The Spring Framework

Interface WebRequestInterceptor

All Known Implementing Classes:
Log4jNestedDiagnosticContextInterceptor, OpenEntityManagerInViewInterceptor, OpenPersistenceManagerInViewInterceptor, OpenSessionInViewInterceptor

public interface WebRequestInterceptor

Interface for general web request interception. Allows for being applied to Servlet request as well as Portlet request environments, through building on the WebRequest abstraction.

This interface assumes MVC-style request processing: A handler gets executed, exposes a set of model objects, then a view gets rendered based on that model. Alternatively, a handler may also process the request completely, with no view to be rendered.

This interface is deliberatly minimalistic to keep the dependencies of generic request interceptors as minimal as feasible.

NOTE: While this interceptor is applied to the entire request processing in a Servlet environment, it is by default only applied to the render phase in a Portlet environment, preparing and rendering a Portlet view. To apply WebRequestInterceptors to the action phase as well, set the HandlerMapping's "applyWebRequestInterceptorsToRenderPhaseOnly" flag to "false". Alternatively, consider using the Portlet-specific HandlerInterceptor mechanism for such needs.

Juergen Hoeller
See Also:
ServletWebRequest, DispatcherServlet, AbstractHandlerMapping.setInterceptors(java.lang.Object[]), HandlerInterceptor, PortletWebRequest, DispatcherPortlet, AbstractHandlerMapping.setInterceptors(java.lang.Object[]), AbstractHandlerMapping.setApplyWebRequestInterceptorsToRenderPhaseOnly(boolean), HandlerInterceptor

Method Summary
 void afterCompletion(WebRequest request, Exception ex)
          Callback after completion of request processing, that is, after rendering the view.
 void postHandle(WebRequest request, ModelMap model)
          Intercept the execution of a request handler after its successful invocation, right before view rendering (if any).
 void preHandle(WebRequest request)
          Intercept the execution of a request handler before its invocation.

Method Detail


void preHandle(WebRequest request)
               throws Exception
Intercept the execution of a request handler before its invocation.

Allows for preparing context resources (such as a Hibernate Session) and expose them as request attributes or as thread-local objects.

request - the current web request
Exception - in case of errors


void postHandle(WebRequest request,
                ModelMap model)
                throws Exception
Intercept the execution of a request handler after its successful invocation, right before view rendering (if any).

Allows for modifying context resources after successful handler execution (for example, flushing a Hibernate Session).

request - the current web request
model - the map of model objects that will be exposed to the view (may be null). Can be used to analyze the exposed model and/or to add further model attributes, if desired.
Exception - in case of errors


void afterCompletion(WebRequest request,
                     Exception ex)
                     throws Exception
Callback after completion of request processing, that is, after rendering the view. Will be called on any outcome of handler execution, thus allows for proper resource cleanup.

Note: Will only be called if this interceptor's preHandle method has successfully completed!

request - the current web request
ex - exception thrown on handler execution, if any
Exception - in case of errors

The Spring Framework

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