The Spring Framework

Class JmsInvokerServiceExporter

  extended by
      extended by
          extended by org.springframework.jms.remoting.JmsInvokerServiceExporter
All Implemented Interfaces:
BeanClassLoaderAware, InitializingBean, SessionAwareMessageListener

public class JmsInvokerServiceExporter
extends RemoteInvocationBasedExporter
implements SessionAwareMessageListener, InitializingBean

JMS message listener that exports the specified service bean as a JMS service endpoint, accessible via a JMS invoker proxy.

Note that this class implements Spring's SessionAwareMessageListener interface, since it requires access to the active JMS Session. Hence, this class can only be used with message listener containers which support the SessionAwareMessageListener interface (e.g. Spring's DefaultMessageListenerContainer).

Thanks to James Strachan for the original prototype that this JMS invoker mechanism was inspired by!

Juergen Hoeller, James Strachan
See Also:
JmsInvokerClientInterceptor, JmsInvokerProxyFactoryBean

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void afterPropertiesSet()
          Invoked by a BeanFactory after it has set all bean properties supplied (and satisfied BeanFactoryAware and ApplicationContextAware).
protected  Message createResponseMessage(Message requestMessage, Session session, RemoteInvocationResult result)
          Create the invocation result response message.
protected  RemoteInvocation onInvalidRequest(Message requestMessage)
          Callback that is invoked by readRemoteInvocation(javax.jms.Message) when it encounters an invalid request message.
 void onMessage(Message requestMessage, Session session)
          Callback for processing a received JMS message.
protected  RemoteInvocation readRemoteInvocation(Message requestMessage)
          Read a RemoteInvocation from the given JMS message.
 void setIgnoreInvalidRequests(boolean ignoreInvalidRequests)
          Set whether invalidly formatted messages should be discarded.
 void setMessageConverter(MessageConverter messageConverter)
          Specify the MessageConverter to use for turning request messages into RemoteInvocation objects, as well as RemoteInvocationResult objects into response messages.
protected  void writeRemoteInvocationResult(Message requestMessage, Session session, RemoteInvocationResult result)
          Send the given RemoteInvocationResult as a JMS message to the originator.
Methods inherited from class
getRemoteInvocationExecutor, invoke, invokeAndCreateResult, setRemoteInvocationExecutor
Methods inherited from class
checkService, checkServiceInterface, getBeanClassLoader, getExporterName, getProxyForService, getService, getServiceInterface, isRegisterTraceInterceptor, overrideThreadContextClassLoader, resetThreadContextClassLoader, setBeanClassLoader, setRegisterTraceInterceptor, setService, setServiceInterface
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public JmsInvokerServiceExporter()
Method Detail


public void setMessageConverter(MessageConverter messageConverter)
Specify the MessageConverter to use for turning request messages into RemoteInvocation objects, as well as RemoteInvocationResult objects into response messages.

Default is a SimpleMessageConverter, using a standard JMS ObjectMessage for each invocation / invocation result object.

Custom implementations may generally adapt Serializables into special kinds of messages, or might be specifically tailored for translating RemoteInvocation(Result)s into specific kinds of messages.


public void setIgnoreInvalidRequests(boolean ignoreInvalidRequests)
Set whether invalidly formatted messages should be discarded. Default is "true".

Switch this flag to "false" to throw an exception back to the listener container. This will typically lead to redelivery of the message, which is usually undesirable - since the message content will be the same (that is, still invalid).


public void afterPropertiesSet()
Description copied from interface: InitializingBean
Invoked by a BeanFactory after it has set all bean properties supplied (and satisfied BeanFactoryAware and ApplicationContextAware).

This method allows the bean instance to perform initialization only possible when all bean properties have been set and to throw an exception in the event of misconfiguration.

Specified by:
afterPropertiesSet in interface InitializingBean


public void onMessage(Message requestMessage,
                      Session session)
               throws JMSException
Description copied from interface: SessionAwareMessageListener
Callback for processing a received JMS message.

Implementors are supposed to process the given Message, typically sending reply messages through the given Session.

Specified by:
onMessage in interface SessionAwareMessageListener
requestMessage - the received JMS message (never null)
session - the underlying JMS Session (never null)
JMSException - if thrown by JMS methods


protected RemoteInvocation readRemoteInvocation(Message requestMessage)
                                         throws JMSException
Read a RemoteInvocation from the given JMS message.

requestMessage - current request message
the RemoteInvocation object (or null in case of an invalid message that will simply be ignored)
JMSException - in case of message access failure


protected void writeRemoteInvocationResult(Message requestMessage,
                                           Session session,
                                           RemoteInvocationResult result)
                                    throws JMSException
Send the given RemoteInvocationResult as a JMS message to the originator.

requestMessage - current request message
session - the JMS Session to use
result - the RemoteInvocationResult object
JMSException - if thrown by trying to send the message


protected Message createResponseMessage(Message requestMessage,
                                        Session session,
                                        RemoteInvocationResult result)
                                 throws JMSException
Create the invocation result response message.

The default implementation creates a JMS ObjectMessage for the given RemoteInvocationResult object.

requestMessage - the original request message
session - the JMS session to use
result - the invocation result
the message response to send
JMSException - if creating the messsage failed


protected RemoteInvocation onInvalidRequest(Message requestMessage)
                                     throws JMSException
Callback that is invoked by readRemoteInvocation(javax.jms.Message) when it encounters an invalid request message.

The default implementation either discards the invalid message or throws a MessageFormatException - according to the "ignoreInvalidRequests" flag, which is set to "true" (that is, discard invalid messages) by default.

requestMessage - the invalid request message
the RemoteInvocation to expose for the invalid request (typically null in case of an invalid message that will simply be ignored)
JMSException - in case of the invalid request supposed to lead to an exception (instead of ignoring it)
See Also:
readRemoteInvocation(javax.jms.Message), setIgnoreInvalidRequests(boolean)

The Spring Framework

Copyright © 2002-2007 The Spring Framework.