The Spring Framework | |||||||||
Interface Summary | |
EntityManagerFactoryInfo | Metadata interface for a Spring-managed EntityManagerFactory. |
EntityManagerFactoryPlus | Extension of the standard JPA EntityManagerFactory interface, linking in Spring's EntityManagerFactoryPlusOperations interface which defines additional operations (beyond JPA 1.0) in a vendor-independent fashion. |
EntityManagerFactoryPlusOperations | Interface that defines common operations beyond the standard JPA EntityManagerFactory interface, in a vendor-independent fashion. |
EntityManagerPlus | Extension of the standard JPA EntityManager interface, linking in Spring's EntityManagerPlusOperations interface which defines additional operations (beyond JPA 1.0) in a vendor-independent fashion. |
EntityManagerPlusOperations | Interface that defines common operations beyond the standard JPA EntityManager interface, in a vendor-independent fashion. |
EntityManagerProxy | Subinterface of EntityManager to be implemented by
EntityManager proxies. |
JpaCallback | Callback interface for JPA code. |
JpaDialect | SPI strategy that encapsulates certain functionality that standard JPA 1.0 does not offer, such as access to the underlying JDBC Connection. |
JpaOperations | Interface that specifies a basic set of JPA operations,
implemented by JpaTemplate . |
JpaVendorAdapter | SPI interface that allows to plug in vendor-specific behavior into Spring's EntityManagerFactory creators. |
Class Summary | |
AbstractEntityManagerFactoryBean | Abstract FactoryBean that
creates a local JPA EntityManagerFactory
instance within a Spring application context. |
DefaultJpaDialect | Default implementation of the JpaDialect interface. |
EntityManagerFactoryAccessor | Base class for any class that needs to access an EntityManagerFactory, usually in order to obtain an EntityManager. |
EntityManagerFactoryUtils | Helper class featuring methods for JPA EntityManager handling, allowing for reuse of EntityManager instances within transactions. |
EntityManagerHolder | Holder wrapping a JPA EntityManager. |
ExtendedEntityManagerCreator | Factory for dynamic EntityManager proxies that follow the JPA spec's semantics for "extended" EntityManagers. |
JpaAccessor | Base class for JpaTemplate and JpaInterceptor, defining common properties such as EntityManagerFactory and flushing behavior. |
JpaInterceptor | This interceptor binds a new JPA EntityManager to the thread before a method call, closing and removing it afterwards in case of any method outcome. |
JpaTemplate | Helper class that allows for writing JPA data access code in the same style as with Spring's well-known JdoTemplate and HibernateTemplate classes. |
JpaTransactionManager | PlatformTransactionManager implementation
for a single JPA EntityManagerFactory . |
LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean | FactoryBean that creates a JPA
EntityManagerFactory according to JPA's standard
container bootstrap contract. |
LocalEntityManagerFactoryBean | FactoryBean that creates a JPA
EntityManagerFactory according to JPA's standard
standalone bootstrap contract. |
SharedEntityManagerCreator | Factory for a shared JPA EntityManager for a given EntityManagerFactory. |
Exception Summary | |
JpaObjectRetrievalFailureException | JPA-specific subclass of ObjectRetrievalFailureException. |
JpaOptimisticLockingFailureException | JPA-specific subclass of ObjectOptimisticLockingFailureException. |
JpaSystemException | JPA-specific subclass of UncategorizedDataAccessException,
for JPA system errors that do not match any concrete
org.springframework.dao exceptions. |
Package providing integration of JPA (Java Persistence API) with Spring concepts. Contains EntityManagerFactory helper classes, a template plus callback for JPA access, and an implementation of Spring's transaction SPI for local JPA transactions.
The Spring Framework | |||||||||