The Spring Framework

Uses of Class

Packages that use RemoteAccessException
org.springframework.jms.remoting Remoting classes for transparent Java-to-Java remoting via a JMS provider. 
org.springframework.remoting Exception hierarchy for Spring's remoting infrastructure, independent of any specific remote method invocation system. 
org.springframework.remoting.caucho This package provides remoting classes for Caucho's Hessian and Burlap protocols: a proxy factory for accessing Hessian/Burlap services, and an exporter for making beans available to Hessian/Burlap clients. 
org.springframework.remoting.httpinvoker Remoting classes for transparent Java-to-Java remoting via HTTP invokers. 
org.springframework.remoting.jaxrpc Remoting classes for Web Services via JAX-RPC. 
org.springframework.remoting.jaxws Remoting classes for Web Services via JAX-WS (the successor of JAX-RPC), as included in Java 6 and Java EE 5. 
org.springframework.remoting.soap SOAP-specific exceptions and support classes for Spring's remoting subsystem. 

Uses of RemoteAccessException in org.springframework.jms.remoting

Methods in org.springframework.jms.remoting that return RemoteAccessException
protected  RemoteAccessException JmsInvokerClientInterceptor.convertJmsInvokerAccessException(JMSException ex)
          Convert the given JMS invoker access exception to an appropriate Spring RemoteAccessException.

Uses of RemoteAccessException in org.springframework.remoting

Subclasses of RemoteAccessException in org.springframework.remoting
 class RemoteConnectFailureException
          RemoteAccessException subclass to be thrown when no connection could be established with a remote service.
 class RemoteInvocationFailureException
          RemoteAccessException subclass to be thrown when the execution of the target method failed on the server side, for example when a method was not found on the target object.
 class RemoteLookupFailureException
          RemoteAccessException subclass to be thrown in case of a lookup failure, typically if the lookup happens on demand for each method invocation.
 class RemoteProxyFailureException
          RemoteAccessException subclass to be thrown in case of a failure within the client-side proxy for a remote service, for example when a method was not found on the underlying RMI stub.

Uses of RemoteAccessException in org.springframework.remoting.caucho

Methods in org.springframework.remoting.caucho that return RemoteAccessException
protected  RemoteAccessException BurlapClientInterceptor.convertBurlapAccessException(Throwable ex)
          Convert the given Burlap access exception to an appropriate Spring RemoteAccessException.
protected  RemoteAccessException HessianClientInterceptor.convertHessianAccessException(Throwable ex)
          Convert the given Hessian access exception to an appropriate Spring RemoteAccessException.

Uses of RemoteAccessException in org.springframework.remoting.httpinvoker

Methods in org.springframework.remoting.httpinvoker that return RemoteAccessException
protected  RemoteAccessException HttpInvokerClientInterceptor.convertHttpInvokerAccessException(Throwable ex)
          Convert the given HTTP invoker access exception to an appropriate Spring RemoteAccessException.

Uses of RemoteAccessException in org.springframework.remoting.jaxrpc

Subclasses of RemoteAccessException in org.springframework.remoting.jaxrpc
 class JaxRpcSoapFaultException
          Spring SoapFaultException adapter for the JAX-RPC SOAPFaultException class.

Uses of RemoteAccessException in org.springframework.remoting.jaxws

Subclasses of RemoteAccessException in org.springframework.remoting.jaxws
 class JaxWsSoapFaultException
          Spring SoapFaultException adapter for the JAX-WS SOAPFaultException class.

Uses of RemoteAccessException in org.springframework.remoting.soap

Subclasses of RemoteAccessException in org.springframework.remoting.soap
 class SoapFaultException
          RemoteInvocationFailureException subclass that provides the details of a SOAP fault.

The Spring Framework

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