The Spring Framework
Class ResourceBundleThemeSource

  extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:
HierarchicalThemeSource, ThemeSource

public class ResourceBundleThemeSource
extends Object
implements HierarchicalThemeSource

ThemeSource implementation that looks up an individual ResourceBundle per theme. The theme name gets interpreted as ResourceBundle basename, supporting a common basename prefix for all themes.

Jean-Pierre Pawlak, Juergen Hoeller
See Also:
setBasenamePrefix(java.lang.String), ResourceBundle, ResourceBundleMessageSource

Field Summary
protected  Log logger
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
protected  MessageSource createMessageSource(String basename)
          Create a MessageSource for the given basename, to be used as MessageSource for the corresponding theme.
 ThemeSource getParentThemeSource()
          Return the parent of this ThemeSource, or null if none.
 Theme getTheme(String themeName)
          This implementation returns a SimpleTheme instance, holding a ResourceBundle-based MessageSource whose basename corresponds to the given theme name (prefixed by the configured "basenamePrefix").
protected  void initParent(Theme theme)
          Initialize the MessageSource of the given theme with the one from the corresponding parent of this ThemeSource.
 void setBasenamePrefix(String basenamePrefix)
          Set the prefix that gets applied to the ResourceBundle basenames, i.e. the theme names.
 void setParentThemeSource(ThemeSource parent)
          Set the parent that will be used to try to resolve theme messages that this object can't resolve.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected final Log logger
Constructor Detail


public ResourceBundleThemeSource()
Method Detail


public void setParentThemeSource(ThemeSource parent)
Description copied from interface: HierarchicalThemeSource
Set the parent that will be used to try to resolve theme messages that this object can't resolve.

Specified by:
setParentThemeSource in interface HierarchicalThemeSource
parent - the parent ThemeSource that will be used to resolve messages that this object can't resolve. May be null, in which case no further resolution is possible.


public ThemeSource getParentThemeSource()
Description copied from interface: HierarchicalThemeSource
Return the parent of this ThemeSource, or null if none.

Specified by:
getParentThemeSource in interface HierarchicalThemeSource


public void setBasenamePrefix(String basenamePrefix)
Set the prefix that gets applied to the ResourceBundle basenames, i.e. the theme names. E.g.: basenamePrefix="test.", themeName="theme" -> basename="test.theme".

basenamePrefix - prefix for ResourceBundle basenames
See Also:


public Theme getTheme(String themeName)
This implementation returns a SimpleTheme instance, holding a ResourceBundle-based MessageSource whose basename corresponds to the given theme name (prefixed by the configured "basenamePrefix").

SimpleTheme instances are cached per theme name. Use a reloadable MessageSource if themes should reflect changes to the underlying files.

Specified by:
getTheme in interface ThemeSource
themeName - name of the theme
the respective Theme, or null if none defined
See Also:
setBasenamePrefix(java.lang.String), createMessageSource(java.lang.String)


protected MessageSource createMessageSource(String basename)
Create a MessageSource for the given basename, to be used as MessageSource for the corresponding theme.

Default implementation creates a ResourceBundleMessageSource. for the given basename. A subclass could create a specifically configured ReloadableResourceBundleMessageSource, for example.

basename - the basename to create a MessageSource for
the MessageSource
See Also:
ResourceBundleMessageSource, ReloadableResourceBundleMessageSource


protected void initParent(Theme theme)
Initialize the MessageSource of the given theme with the one from the corresponding parent of this ThemeSource.

The Spring Framework

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