The Spring Framework

Class DocumentDefaultsDefinition

  extended by org.springframework.beans.factory.xml.DocumentDefaultsDefinition
All Implemented Interfaces:
BeanMetadataElement, DefaultsDefinition

public class DocumentDefaultsDefinition
extends Object
implements DefaultsDefinition

Simple JavaBean that holds the defaults specified at the %lt;beans> level in a standard Spring XML bean definition document: default-lazy-init, default-autowire, etc

Juergen Hoeller

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 String getAutowire()
          Return the default autowire setting for the document that's currently parsed.
 String getAutowireCandidates()
          Return the default autowire-candidate pattern for the document that's currently parsed.
 String getDependencyCheck()
          Return the default dependency-check setting for the document that's currently parsed.
 String getDestroyMethod()
          Return the default destroy-method setting for the document that's currently parsed.
 String getInitMethod()
          Return the default init-method setting for the document that's currently parsed.
 String getLazyInit()
          Return the default lazy-init flag for the document that's currently parsed.
 String getMerge()
          Return the default merge setting for the document that's currently parsed.
 Object getSource()
          Return the configuration source Object for this metadata element (may be null).
 void setAutowire(String autowire)
          Set the default autowire setting for the document that's currently parsed.
 void setAutowireCandidates(String autowireCandidates)
          Set the default autowire-candidate pattern for the document that's currently parsed.
 void setDependencyCheck(String dependencyCheck)
          Set the default dependency-check setting for the document that's currently parsed.
 void setDestroyMethod(String destroyMethod)
          Set the default destroy-method setting for the document that's currently parsed.
 void setInitMethod(String initMethod)
          Set the default init-method setting for the document that's currently parsed.
 void setLazyInit(String lazyInit)
          Set the default lazy-init flag for the document that's currently parsed.
 void setMerge(String merge)
          Set the default merge setting for the document that's currently parsed.
 void setSource(Object source)
          Set the configuration source Object for this metadata element.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public DocumentDefaultsDefinition()
Method Detail


public void setLazyInit(String lazyInit)
Set the default lazy-init flag for the document that's currently parsed.


public String getLazyInit()
Return the default lazy-init flag for the document that's currently parsed.


public void setMerge(String merge)
Set the default merge setting for the document that's currently parsed.


public String getMerge()
Return the default merge setting for the document that's currently parsed.


public void setAutowire(String autowire)
Set the default autowire setting for the document that's currently parsed.


public String getAutowire()
Return the default autowire setting for the document that's currently parsed.


public void setDependencyCheck(String dependencyCheck)
Set the default dependency-check setting for the document that's currently parsed.


public String getDependencyCheck()
Return the default dependency-check setting for the document that's currently parsed.


public void setAutowireCandidates(String autowireCandidates)
Set the default autowire-candidate pattern for the document that's currently parsed. Also accepts a comma-separated list of patterns.


public String getAutowireCandidates()
Return the default autowire-candidate pattern for the document that's currently parsed. May also return a comma-separated list of patterns.


public void setInitMethod(String initMethod)
Set the default init-method setting for the document that's currently parsed.


public String getInitMethod()
Return the default init-method setting for the document that's currently parsed.


public void setDestroyMethod(String destroyMethod)
Set the default destroy-method setting for the document that's currently parsed.


public String getDestroyMethod()
Return the default destroy-method setting for the document that's currently parsed.


public void setSource(Object source)
Set the configuration source Object for this metadata element.

The exact type of the object will depend on the configuration mechanism used.


public Object getSource()
Description copied from interface: BeanMetadataElement
Return the configuration source Object for this metadata element (may be null).

Specified by:
getSource in interface BeanMetadataElement

The Spring Framework

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