The Spring Framework

Uses of Package

Packages that use org.springframework.jca.endpoint
org.springframework.jca.endpoint This package provides a facility for generic JCA message endpoint management. 
org.springframework.jms.listener.endpoint This package provides JCA-based endpoint management for JMS message listeners. 

Classes in org.springframework.jca.endpoint used by org.springframework.jca.endpoint
          Abstract base implementation of the JCA 1.5 MessageEndpointFactory interface, providing transaction management capabilities as well as ClassLoader exposure for endpoint invocations.
          Inner class for actual endpoint implementations, based on template method to allow for any kind of concrete endpoint implementation.

Classes in org.springframework.jca.endpoint used by org.springframework.jms.listener.endpoint
          Abstract base implementation of the JCA 1.5 MessageEndpointFactory interface, providing transaction management capabilities as well as ClassLoader exposure for endpoint invocations.
          Inner class for actual endpoint implementations, based on template method to allow for any kind of concrete endpoint implementation.
          Generic bean that manages JCA 1.5 message endpoints within a Spring application context, activating and deactivating the endpoint as part of the application context's lifecycle.

The Spring Framework

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