The Spring Framework
Class MessageSourceResourceBundle

  extended by java.util.ResourceBundle
      extended by

public class MessageSourceResourceBundle
extends ResourceBundle

Helper class that allows for accessing a Spring MessageSource as a ResourceBundle. Used for example to expose a Spring MessageSource to JSTL web views.

Juergen Hoeller
See Also:
MessageSource, ResourceBundle, JstlUtils.exposeLocalizationContext(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest, org.springframework.context.MessageSource)

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class java.util.ResourceBundle
Field Summary
Fields inherited from class java.util.ResourceBundle
Constructor Summary
MessageSourceResourceBundle(MessageSource source, Locale locale)
          Create a new MessageSourceResourceBundle for the given MessageSource and Locale.
MessageSourceResourceBundle(MessageSource source, Locale locale, ResourceBundle parent)
          Create a new MessageSourceResourceBundle for the given MessageSource and Locale.
Method Summary
 Enumeration getKeys()
          This implementation returns null, as a MessageSource does not allow for enumerating the defined message codes.
protected  Object handleGetObject(String code)
          This implementation resolves the code in the MessageSource.
Methods inherited from class java.util.ResourceBundle
clearCache, clearCache, containsKey, getBundle, getBundle, getBundle, getBundle, getBundle, getBundle, getLocale, getObject, getString, getStringArray, handleKeySet, keySet, setParent
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public MessageSourceResourceBundle(MessageSource source,
                                   Locale locale)
Create a new MessageSourceResourceBundle for the given MessageSource and Locale.

source - the MessageSource to retrieve messages from
locale - the Locale to retrieve messages for


public MessageSourceResourceBundle(MessageSource source,
                                   Locale locale,
                                   ResourceBundle parent)
Create a new MessageSourceResourceBundle for the given MessageSource and Locale.

source - the MessageSource to retrieve messages from
locale - the Locale to retrieve messages for
parent - the parent ResourceBundle to delegate to if no local message found
Method Detail


protected Object handleGetObject(String code)
This implementation resolves the code in the MessageSource. Returns null if the message could not be resolved.

Specified by:
handleGetObject in class ResourceBundle


public Enumeration getKeys()
This implementation returns null, as a MessageSource does not allow for enumerating the defined message codes.

Specified by:
getKeys in class ResourceBundle

The Spring Framework

Copyright © 2002-2007 The Spring Framework.