The Spring Framework

Package org.springframework.jms.listener.serversession

This package contains the ServerSessionMessageListenerContainer implementation, based on the standard JMS ServerSessionPool API.


Interface Summary
ListenerSessionManager SPI interface for creating and executing JMS Sessions, pre-populated with a specific MessageListener.
ServerSessionFactory SPI interface to be implemented by components that manage JMS ServerSessions.

Class Summary
AbstractPoolingServerSessionFactory Abstract base class for ServerSessionFactory implementations that pool ServerSessionFactory instances.
CommonsPoolServerSessionFactory ServerSessionFactory implementation that holds ServerSessions in a configurable Jakarta Commons Pool.
ServerSessionMessageListenerContainer Message listener container that builds on the JMS ServerSessionPool SPI, creating JMS ServerSessions through a pluggable ServerSessionFactory.
ServerSessionMessageListenerContainer102 A subclass of ServerSessionMessageListenerContainer that uses the JMS 1.0.2 specification, rather than the JMS 1.1 methods used by ServerSessionMessageListenerContainer itself.
SimpleServerSessionFactory The simplest possible implementation of the ServerSessionFactory SPI: creating a new ServerSession with a new JMS Session every time.

Package org.springframework.jms.listener.serversession Description

This package contains the ServerSessionMessageListenerContainer implementation, based on the standard JMS ServerSessionPool API.

The Spring Framework

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