that causes an implicit rollback).

Derives from the SavepointManager interface to provide access to savepoint management facilities. Note that savepoint management is only available if supported by the underlying transaction manager.

Juergen Hoeller
See Also:
PlatformTransactionManager, TransactionCallback.doInTransaction(org.springframework.transaction.TransactionStatus), TransactionAspectSupport.currentTransactionStatus(), setRollbackOnly()

Method Summary
 boolean hasSavepoint()
          Return whether this transaction internally carries a savepoint, that is, has been created as nested transaction based on a savepoint.
 boolean isCompleted()
          Return whether this transaction is completed, that is, whether it has already been committed or rolled back.
 boolean isNewTransaction()
          Return whether the present transaction is new (else participating in an existing transaction).
 boolean isRollbackOnly()
          Return whether the transaction has been marked as rollback-only (either by the application or by the transaction infrastructure).
 void setRollbackOnly()
          Set the transaction rollback-only.
Methods inherited from interface org.springframework.transaction.SavepointManager
createSavepoint, releaseSavepoint, rollbackToSavepoint

Method Detail


boolean isNewTransaction()
Return whether the present transaction is new (else participating in an existing transaction).


boolean hasSavepoint()
Return whether this transaction internally carries a savepoint, that is, has been created as nested transaction based on a savepoint.

This method is mainly here for diagnostic purposes, alongside isNewTransaction. For programmatic handling of custom savepoints, use SavepointManager's operations.

See Also:
isNewTransaction(), SavepointManager.createSavepoint(), SavepointManager.rollbackToSavepoint(Object), SavepointManager.releaseSavepoint(Object)


void setRollbackOnly()
Set the transaction rollback-only. This instructs the transaction manager that the only possible outcome of the transaction may be a rollback, as alternative to throwing an exception which would in turn trigger a rollback.

For transactions managed by TransactionTemplate or TransactionInterceptor, where the actual commit/rollback decision is made by the container.

See Also:
TransactionCallback.doInTransaction(org.springframework.transaction.TransactionStatus), TransactionAttribute.rollbackOn(java.lang.Throwable)


boolean isRollbackOnly()
Return whether the transaction has been marked as rollback-only (either by the application or by the transaction infrastructure).


boolean isCompleted()
Return whether this transaction is completed, that is, whether it has already been committed or rolled back.

The Spring Framework

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