The Spring Framework

Package org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation

Support package for annotation-driven bean configuration.


Class Summary
AnnotationBeanWiringInfoResolver BeanWiringInfoResolver that uses the Configurable annotation to identify which classes need autowiring.
RequiredAnnotationBeanPostProcessor BeanPostProcessor implementation that enforces required JavaBean properties to have been configured.

Enum Summary
Autowire Enumeration determining autowiring status: that is, whether a bean should have its dependencies automatically injected by the Spring container using setter injection.

Annotation Types Summary
Configurable Marks a class as being eligible for Spring-driven configuration.
Required Marks a method (typically a JavaBean setter method) as being 'required': that is, the setter method must be configured to be dependency-injected with a value.

Package org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation Description

Support package for annotation-driven bean configuration.

The Spring Framework

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