The Spring Framework

Class DefaultPropertiesPersister

  extended by org.springframework.util.DefaultPropertiesPersister
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class DefaultPropertiesPersister
extends Object
implements PropertiesPersister

Default implementation of the PropertiesPersister interface. Follows the native parsing of java.util.Properties.

Allows for reading from any Reader and writing to any Writer, for example to specify a charset for a properties file. This is a capability that standard java.util.Properties unfortunately lacks: You can only load files using the ISO-8859-1 charset there.

Loading from and storing to a stream delegates to Properties.load and, respectively, to be fully compatible with the Unicode conversion as implemented by the JDK Properties class.

The persistence code that works with Reader/Writer follows the JDK's parsing strategy but does not implement Unicode conversion, because the Reader/Writer should already apply proper decoding/encoding of characters. If you use prefer to escape unicode characters in your properties files, do not specify an encoding for a Reader/Writer (like ReloadableResourceBundleMessageSource's "defaultEncoding" and "fileEncodings" properties).

As of Spring 1.2.2, this implementation also supports properties XML files, through the loadFromXml and storeToXml methods. The default implementations delegate to JDK 1.5's corresponding methods, throwing an exception if running on an older JDK. Those implementations could be subclassed to apply custom XML handling on JDK 1.4, for example.

Juergen Hoeller
See Also:
Properties, Properties.load(,, java.lang.String), ReloadableResourceBundleMessageSource.setPropertiesPersister(org.springframework.util.PropertiesPersister), ReloadableResourceBundleMessageSource.setDefaultEncoding(java.lang.String), ReloadableResourceBundleMessageSource.setFileEncodings(java.util.Properties)

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
protected  boolean endsWithContinuationMarker(String line)
protected  String escape(String str, boolean isKey)
 void load(Properties props, InputStream is)
          Load properties from the given InputStream into the given Properties object.
 void load(Properties props, Reader reader)
          Load properties from the given Reader into the given Properties object.
 void loadFromXml(Properties props, InputStream is)
          Load properties from the given XML InputStream into the given Properties object.
 void store(Properties props, OutputStream os, String header)
          Write the contents of the given Properties object to the given OutputStream.
 void store(Properties props, Writer writer, String header)
          Write the contents of the given Properties object to the given Writer.
 void storeToXml(Properties props, OutputStream os, String header)
          Write the contents of the given Properties object to the given XML OutputStream.
 void storeToXml(Properties props, OutputStream os, String header, String encoding)
          Write the contents of the given Properties object to the given XML OutputStream.
protected  String unescape(String str)
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public DefaultPropertiesPersister()
Method Detail


public void load(Properties props,
                 InputStream is)
          throws IOException
Description copied from interface: PropertiesPersister
Load properties from the given InputStream into the given Properties object.

Specified by:
load in interface PropertiesPersister
props - the Properties object to load into
is - the InputStream to load from
IOException - in case of I/O errors
See Also:


public void load(Properties props,
                 Reader reader)
          throws IOException
Description copied from interface: PropertiesPersister
Load properties from the given Reader into the given Properties object.

Specified by:
load in interface PropertiesPersister
props - the Properties object to load into
reader - the Reader to load from
IOException - in case of I/O errors


protected boolean endsWithContinuationMarker(String line)


protected String unescape(String str)


public void store(Properties props,
                  OutputStream os,
                  String header)
           throws IOException
Description copied from interface: PropertiesPersister
Write the contents of the given Properties object to the given OutputStream.

Specified by:
store in interface PropertiesPersister
props - the Properties object to store
os - the OutputStream to write to
header - the description of the property list
IOException - in case of I/O errors
See Also:, java.lang.String)


public void store(Properties props,
                  Writer writer,
                  String header)
           throws IOException
Description copied from interface: PropertiesPersister
Write the contents of the given Properties object to the given Writer.

Specified by:
store in interface PropertiesPersister
props - the Properties object to store
writer - the Writer to write to
header - the description of the property list
IOException - in case of I/O errors


protected String escape(String str,
                        boolean isKey)


public void loadFromXml(Properties props,
                        InputStream is)
                 throws IOException
Description copied from interface: PropertiesPersister
Load properties from the given XML InputStream into the given Properties object.

Specified by:
loadFromXml in interface PropertiesPersister
props - the Properties object to load into
is - the InputStream to load from
IOException - in case of I/O errors
See Also:


public void storeToXml(Properties props,
                       OutputStream os,
                       String header)
                throws IOException
Description copied from interface: PropertiesPersister
Write the contents of the given Properties object to the given XML OutputStream.

Specified by:
storeToXml in interface PropertiesPersister
props - the Properties object to store
os - the OutputStream to write to
header - the description of the property list
IOException - in case of I/O errors
See Also:
Properties.storeToXML(, String)


public void storeToXml(Properties props,
                       OutputStream os,
                       String header,
                       String encoding)
                throws IOException
Description copied from interface: PropertiesPersister
Write the contents of the given Properties object to the given XML OutputStream.

Specified by:
storeToXml in interface PropertiesPersister
props - the Properties object to store
os - the OutputStream to write to
header - the description of the property list
encoding - the encoding to use
IOException - in case of I/O errors
See Also:
Properties.storeToXML(, String, String)

The Spring Framework

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