The Spring Framework

Class AbstractJpaTests

  extended by junit.framework.Assert
      extended by junit.framework.TestCase
          extended by org.springframework.test.ConditionalTestCase
              extended by org.springframework.test.AbstractSpringContextTests
                  extended by org.springframework.test.AbstractSingleSpringContextTests
                      extended by org.springframework.test.AbstractDependencyInjectionSpringContextTests
                          extended by org.springframework.test.AbstractTransactionalSpringContextTests
                              extended by org.springframework.test.AbstractTransactionalDataSourceSpringContextTests
                                  extended by org.springframework.test.annotation.AbstractAnnotationAwareTransactionalTests
                                      extended by org.springframework.test.jpa.AbstractJpaTests
All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:

public abstract class AbstractJpaTests
extends AbstractAnnotationAwareTransactionalTests

Convenient support class for JPA-related tests. Offers the same contract as AbstractTransactionalDataSourceSpringContextTests and equally good performance, even when performing the instrumentation required by the JPA specification.

Exposes an EntityManagerFactory and a shared EntityManager. Requires an EntityManagerFactory to be injected, plus the DataSource and JpaTransactionManager through the superclass.

When using Xerces, make sure a post 2.0.2 version is available on the classpath to avoid a critical bug that leads to StackOverflow. Maven users are likely to encounter this problem since 2.0.2 is used by default.

A workaround is to explicitly specify the Xerces version inside the Maven pom:


Rod Johnson, Rob Harrop, Juergen Hoeller

Field Summary
protected  javax.persistence.EntityManagerFactory entityManagerFactory
protected  javax.persistence.EntityManager sharedEntityManager
          Subclasses can use this in test cases.
Fields inherited from class org.springframework.test.annotation.AbstractAnnotationAwareTransactionalTests
profileValueSource, simpleJdbcTemplate
Fields inherited from class org.springframework.test.AbstractTransactionalDataSourceSpringContextTests
Fields inherited from class org.springframework.test.AbstractTransactionalSpringContextTests
transactionDefinition, transactionManager, transactionStatus
Fields inherited from class org.springframework.test.AbstractDependencyInjectionSpringContextTests
Fields inherited from class org.springframework.test.AbstractSingleSpringContextTests
Fields inherited from class org.springframework.test.ConditionalTestCase
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
protected  String cacheKeys()
protected  javax.persistence.EntityManager createContainerManagedEntityManager()
          Create an EntityManager that will always automatically enlist itself in current transactions, in contrast to an EntityManager returned by EntityManagerFactory.createEntityManager() (which requires an explicit joinTransaction() call).
protected  ClassLoader createShadowingClassLoader(ClassLoader classLoader)
          NB: This method must not have a return type of ShadowingClassLoader as that would cause that class to be loaded eagerly when this test case loads, creating verify errors at runtime.
protected  void customizeResourceOverridingShadowingClassLoader(ClassLoader shadowingClassLoader)
          Customize the shadowing class loader.
protected  String getActualOrmXmlLocation()
          Subclasses can override this to return the real location path for orm.xml or null if they do not wish to find any orm.xml
 void runBare()
          Overridden to populate transaction definition from annotations.
 void setDirty()
          Called to say that the "applicationContext" instance variable is dirty and should be reloaded.
 void setEntityManagerFactory(javax.persistence.EntityManagerFactory entityManagerFactory)
protected  boolean shouldUseShadowLoader()
          Subclasses should override this method if they wish to disable shadow class loading.
Methods inherited from class org.springframework.test.annotation.AbstractAnnotationAwareTransactionalTests
findUniqueProfileValueSourceFromContext, getTestMethod, isDisabledInThisEnvironment, isRollback, setDataSource
Methods inherited from class org.springframework.test.AbstractTransactionalDataSourceSpringContextTests
countRowsInTable, deleteFromTables, executeSqlScript, getJdbcTemplate, setComplete
Methods inherited from class org.springframework.test.AbstractTransactionalSpringContextTests
endTransaction, isDefaultRollback, onSetUp, onSetUpBeforeTransaction, onSetUpInTransaction, onTearDown, onTearDownAfterTransaction, onTearDownInTransaction, preventTransaction, setDefaultRollback, setTransactionDefinition, setTransactionManager, startNewTransaction
Methods inherited from class org.springframework.test.AbstractDependencyInjectionSpringContextTests
getAutowireMode, injectDependencies, isDependencyCheck, isPopulateProtectedVariables, prepareTestInstance, setAutowireMode, setDependencyCheck, setPopulateProtectedVariables
Methods inherited from class org.springframework.test.AbstractSingleSpringContextTests
contextKey, createApplicationContext, createBeanDefinitionReader, customizeBeanFactory, getApplicationContext, getConfigLocations, getConfigPath, getConfigPaths, getLoadCount, loadContext, loadContextLocations, setUp, tearDown
Methods inherited from class org.springframework.test.AbstractSpringContextTests
addContext, contextKeyString, getContext, hasCachedContext, isContextKeyEmpty, setDirty
Methods inherited from class org.springframework.test.ConditionalTestCase
getDisabledTestCount, isDisabledInThisEnvironment, recordDisabled
Methods inherited from class junit.framework.TestCase
countTestCases, createResult, getName, run, run, runTest, setName, toString
Methods inherited from class junit.framework.Assert
assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertFalse, assertFalse, assertNotNull, assertNotNull, assertNotSame, assertNotSame, assertNull, assertNull, assertSame, assertSame, assertTrue, assertTrue, fail, fail, failNotEquals, failNotSame, failSame, format
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected javax.persistence.EntityManagerFactory entityManagerFactory


protected javax.persistence.EntityManager sharedEntityManager
Subclasses can use this in test cases. It will participate in any current transaction.

Constructor Detail


public AbstractJpaTests()
Method Detail


public void setEntityManagerFactory(javax.persistence.EntityManagerFactory entityManagerFactory)


protected javax.persistence.EntityManager createContainerManagedEntityManager()
Create an EntityManager that will always automatically enlist itself in current transactions, in contrast to an EntityManager returned by EntityManagerFactory.createEntityManager() (which requires an explicit joinTransaction() call).


protected boolean shouldUseShadowLoader()
Subclasses should override this method if they wish to disable shadow class loading.

The default implementation deactivates shadow class loading if Spring's InstrumentationSavingAgent has been configured on VM startup.


public void setDirty()
Description copied from class: AbstractSingleSpringContextTests
Called to say that the "applicationContext" instance variable is dirty and should be reloaded. We need to do this if a test has modified the context (for example, by replacing a bean definition).

setDirty in class AbstractSingleSpringContextTests


public void runBare()
             throws Throwable
Description copied from class: AbstractAnnotationAwareTransactionalTests
Overridden to populate transaction definition from annotations.

runBare in class AbstractAnnotationAwareTransactionalTests


protected String cacheKeys()


protected ClassLoader createShadowingClassLoader(ClassLoader classLoader)
NB: This method must not have a return type of ShadowingClassLoader as that would cause that class to be loaded eagerly when this test case loads, creating verify errors at runtime.


protected void customizeResourceOverridingShadowingClassLoader(ClassLoader shadowingClassLoader)
Customize the shadowing class loader.

shadowingClassLoader - this parameter is actually of type ResourceOverridingShadowingClassLoader, and can safely to be cast to that type. However, the signature must not be of that type as that would cause the present class loader to load that type.


protected String getActualOrmXmlLocation()
Subclasses can override this to return the real location path for orm.xml or null if they do not wish to find any orm.xml

orm.xml path or null to hide any such file

The Spring Framework

Copyright © 2002-2007 The Spring Framework.