The Spring Framework

Uses of Class

Packages that use RemoteAccessor
org.springframework.remoting.caucho This package provides remoting classes for Caucho's Hessian and Burlap protocols: a proxy factory for accessing Hessian/Burlap services, and an exporter for making beans available to Hessian/Burlap clients. 
org.springframework.remoting.httpinvoker Remoting classes for transparent Java-to-Java remoting via HTTP invokers. 
org.springframework.remoting.rmi Remoting classes for conventional RMI and transparent remoting via RMI invokers. Generic support classes for remoting implementations. 

Uses of RemoteAccessor in org.springframework.remoting.caucho

Subclasses of RemoteAccessor in org.springframework.remoting.caucho
 class BurlapClientInterceptor
          Interceptor for accessing a Burlap service.
 class BurlapProxyFactoryBean
          FactoryBean for Burlap proxies.
 class HessianClientInterceptor
          Interceptor for accessing a Hessian service.
 class HessianProxyFactoryBean
          FactoryBean for Hessian proxies.

Uses of RemoteAccessor in org.springframework.remoting.httpinvoker

Subclasses of RemoteAccessor in org.springframework.remoting.httpinvoker
 class HttpInvokerClientInterceptor
          Interceptor for accessing an HTTP invoker service.
 class HttpInvokerProxyFactoryBean
          FactoryBean for HTTP invoker proxies.

Uses of RemoteAccessor in org.springframework.remoting.rmi

Subclasses of RemoteAccessor in org.springframework.remoting.rmi
 class RmiClientInterceptor
          Interceptor for accessing conventional RMI services or RMI invokers.
 class RmiProxyFactoryBean
          FactoryBean for RMI proxies, supporting both conventional RMI services and RMI invokers.

Uses of RemoteAccessor in

Subclasses of RemoteAccessor in
 class RemoteInvocationBasedAccessor
          Abstract base class for remote service accessors that are based on serialization of RemoteInvocation objects.
 class UrlBasedRemoteAccessor
          Abstract base class for classes that access remote services via URLs.

The Spring Framework

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