The Spring Framework

Package org.springframework.test.annotation

Support classes for annotation-driven tests.


Interface Summary
ProfileValueSource Strategy interface for retrieving profile values for a given testing environment.

Class Summary
AbstractAnnotationAwareTransactionalTests Java 5 specific subclass of AbstractTransactionalDataSourceSpringContextTests, exposing a SimpleJdbcTemplate and obeying annotations for transaction control.
SystemProfileValueSource Implementation of ProfileValueSource which uses system properties as the underlying source.

Annotation Types Summary
DirtiesContext Test annotation to indicate that a test method dirties the context for the current test.
ExpectedException Test annotation to indicate that a test method is required to throw one or more of these exceptions.
IfProfileValue Test annotation to indicate that a test is enabled for a specific testing environment.
NotTransactional Test annotation to indicate that a method is not transactional
Repeat Test annotation to indicate that a test method should be invoked repeatedly.
Timed Test-specific annotation to indicate that a test method has to finish execution in a specified time period.

Package org.springframework.test.annotation Description

Support classes for annotation-driven tests.

The Spring Framework

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