The Spring Framework

Interface HierarchicalThemeSource

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
DelegatingThemeSource, ResourceBundleThemeSource

public interface HierarchicalThemeSource
extends ThemeSource

Sub-interface of ThemeSource to be implemented by objects that can resolve theme messages hierarchically.

Jean-Pierre Pawlak, Juergen Hoeller

Method Summary
 ThemeSource getParentThemeSource()
          Return the parent of this ThemeSource, or null if none.
 void setParentThemeSource(ThemeSource parent)
          Set the parent that will be used to try to resolve theme messages that this object can't resolve.
Methods inherited from interface org.springframework.ui.context.ThemeSource

Method Detail


void setParentThemeSource(ThemeSource parent)
Set the parent that will be used to try to resolve theme messages that this object can't resolve.

parent - the parent ThemeSource that will be used to resolve messages that this object can't resolve. May be null, in which case no further resolution is possible.


ThemeSource getParentThemeSource()
Return the parent of this ThemeSource, or null if none.

The Spring Framework

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