The Spring Framework

Class DefaultRequestToViewNameTranslator

  extended by org.springframework.web.servlet.view.DefaultRequestToViewNameTranslator
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class DefaultRequestToViewNameTranslator
extends Object
implements RequestToViewNameTranslator

RequestToViewNameTranslator that simply transforms the URI of the incoming request into a view name.

Can be explicitly defined as the "viewNameTranslator" bean in a DispatcherServlet context. Otherwise, a plain default instance will be used.

The default transformation simply strips the leading slash and file extension of the URI and returns the result as the view name with the configured "prefix" and a "suffix" added as appropriate.

The stripping of the leading slash and file extension can be disabled using the "stripLeadingSlash" and "stripExtension" properties, respectively.

Find below some examples of request to view name translation.

http://localhost:8080/gamecast/display.html -> display
 http://localhost:8080/gamecast/displayShoppingCart.html -> displayShoppingCart
 http://localhost:8080/gamecast/admin/index.html -> admin/index

Rob Harrop, Juergen Hoeller
See Also:
RequestToViewNameTranslator, ViewResolver

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 String getViewName(HttpServletRequest request)
          Translates the request URI of the incoming HttpServletRequest into the view name based on the configured parameters.
 void setAlwaysUseFullPath(boolean alwaysUseFullPath)
          Set if URL lookup should always use the full path within the current servlet context.
 void setPrefix(String prefix)
          Set the prefix to prepend to generated view names.
 void setSeparator(String separator)
          Set the value that will replace '/' as the separator in the view name.
 void setStripExtension(boolean stripExtension)
          Set whether or not file extensions should be stripped from the URI when generating the view name.
 void setStripLeadingSlash(boolean stripLeadingSlash)
          Set whether or not leading slashes should be stripped from the URI when generating the view name.
 void setSuffix(String suffix)
          Set the suffix to append to generated view names.
 void setUrlDecode(boolean urlDecode)
          Set if the context path and request URI should be URL-decoded.
 void setUrlPathHelper(UrlPathHelper urlPathHelper)
          Set the UrlPathHelper to use for the resolution of lookup paths.
protected  String transformPath(String lookupPath)
          Transform the request URI (in the context of the webapp) stripping slashes and extensions, and replacing the separator as required.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public DefaultRequestToViewNameTranslator()
Method Detail


public void setPrefix(String prefix)
Set the prefix to prepend to generated view names.

prefix - the prefix to prepend to generated view names


public void setSuffix(String suffix)
Set the suffix to append to generated view names.

suffix - the suffix to append to generated view names


public void setSeparator(String separator)
Set the value that will replace '/' as the separator in the view name. The default behavior simply leaves '/' as the separator.

separator - the desired separator value


public void setStripLeadingSlash(boolean stripLeadingSlash)
Set whether or not leading slashes should be stripped from the URI when generating the view name. Default is "true".

stripLeadingSlash - true if leading slashes are to be stripped


public void setStripExtension(boolean stripExtension)
Set whether or not file extensions should be stripped from the URI when generating the view name. Default is "true".

stripExtension - true if file extensions should be stripped


public void setAlwaysUseFullPath(boolean alwaysUseFullPath)
Set if URL lookup should always use the full path within the current servlet context. Else, the path within the current servlet mapping is used if applicable (i.e. in the case of a ".../*" servlet mapping in web.xml). Default is "false".

alwaysUseFullPath - true if URL lookup should always use the full path
See Also:


public void setUrlDecode(boolean urlDecode)
Set if the context path and request URI should be URL-decoded. Both are returned undecoded by the Servlet API, in contrast to the servlet path.

Uses either the request encoding or the default encoding according to the Servlet spec (ISO-8859-1).

See Also:


public void setUrlPathHelper(UrlPathHelper urlPathHelper)
Set the UrlPathHelper to use for the resolution of lookup paths.

Use this to override the default UrlPathHelper with a custom subclass, or to share common UrlPathHelper settings across multiple web components.

urlPathHelper - the desired helper
IllegalArgumentException - if the supplied UrlPathHelper is null


public String getViewName(HttpServletRequest request)
Translates the request URI of the incoming HttpServletRequest into the view name based on the configured parameters.

Specified by:
getViewName in interface RequestToViewNameTranslator
request - the incoming HttpServletRequest providing the context from which a view name is to be resolved
the view name (or null if no default found)
See Also:
UrlPathHelper.getLookupPathForRequest(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest), transformPath(java.lang.String)


protected String transformPath(String lookupPath)
Transform the request URI (in the context of the webapp) stripping slashes and extensions, and replacing the separator as required.

lookupPath - the lookup path for the current request, as determined by the UrlPathHelper
the transformed path, with slashes and extensions stripped if desired

The Spring Framework

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