The Spring Framework

Uses of Class

Packages that use JndiObjectLocator
org.springframework.ejb.access This package contains classes that allow easy access to EJBs. 
org.springframework.jndi The classes in this package make JNDI easier to use, facilitating the accessing of configuration stored in JNDI, and provide useful superclasses for JNDI access classes. 
org.springframework.remoting.rmi Remoting classes for conventional RMI and transparent remoting via RMI invokers. 

Uses of JndiObjectLocator in org.springframework.ejb.access

Subclasses of JndiObjectLocator in org.springframework.ejb.access
 class AbstractRemoteSlsbInvokerInterceptor
          Superclass for interceptors proxying remote Stateless Session Beans.
 class AbstractSlsbInvokerInterceptor
          Superclass for AOP interceptors invoking local or remote Stateless Session Beans.
 class LocalSlsbInvokerInterceptor
          Invoker for a local Stateless Session Bean.
 class LocalStatelessSessionProxyFactoryBean
          Convenient factory for local Stateless Session Bean (SLSB) proxies.
 class SimpleRemoteSlsbInvokerInterceptor
          Basic invoker for a remote Stateless Session Bean.
 class SimpleRemoteStatelessSessionProxyFactoryBean
          Convenient factory for remote SLSB proxies.

Uses of JndiObjectLocator in org.springframework.jndi

Subclasses of JndiObjectLocator in org.springframework.jndi
 class JndiObjectFactoryBean
          FactoryBean that looks up a JNDI object.
 class JndiObjectTargetSource
          AOP TargetSource that provides configurable JNDI lookups for getTarget() calls.

Uses of JndiObjectLocator in org.springframework.remoting.rmi

Subclasses of JndiObjectLocator in org.springframework.remoting.rmi
 class JndiRmiClientInterceptor
          Interceptor for accessing RMI services from JNDI.
 class JndiRmiProxyFactoryBean
          Factory bean for RMI proxies from JNDI.

The Spring Framework

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