The Spring Framework | |||||||||
Packages that use InitializingBean | |
org.springframework.aop.framework | Package containing Spring's basic AOP infrastructure, compliant with the AOP Alliance interfaces. |
org.springframework.beans.factory.config | SPI interfaces and configuration-related convenience classes for bean factories. |
org.springframework.beans.factory.serviceloader | Support package for the JDK 1.6 ServiceLoader facility. |
org.springframework.beans.factory.wiring | Mechanism to determine bean wiring metadata from a bean instance. |
org.springframework.cache.ehcache | Support classes for the open source cache EHCache, allowing to set up an EHCache CacheManager and Caches as beans in a Spring context. |
org.springframework.context.event | Support classes for application events, like standard context events. |
org.springframework.context.support | Classes supporting the org.springframework.context package, such as abstract base classes for ApplicationContext implementations and a MessageSource implementation. |
org.springframework.dao.support | Support classes for DAO implementations, providing miscellaneous utility methods. |
org.springframework.ejb.access | This package contains classes that allow easy access to EJBs. |
org.springframework.jca.cci.connection | Provides a utility class for easy ConnectionFactory access, a PlatformTransactionManager for local CCI transactions, and various simple ConnectionFactory proxies/adapters. |
org.springframework.jca.cci.core.support | Classes supporting the org.springframework.jca.cci.core package. |
org.springframework.jca.cci.object | The classes in this package represent EIS operations as threadsafe, reusable objects. |
org.springframework.jca.endpoint | This package provides a facility for generic JCA message endpoint management. |
org.springframework.jca.support | Provides generic support classes for JCA usage within Spring, mainly for local setup of a JCA ResourceAdapter and/or ConnectionFactory. |
org.springframework.jca.work | Convenience classes for scheduling based on the JCA 1.5 WorkManager facility, as supported within JCA 1.5 ResourceAdapters. |
org.springframework.jca.work.glassfish | Convenience package for obtaining a GlassFish JCA WorkManager for use in web applications. |
org.springframework.jca.work.jboss | Convenience package for obtaining a JBoss JCA WorkManager for use in web applications. |
org.springframework.jdbc.core | Provides the core JDBC framework, based on JdbcTemplate and its associated callback interfaces and helper objects. |
org.springframework.jdbc.core.namedparam | JdbcTemplate variant with named parameter support. |
org.springframework.jdbc.core.simple | Simplification layer over JdbcTemplate for Java 5 and above. |
org.springframework.jdbc.core.support | Classes supporting the org.springframework.jdbc.core package. |
org.springframework.jdbc.datasource | Provides a utility class for easy DataSource access, a PlatformTransactionManager for a single DataSource, and various simple DataSource implementations. |
org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.lookup | Provides a strategy for looking up JDBC DataSources by name. |
org.springframework.jdbc.object | The classes in this package represent RDBMS queries, updates, and stored procedures as threadsafe, reusable objects. |
org.springframework.jdbc.support | Support classes for the JDBC framework, used by the classes in the jdbc.core and jdbc.object packages. |
org.springframework.jdbc.support.incrementer | Provides a support framework for incrementing database table values via sequences, with implementations for various databases. |
org.springframework.jms.connection | Provides a PlatformTransactionManager implementation for a single JMS ConnectionFactory, and a SingleConnectionFactory adapter. |
org.springframework.jms.core | Core package of the JMS support. |
org.springframework.jms.core.support | Classes supporting the org.springframework.jms.core package. |
org.springframework.jms.listener | This package contains the base message listener container facility. |
org.springframework.jms.listener.endpoint | This package provides JCA-based endpoint management for JMS message listeners. |
org.springframework.jms.listener.serversession | This package contains the ServerSessionMessageListenerContainer implementation, based on the standard JMS ServerSessionPool API. |
org.springframework.jms.remoting | Remoting classes for transparent Java-to-Java remoting via a JMS provider. |
org.springframework.jms.support | This package provides generic JMS support classes, to be used by higher-level classes like JmsTemplate. |
org.springframework.jms.support.destination | Support classes for Spring's JMS framework. |
org.springframework.jmx.access | Provides support for accessing remote MBean resources. |
org.springframework.jmx.export | This package provides declarative creation and registration of Spring-managed beans as JMX MBeans. |
org.springframework.jmx.export.annotation | JDK 1.5+ annotations for MBean exposure. |
org.springframework.jmx.export.assembler | Provides a strategy for MBeanInfo assembly. |
org.springframework.jmx.export.metadata | Provides generic JMX metadata classes and basic support for reading JMX metadata in a provider-agnostic manner. |
org.springframework.jmx.export.naming | Provides a strategy for ObjectName creation. |
org.springframework.jmx.support | Contains support classes for connecting to local and remote MBeanServer s
and for exposing an MBeanServer to remote clients. |
org.springframework.jndi | The classes in this package make JNDI easier to use, facilitating the accessing of configuration stored in JNDI, and provide useful superclasses for JNDI access classes. |
org.springframework.mail.javamail | JavaMail support for Spring's mail infrastructure. |
org.springframework.orm.hibernate3 | Package providing integration of Hibernate3 with Spring concepts. |
org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.annotation | Support package for the Hibernate3 Annotation add-on, which supports EJB3-compliant JDK 1.5+ annotations for mappings. |
org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.support | Classes supporting the org.springframework.orm.hibernate3 package. |
org.springframework.orm.ibatis | Package providing integration of iBATIS Database Layer with Spring concepts. |
org.springframework.orm.ibatis.support | Classes supporting the org.springframework.orm.ibatis package. |
org.springframework.orm.jdo | Package providing integration of JDO (Java Date Objects) with Spring concepts. |
org.springframework.orm.jdo.support | Classes supporting the org.springframework.orm.jdo package. |
org.springframework.orm.jpa | Package providing integration of JPA (Java Persistence API) with Spring concepts. |
org.springframework.orm.jpa.persistenceunit | Internal support for managing JPA persistence units. |
org.springframework.orm.jpa.support | Classes supporting the org.springframework.orm.jpa package. |
org.springframework.orm.toplink | Package providing integration of Oracle TopLink with Spring concepts. |
org.springframework.orm.toplink.support | Classes supporting the org.springframework.orm.toplink package. |
org.springframework.remoting.caucho | This package provides remoting classes for Caucho's Hessian and Burlap protocols: a proxy factory for accessing Hessian/Burlap services, and an exporter for making beans available to Hessian/Burlap clients. |
org.springframework.remoting.httpinvoker | Remoting classes for transparent Java-to-Java remoting via HTTP invokers. |
org.springframework.remoting.jaxrpc | Remoting classes for Web Services via JAX-RPC. |
org.springframework.remoting.jaxws | Remoting classes for Web Services via JAX-WS (the successor of JAX-RPC), as included in Java 6 and Java EE 5. |
org.springframework.remoting.rmi | Remoting classes for conventional RMI and transparent remoting via RMI invokers. |
org.springframework.remoting.support | Generic support classes for remoting implementations. |
org.springframework.scheduling.backportconcurrent | Scheduling convenience classes for the JSR-166 backport Executor mechanism, allowing to set up a ThreadPoolExecutor or ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor as bean in a Spring context. |
org.springframework.scheduling.commonj | Convenience classes for scheduling based on the CommonJ WorkManager/TimerManager facility, as supported by IBM WebSphere 6.0+ and BEA WebLogic 9.0+. |
org.springframework.scheduling.quartz | Support classes for the open source scheduler Quartz, allowing to set up Quartz Schedulers, JobDetails and Triggers as beans in a Spring context. |
org.springframework.scheduling.support | Generic support classes for scheduling. |
org.springframework.scheduling.timer | Scheduling convenience classes for the JDK Timer, allowing to set up Timers and ScheduledTimerTasks as beans in a Spring context. |
org.springframework.transaction.interceptor | AOP-based solution for declarative transaction demarcation. |
org.springframework.transaction.jta | Transaction SPI implementation for JTA. |
org.springframework.transaction.support | Support classes for the org.springframework.transaction package. |
org.springframework.ui.freemarker | Support classes for setting up FreeMarker within a Spring application context. |
org.springframework.ui.velocity | Support classes for setting up Velocity within a Spring application context. |
org.springframework.web.context.support | Classes supporting the org.springframework.web.context package,
such as WebApplicationContext implementations and various utility classes. |
org.springframework.web.filter | Provides generic filter base classes allowing for bean-style configuration. |
org.springframework.web.multipart.support | Support classes for the multipart resolution framework. |
org.springframework.web.portlet.context | Support for Spring's application context concept in a portlet environment, including ApplicationContext implementations and various utility classes. |
org.springframework.web.portlet.mvc | Standard controller implementations for the portlet MVC framework that comes with Spring. |
org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc | Standard controller implementations for the servlet MVC framework that comes with Spring. |
org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.multiaction | Package allowing MVC Controller implementations to handle requests at method rather than class level. |
org.springframework.web.servlet.view | Provides standard View and ViewResolver implementations, including abstract base classes for custom implementations. |
org.springframework.web.servlet.view.document | Support classes for document generation, providing View implementations for PDF and Excel. |
org.springframework.web.servlet.view.freemarker | Support classes for the integration of FreeMarker as Spring web view technology. |
org.springframework.web.servlet.view.jasperreports | Support classes for the integration of JasperReports as Spring web view technology. |
org.springframework.web.servlet.view.tiles | Support classes for the integration of Tiles (included in Struts) as Spring web view technology. |
org.springframework.web.servlet.view.velocity | Support classes for the integration of Velocity as Spring web view technology. |
org.springframework.web.servlet.view.xslt | Support classes for XSLT, providing a View implementation for XSLT stylesheets. |
Uses of InitializingBean in org.springframework.aop.framework |
Classes in org.springframework.aop.framework that implement InitializingBean | |
class |
Convenient proxy factory bean superclass for proxy factory beans that create only singletons. |
Uses of InitializingBean in org.springframework.beans.factory.config |
Classes in org.springframework.beans.factory.config that implement InitializingBean | |
class |
Simple template superclass for FactoryBean implementations that
creates a singleton or a prototype object, depending on a flag. |
class |
Factory bean for commons-logging Log instances. |
class |
FactoryBean which retrieves a static or non-static field value. |
class |
Simple factory for shared List instances. |
class |
Simple factory for shared Map instances. |
class |
FactoryBean which returns a value which is the result of a static or instance method invocation. |
class |
A FactoryBean implementation that
returns a value which is an ObjectFactory
that in turn returns a bean sourced from a BeanFactory . |
class |
Subclass of PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer that supports JDK 1.4's Preferences API ( java.util.prefs ). |
class |
Allows for making a properties file from a classpath location available as Properties instance in a bean factory. |
class |
A FactoryBean implementation that
takes an interface which must have one or more methods with
the signatures MyType xxx() or MyType xxx(MyIdType id)
(typically, MyService getService() or MyService getService(String id) )
and creates a dynamic proxy which implements that interface, delegating to an
underlying BeanFactory . |
class |
Simple factory for shared Set instances. |
Uses of InitializingBean in org.springframework.beans.factory.serviceloader |
Classes in org.springframework.beans.factory.serviceloader that implement InitializingBean | |
class |
Abstract base class for FactoryBeans operating on the JDK 1.6 ServiceLoader facility. |
class |
FactoryBean that exposes the
'primary' service for the configured service class, obtained through
the JDK 1.6 ServiceLoader facility. |
class |
FactoryBean that exposes all
services for the configured service class, represented as a List of service objects,
obtained through the JDK 1.6 ServiceLoader facility. |
class |
FactoryBean that exposes the
JDK 1.6 ServiceLoader for the configured service class. |
Uses of InitializingBean in org.springframework.beans.factory.wiring |
Classes in org.springframework.beans.factory.wiring that implement InitializingBean | |
class |
Convenient base class for configurers that can perform Dependency Injection on objects (however they may be created). |
Uses of InitializingBean in org.springframework.cache.ehcache |
Classes in org.springframework.cache.ehcache that implement InitializingBean | |
class |
FactoryBean that creates a named EHCache Cache instance
(or a decorator that implements the Ehcache interface),
representing a cache region within an EHCache CacheManager . |
class |
FactoryBean that exposes an EHCache CacheManager instance
(independent or shared), configured from a specified config location. |
Uses of InitializingBean in org.springframework.context.event |
Classes in org.springframework.context.event that implement InitializingBean | |
class |
Interceptor that publishes an
ApplicationEvent to all ApplicationListeners
registered with an ApplicationEventPublisher after each
successful method invocation. |
Uses of InitializingBean in org.springframework.context.support |
Classes in org.springframework.context.support that implement InitializingBean | |
class |
AbstractRefreshableApplicationContext subclass that adds common handling
of specified config locations. |
class |
Convenient base class for ApplicationContext
implementations, drawing configuration from XML documents containing bean definitions
understood by an XmlBeanDefinitionReader . |
class |
Standalone XML application context, taking the context definition files from the class path, interpreting plain paths as class path resource names that include the package path (e.g. |
class |
Standalone XML application context, taking the context definition files from the file system or from URLs, interpreting plain paths as relative file system locations (e.g. |
class |
FactoryBean that creates a Map with String keys and Resource values from properties, interpreting passed-in String values as resource locations. |
Uses of InitializingBean in org.springframework.dao.support |
Classes in org.springframework.dao.support that implement InitializingBean | |
class |
Generic base class for DAOs, defining template methods for DAO initialization. |
class |
AOP Alliance MethodInterceptor that provides persistence exception translation based on a given PersistenceExceptionTranslator. |
Uses of InitializingBean in org.springframework.ejb.access |
Classes in org.springframework.ejb.access that implement InitializingBean | |
class |
Base class for interceptors proxying remote Stateless Session Beans. |
class |
Base class for AOP interceptors invoking local or remote Stateless Session Beans. |
class |
Invoker for a local Stateless Session Bean. |
class |
Convenient factory for local Stateless Session Bean (SLSB) proxies. |
class |
Basic invoker for a remote Stateless Session Bean. |
class |
Convenient factory for remote SLSB proxies. |
Uses of InitializingBean in org.springframework.jca.cci.connection |
Classes in org.springframework.jca.cci.connection that implement InitializingBean | |
class |
PlatformTransactionManager implementation
that manages local transactions for a single CCI ConnectionFactory. |
class |
An adapter for a target CCI ConnectionFactory ,
applying the given ConnectionSpec to every standard getConnection()
call, that is, implicitly invoking getConnection(ConnectionSpec)
on the target. |
class |
CCI ConnectionFactory implementation that delegates all calls
to a given target ConnectionFactory . |
class |
A CCI ConnectionFactory adapter that returns the same Connection on all getConnection calls, and ignores calls to
Connection.close() . |
class |
Proxy for a target CCI ConnectionFactory , adding
awareness of Spring-managed transactions. |
Uses of InitializingBean in org.springframework.jca.cci.core.support |
Classes in org.springframework.jca.cci.core.support that implement InitializingBean | |
class |
Convenient super class for CCI-based data access objects. |
Uses of InitializingBean in org.springframework.jca.cci.object |
Classes in org.springframework.jca.cci.object that implement InitializingBean | |
class |
Base class for EIS operation objects that work with the CCI API. |
class |
EIS operation object for access to COMMAREA records. |
class |
EIS operation object that expects mapped input and output objects, converting to and from CCI Records. |
class |
EIS operation object that accepts a passed-in CCI input Record and returns a corresponding CCI output Record. |
Uses of InitializingBean in org.springframework.jca.endpoint |
Classes in org.springframework.jca.endpoint that implement InitializingBean | |
class |
Generic bean that manages JCA 1.5 message endpoints within a Spring application context, activating and deactivating the endpoint as part of the application context's lifecycle. |
Uses of InitializingBean in org.springframework.jca.support |
Classes in org.springframework.jca.support that implement InitializingBean | |
class |
FactoryBean that creates
a local JCA connection factory in "non-managed" mode (as defined by the
Java Connector Architecture specification). |
class |
FactoryBean that bootstraps
the specified JCA 1.5 ResourceAdapter ,
starting it with a local BootstrapContext
and exposing it for bean references. |
Uses of InitializingBean in org.springframework.jca.work |
Classes in org.springframework.jca.work that implement InitializingBean | |
class |
TaskExecutor implementation
that delegates to a JCA 1.5 WorkManager, implementing the
WorkManager interface. |
Uses of InitializingBean in org.springframework.jca.work.glassfish |
Classes in org.springframework.jca.work.glassfish that implement InitializingBean | |
class |
Spring TaskExecutor adapter for the GlassFish JCA WorkManager. |
Uses of InitializingBean in org.springframework.jca.work.jboss |
Classes in org.springframework.jca.work.jboss that implement InitializingBean | |
class |
Spring TaskExecutor adapter for the JBoss JCA WorkManager. |
Uses of InitializingBean in org.springframework.jdbc.core |
Classes in org.springframework.jdbc.core that implement InitializingBean | |
class |
This is the central class in the JDBC core package. |
Uses of InitializingBean in org.springframework.jdbc.core.namedparam |
Classes in org.springframework.jdbc.core.namedparam that implement InitializingBean | |
class |
Extension of JdbcDaoSupport that exposes a NamedParameterJdbcTemplate as well. |
Uses of InitializingBean in org.springframework.jdbc.core.simple |
Classes in org.springframework.jdbc.core.simple that implement InitializingBean | |
class |
Extension of JdbcDaoSupport
that exposes a SimpleJdbcTemplate as well. |
Uses of InitializingBean in org.springframework.jdbc.core.support |
Classes in org.springframework.jdbc.core.support that implement InitializingBean | |
class |
Convenient super class for JDBC-based data access objects. |
Uses of InitializingBean in org.springframework.jdbc.datasource |
Classes in org.springframework.jdbc.datasource that implement InitializingBean | |
class |
implementation for a single JDBC DataSource . |
class |
JDBC DataSource implementation that delegates all calls
to a given target DataSource . |
class |
An adapter for a target DataSource , applying the current
Spring transaction's isolation level (and potentially specified user credentials)
to every getConnection call. |
class |
Proxy for a target DataSource, fetching actual JDBC Connections lazily, i.e. not until first creation of a Statement. |
class |
Proxy for a target JDBC DataSource , adding awareness of
Spring-managed transactions. |
class |
An adapter for a target JDBC DataSource , applying the specified
user credentials to every standard getConnection() call, implicitly
invoking getConnection(username, password) on the target. |
class |
DataSource implementation that delegates all calls to a WebSphere
target DataSource , typically obtained from JNDI, applying a current
isolation level and/or current user credentials to every Connection obtained
from it. |
Uses of InitializingBean in org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.lookup |
Classes in org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.lookup that implement InitializingBean | |
class |
Abstract DataSource implementation that routes AbstractRoutingDataSource.getConnection()
calls to one of various target DataSources based on a lookup key. |
class |
DataSource that routes to one of various target DataSources based on the current transaction isolation level. |
Uses of InitializingBean in org.springframework.jdbc.object |
Classes in org.springframework.jdbc.object that implement InitializingBean | |
class |
SqlUpdate subclass that performs batch update operations. |
class |
Reusable query in which concrete subclasses must implement the abstract mapRow(ResultSet, int) method to convert each row of the JDBC ResultSet into an object. |
class |
Reusable RDBMS query in which concrete subclasses must implement the abstract mapRow(ResultSet, int) method to map each row of the JDBC ResultSet into an object. |
class |
An "RDBMS operation" is a multi-threaded, reusable object representing a query, update, or stored procedure call. |
class |
RdbmsOperation using a JdbcTemplate and representing a SQL-based call such as a stored procedure or a stored function. |
class |
SQL "function" wrapper for a query that returns a single row of results. |
class |
Operation object representing a SQL-based operation such as a query or update, as opposed to a stored procedure. |
class |
Reusable operation object representing a SQL query. |
class |
Reusable operation object representing a SQL update. |
class |
Superclass for object abstractions of RDBMS stored procedures. |
class |
Reusable RDBMS query in which concrete subclasses must implement the abstract updateRow(ResultSet, int, context) method to update each row of the JDBC ResultSet and optionally map contents into an object. |
Uses of InitializingBean in org.springframework.jdbc.support |
Classes in org.springframework.jdbc.support that implement InitializingBean | |
class |
Bean that checks if a database has already started up. |
class |
Base class for JdbcTemplate and
other JDBC-accessing DAO helpers, defining common properties such as
DataSource and exception translator. |
Uses of InitializingBean in org.springframework.jdbc.support.incrementer |
Classes in org.springframework.jdbc.support.incrementer that implement InitializingBean | |
class |
Abstract base class for DataFieldMaxValueIncrementer implementations that use
a column in a custom sequence table. |
class |
Base implementation of DataFieldMaxValueIncrementer that delegates
to a single AbstractDataFieldMaxValueIncrementer.getNextKey() template method that returns a long . |
class |
Abstract base class for DataFieldMaxValueIncrementer implementations that use
a database sequence. |
class |
DataFieldMaxValueIncrementer that retrieves the next value of a given sequence
on DB2/390 or DB2/400. |
class |
DataFieldMaxValueIncrementer that retrieves the next value of a given sequence
on DB2 UDB (for Unix and Windows). |
class |
DataFieldMaxValueIncrementer that increments the maximum value of a given Derby table
with the equivalent of an auto-increment column. |
class |
DataFieldMaxValueIncrementer that retrieves the next value of a given H2 Database sequence. |
class |
DataFieldMaxValueIncrementer that increments the maximum value of a given HSQL table
with the equivalent of an auto-increment column. |
class |
DataFieldMaxValueIncrementer that retrieves the next value of a given HSQL sequence. |
class |
DataFieldMaxValueIncrementer that increments the maximum value of a given MySQL table
with the equivalent of an auto-increment column. |
class |
DataFieldMaxValueIncrementer that retrieves the next value of a given Oracle sequence. |
class |
DataFieldMaxValueIncrementer that retrieves the next value of a given PostgreSQL sequence. |
class |
DataFieldMaxValueIncrementer that increments the maximum value of a given SQL Server table
with the equivalent of an auto-increment column. |
class |
DataFieldMaxValueIncrementer that increments the maximum value of a given SQL Server table
with the equivalent of an auto-increment column. |
Uses of InitializingBean in org.springframework.jms.connection |
Classes in org.springframework.jms.connection that implement InitializingBean | |
class |
SingleConnectionFactory subclass that adds Session
caching as well MessageProducer caching. |
class |
PlatformTransactionManager implementation
for a single JMS ConnectionFactory . |
class |
A subclass of JmsTransactionManager for the JMS 1.0.2 specification,
not relying on JMS 1.1 methods like JmsTransactionManager itself. |
class |
A subclass of SingleConnectionFactory for the JMS 1.0.2 specification,
not relying on JMS 1.1 methods like SingleConnectionFactory itself. |
class |
An adapter for a target JMS ConnectionFactory , applying the
given user credentials to every standard createConnection() call,
that is, implicitly invoking createConnection(username, password)
on the target. |
Uses of InitializingBean in org.springframework.jms.core |
Classes in org.springframework.jms.core that implement InitializingBean | |
class |
Helper class that simplifies synchronous JMS access code. |
class |
A subclass of JmsTemplate for the JMS 1.0.2 specification, not relying
on JMS 1.1 methods like JmsTemplate itself. |
Uses of InitializingBean in org.springframework.jms.core.support |
Classes in org.springframework.jms.core.support that implement InitializingBean | |
class |
Convenient super class for application classes that need JMS access. |
Uses of InitializingBean in org.springframework.jms.listener |
Classes in org.springframework.jms.listener that implement InitializingBean | |
class |
Common base class for all containers which need to implement listening based on a JMS Connection (either shared or freshly obtained for each attempt). |
class |
Abstract base class for message listener containers. |
class |
Base class for listener container implementations which are based on polling. |
class |
Message listener container variant that uses plain JMS client API, specifically a loop of MessageConsumer.receive() calls that also allow for
transactional reception of messages (registering them with XA transactions). |
class |
A subclass of DefaultMessageListenerContainer for the JMS 1.0.2 specification,
not relying on JMS 1.1 methods like SimpleMessageListenerContainer itself. |
class |
Message listener container that uses the plain JMS client API's MessageConsumer.setMessageListener() method to
create concurrent MessageConsumers for the specified listeners. |
class |
A subclass of SimpleMessageListenerContainer for the JMS 1.0.2 specification,
not relying on JMS 1.1 methods like SimpleMessageListenerContainer itself. |
Uses of InitializingBean in org.springframework.jms.listener.endpoint |
Classes in org.springframework.jms.listener.endpoint that implement InitializingBean | |
class |
Extension of the generic JCA 1.5 GenericMessageEndpointManager ,
adding JMS-specific support for ActivationSpec configuration. |
Uses of InitializingBean in org.springframework.jms.listener.serversession |
Classes in org.springframework.jms.listener.serversession that implement InitializingBean | |
class |
Deprecated. as of Spring 2.5, in favor of DefaultMessageListenerContainer and JmsMessageEndpointManager. To be removed in Spring 3.0. |
class |
Deprecated. as of Spring 2.5, in favor of DefaultMessageListenerContainer and JmsMessageEndpointManager. To be removed in Spring 3.0. |
Uses of InitializingBean in org.springframework.jms.remoting |
Classes in org.springframework.jms.remoting that implement InitializingBean | |
class |
MethodInterceptor for accessing a
JMS-based remote service. |
class |
FactoryBean for JMS invoker proxies. |
class |
JMS message listener that exports the specified service bean as a JMS service endpoint, accessible via a JMS invoker proxy. |
Uses of InitializingBean in org.springframework.jms.support |
Classes in org.springframework.jms.support that implement InitializingBean | |
class |
Base class for JmsTemplate and other
JMS-accessing gateway helpers, defining common properties such as the
JMS ConnectionFactory to operate on. |
Uses of InitializingBean in org.springframework.jms.support.destination |
Classes in org.springframework.jms.support.destination that implement InitializingBean | |
class |
Base class for JmsTemplate and other
JMS-accessing gateway helpers, adding destination-related properties to
JmsAccessor's common properties. |
Uses of InitializingBean in org.springframework.jmx.access |
Classes in org.springframework.jmx.access that implement InitializingBean | |
class |
MethodInterceptor that routes calls to an
MBean running on the supplied MBeanServerConnection . |
class |
Creates a proxy to a managed resource running either locally or remotely. |
class |
Registrar object that associates a specific NotificationListener
with one or more MBeans in an MBeanServer
(typically via a MBeanServerConnection ). |
Uses of InitializingBean in org.springframework.jmx.export |
Classes in org.springframework.jmx.export that implement InitializingBean | |
class |
JMX exporter that allows for exposing any Spring-managed bean to a JMX MBeanServer , without the need to define any
JMX-specific information in the bean classes. |
class |
Helper class that aggregates a NotificationListener ,
a NotificationFilter , and an arbitrary handback
object. |
Uses of InitializingBean in org.springframework.jmx.export.annotation |
Classes in org.springframework.jmx.export.annotation that implement InitializingBean | |
class |
Convenient subclass of Spring's standard MBeanExporter ,
activating Java 5 annotation usage for JMX exposure of Spring beans:
ManagedResource , ManagedAttribute , ManagedOperation , etc. |
Uses of InitializingBean in org.springframework.jmx.export.assembler |
Classes in org.springframework.jmx.export.assembler that implement InitializingBean | |
class |
Subclass of AbstractReflectiveMBeanInfoAssembler that allows for
the management interface of a bean to be defined using arbitrary interfaces. |
class |
Implementation of the MBeanInfoAssembler
interface that reads the management interface information from source level metadata. |
Uses of InitializingBean in org.springframework.jmx.export.metadata |
Classes in org.springframework.jmx.export.metadata that implement InitializingBean | |
class |
Implementation of the JmxAttributeSource interface that
reads metadata via Spring's Attributes abstraction. |
Uses of InitializingBean in org.springframework.jmx.export.naming |
Classes in org.springframework.jmx.export.naming that implement InitializingBean | |
class |
ObjectNamingStrategy implementation that builds
ObjectName instances from the key used in the
"beans" map passed to MBeanExporter . |
class |
An implementation of the ObjectNamingStrategy interface
that reads the ObjectName from the source-level metadata. |
Uses of InitializingBean in org.springframework.jmx.support |
Classes in org.springframework.jmx.support that implement InitializingBean | |
class |
FactoryBean that creates a JSR-160 JMXConnectorServer ,
optionally registers it with the MBeanServer and then starts it. |
class |
FactoryBean that creates a JMX 1.2 MBeanServerConnection
to a remote MBeanServer exposed via a JMXServerConnector . |
class |
FactoryBean that obtains an MBeanServer reference
through the standard JMX 1.2 MBeanServerFactory
API (which is available on JDK 1.5 or as part of a JMX 1.2 provider). |
class |
FactoryBean that obtains a specified WebLogic MBeanServer
reference through a WebLogic MBeanHome obtained via a JNDI lookup. |
class |
FactoryBean that obtains a specified WebLogic MBeanServer
reference through WebLogic's proprietary Helper /
MBeanHome API, which is available on WebLogic 6.1 and higher. |
class |
FactoryBean that obtains a WebSphere MBeanServer
reference through WebSphere's proprietary AdminServiceFactory API,
available on WebSphere 5.1 and higher. |
Uses of InitializingBean in org.springframework.jndi |
Classes in org.springframework.jndi that implement InitializingBean | |
class |
FactoryBean that looks up a
JNDI object. |
class |
Convenient superclass for JNDI-based service locators, providing configurable lookup of a specific JNDI resource. |
class |
AOP TargetSource that provides
configurable JNDI lookups for getTarget() calls. |
Uses of InitializingBean in org.springframework.mail.javamail |
Classes in org.springframework.mail.javamail that implement InitializingBean | |
class |
Spring-configurable FileTypeMap implementation that will read
MIME type to file extension mappings from a standard JavaMail MIME type
mapping file, using a standard MimetypesFileTypeMap underneath. |
Uses of InitializingBean in org.springframework.orm.hibernate3 |
Classes in org.springframework.orm.hibernate3 that implement InitializingBean | |
class |
Abstract FactoryBean that creates
a Hibernate SessionFactory within a Spring application
context, providing general infrastructure not related to Hibernate's
specific configuration API. |
class |
Convenient FactoryBean for defining Hibernate FilterDefinitions. |
class |
Base class for HibernateTemplate and HibernateInterceptor ,
defining common properties such as SessionFactory and flushing behavior. |
class |
This interceptor binds a new Hibernate Session to the thread before a method call, closing and removing it afterwards in case of any method outcome. |
class |
Helper class that simplifies Hibernate data access code. |
class |
implementation for a single Hibernate SessionFactory . |
class |
FactoryBean that creates a
Hibernate SessionFactory . |
class |
Bean that encapsulates a Hibernate type definition. |
Uses of InitializingBean in org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.annotation |
Classes in org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.annotation that implement InitializingBean | |
class |
Subclass of Spring's standard LocalSessionFactoryBean for Hibernate3, supporting JDK 1.5+ annotation metadata for mappings. |
Uses of InitializingBean in org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.support |
Classes in org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.support that implement InitializingBean | |
class |
Convenient super class for Hibernate-based data access objects. |
class |
Servlet 2.3 Filter that binds a Hibernate Session to the thread for the entire processing of the request. |
class |
Spring web request interceptor that binds a Hibernate Session to the
thread for the entire processing of the request. |
Uses of InitializingBean in org.springframework.orm.ibatis |
Classes in org.springframework.orm.ibatis that implement InitializingBean | |
class |
FactoryBean that creates an
iBATIS SqlMapClient . |
class |
Helper class that simplifies data access via the iBATIS SqlMapClient API, converting checked
SQLExceptions into unchecked DataAccessExceptions, following the
org.springframework.dao exception hierarchy. |
Uses of InitializingBean in org.springframework.orm.ibatis.support |
Classes in org.springframework.orm.ibatis.support that implement InitializingBean | |
class |
Convenient super class for iBATIS SqlMapClient data access objects. |
Uses of InitializingBean in org.springframework.orm.jdo |
Classes in org.springframework.orm.jdo that implement InitializingBean | |
class |
Base class for JdoTemplate and JdoInterceptor, defining common properties such as PersistenceManagerFactory and flushing behavior. |
class |
This interceptor binds a new JDO PersistenceManager to the thread before a method call, closing and removing it afterwards in case of any method outcome. |
class |
Helper class that simplifies JDO data access code, and converts JDOExceptions into Spring DataAccessExceptions, following the org.springframework.dao exception hierarchy. |
class |
PlatformTransactionManager implementation
for a single JDO PersistenceManagerFactory . |
class |
FactoryBean that creates a
JDO PersistenceManagerFactory . |
Uses of InitializingBean in org.springframework.orm.jdo.support |
Classes in org.springframework.orm.jdo.support that implement InitializingBean | |
class |
Convenient super class for JDO data access objects. |
class |
Servlet 2.3 Filter that binds a JDO PersistenceManager to the thread for the entire processing of the request. |
Uses of InitializingBean in org.springframework.orm.jpa |
Classes in org.springframework.orm.jpa that implement InitializingBean | |
class |
Abstract FactoryBean that
creates a local JPA EntityManagerFactory
instance within a Spring application context. |
class |
Base class for JpaTemplate and JpaInterceptor, defining common properties such as EntityManagerFactory and flushing behavior. |
class |
This interceptor binds a new JPA EntityManager to the thread before a method call, closing and removing it afterwards in case of any method outcome. |
class |
Helper class that allows for writing JPA data access code in the same style as with Spring's well-known JdoTemplate and HibernateTemplate classes. |
class |
PlatformTransactionManager implementation
for a single JPA EntityManagerFactory . |
class |
FactoryBean that creates a JPA
EntityManagerFactory according to JPA's standard
container bootstrap contract. |
class |
FactoryBean that creates a JPA
EntityManagerFactory according to JPA's standard
standalone bootstrap contract. |
Uses of InitializingBean in org.springframework.orm.jpa.persistenceunit |
Classes in org.springframework.orm.jpa.persistenceunit that implement InitializingBean | |
class |
Default implementation of the PersistenceUnitManager interface. |
Uses of InitializingBean in org.springframework.orm.jpa.support |
Classes in org.springframework.orm.jpa.support that implement InitializingBean | |
class |
Convenient super class for JPA data access objects. |
class |
Servlet 2.3 Filter that binds a JPA EntityManager to the thread for the entire processing of the request. |
class |
FactoryBean that exposes a shared JPA EntityManager
reference for a given EntityManagerFactory. |
Uses of InitializingBean in org.springframework.orm.toplink |
Classes in org.springframework.orm.toplink that implement InitializingBean | |
class |
Base class for TopLinkTemplate and TopLinkInterceptor, defining common properties such as SessionFactory and JDBC exception translator. |
class |
This interceptor binds a new TopLink Session to the thread before a method call, closing and removing it afterwards in case of any method outcome. |
class |
Helper class that simplifies TopLink data access code, and converts TopLinkExceptions into unchecked DataAccessExceptions, following the org.springframework.dao exception hierarchy. |
class |
PlatformTransactionManager implementation
for a single TopLink SessionFactory . |
Uses of InitializingBean in org.springframework.orm.toplink.support |
Classes in org.springframework.orm.toplink.support that implement InitializingBean | |
class |
Convenient super class for TopLink data access objects. |
Uses of InitializingBean in org.springframework.remoting.caucho |
Classes in org.springframework.remoting.caucho that implement InitializingBean | |
class |
MethodInterceptor for accessing a Burlap service. |
class |
General stream-based protocol exporter for a Burlap endpoint. |
class |
FactoryBean for Burlap proxies. |
class |
Servlet-API-based HTTP request handler that exports the specified service bean as Burlap service endpoint, accessible via a Burlap proxy. |
class |
MethodInterceptor for accessing a Hessian service. |
class |
General stream-based protocol exporter for a Hessian endpoint. |
class |
FactoryBean for Hessian proxies. |
class |
Servlet-API-based HTTP request handler that exports the specified service bean as Hessian service endpoint, accessible via a Hessian proxy. |
class |
HTTP request handler that exports the specified service bean as Burlap service endpoint, accessible via a Burlap proxy. |
class |
HTTP request handler that exports the specified service bean as Hessian service endpoint, accessible via a Hessian proxy. |
Uses of InitializingBean in org.springframework.remoting.httpinvoker |
Classes in org.springframework.remoting.httpinvoker that implement InitializingBean | |
class |
MethodInterceptor for accessing an
HTTP invoker service. |
class |
FactoryBean for HTTP invoker proxies. |
class |
Servlet-API-based HTTP request handler that exports the specified service bean as HTTP invoker service endpoint, accessible via an HTTP invoker proxy. |
class |
HTTP request handler that exports the specified service bean as HTTP invoker service endpoint, accessible via an HTTP invoker proxy. |
Uses of InitializingBean in org.springframework.remoting.jaxrpc |
Classes in org.springframework.remoting.jaxrpc that implement InitializingBean | |
class |
MethodInterceptor for accessing a specific port
of a JAX-RPC service. |
class |
FactoryBean for a specific port of a
JAX-RPC service. |
class |
FactoryBean for locally
defined JAX-RPC Service references. |
Uses of InitializingBean in org.springframework.remoting.jaxws |
Classes in org.springframework.remoting.jaxws that implement InitializingBean | |
class |
Abstract exporter for JAX-WS services, autodetecting annotated service beans (through the JAX-WS WebService annotation). |
class |
MethodInterceptor for accessing a
specific port of a JAX-WS service. |
class |
FactoryBean for a specific port of a
JAX-WS service. |
class |
FactoryBean for locally
defined JAX-WS Service references. |
class |
Simple exporter for JAX-WS services, autodetecting annotated service beans (through the JAX-WS WebService annotation) and exporting
them through the HTTP server included in Sun's JDK 1.6. |
class |
Simple exporter for JAX-WS services, autodetecting annotated service beans (through the JAX-WS WebService annotation) and exporting
them with a configured base address (by default "http://localhost:8080/")
using the JAX-WS provider's built-in publication support. |
Uses of InitializingBean in org.springframework.remoting.rmi |
Classes in org.springframework.remoting.rmi that implement InitializingBean | |
class |
MethodInterceptor for accessing RMI services from JNDI. |
class |
Factory bean for RMI proxies from JNDI. |
class |
Service exporter which binds RMI services to JNDI. |
class |
Abstract base class for remote service exporters that explicitly deserialize RemoteInvocation objects and serialize
RemoteInvocationResult objects,
for example Spring's HTTP invoker. |
class |
MethodInterceptor for accessing conventional
RMI services or RMI invokers. |
class |
FactoryBean for RMI proxies, supporting both conventional RMI services and RMI invokers. |
class |
FactoryBean that locates a Registry and
exposes it for bean references. |
class |
RMI exporter that exposes the specified service as RMI object with the specified name. |
Uses of InitializingBean in org.springframework.remoting.support |
Classes in org.springframework.remoting.support that implement InitializingBean | |
class |
Abstract base class for remote service accessors that are based on serialization of RemoteInvocation objects. |
class |
FactoryBean that creates a simple
HTTP server, based on the HTTP server that is included in Sun's JRE 1.6. |
class |
Abstract base class for classes that access remote services via URLs. |
Uses of InitializingBean in org.springframework.scheduling.backportconcurrent |
Classes in org.springframework.scheduling.backportconcurrent that implement InitializingBean | |
class |
FactoryBean that sets up
a JSR-166 backport
(by default:
as implementation) and exposes it for bean references. |
class |
JavaBean that allows for configuring a JSR-166 backport ThreadPoolExecutor in bean
style (through its "corePoolSize", "maxPoolSize", "keepAliveSeconds", "queueCapacity"
properties), exposing it as a Spring TaskExecutor . |
Uses of InitializingBean in org.springframework.scheduling.commonj |
Classes in org.springframework.scheduling.commonj that implement InitializingBean | |
class |
FactoryBean that retrieves a
CommonJ TimerManager and exposes it for bean references. |
Uses of InitializingBean in org.springframework.scheduling.quartz |
Classes in org.springframework.scheduling.quartz that implement InitializingBean | |
class |
Convenience subclass of Quartz's CronTrigger
class, making bean-style usage easier. |
class |
Convenience subclass of Quartz' JobDetail class that eases bean-style usage. |
class |
FactoryBean that exposes a
JobDetail object which delegates job execution to a
specified (static or non-static) method. |
class |
FactoryBean that sets up a Quartz Scheduler ,
manages its lifecycle as part of the Spring application context,
and exposes the Scheduler reference for dependency injection. |
class |
Subclass of Quartz's SimpleThreadPool that implements Spring's TaskExecutor interface and listens to Spring lifecycle callbacks. |
class |
Convenience subclass of Quartz's SimpleTrigger
class, making bean-style usage easier. |
Uses of InitializingBean in org.springframework.scheduling.support |
Classes in org.springframework.scheduling.support that implement InitializingBean | |
class |
Adapter that implements the Runnable interface as a configurable
method invocation based on Spring's MethodInvoker. |
Uses of InitializingBean in org.springframework.scheduling.timer |
Classes in org.springframework.scheduling.timer that implement InitializingBean | |
class |
FactoryBean that exposes a TimerTask object that delegates job execution to a specified (static or non-static) method. |
class |
FactoryBean that sets up a Timer and exposes it for bean references. |
class |
TaskExecutor implementation that uses a
single Timer for executing all tasks, effectively resulting in
serialized asynchronous execution on a single thread. |
Uses of InitializingBean in org.springframework.transaction.interceptor |
Classes in org.springframework.transaction.interceptor that implement InitializingBean | |
class |
Implementation of the TransactionAttributeSource interface that reads
metadata via Spring's Attributes abstraction. |
class |
Simple TransactionAttributeSource implementation that
allows attributes to be stored per method in a Map . |
class |
Base class for transactional aspects, such as the AOP Alliance TransactionInterceptor or an AspectJ aspect. |
class |
AOP Alliance MethodInterceptor for declarative transaction management using the common Spring transaction infrastructure ( PlatformTransactionManager ). |
class |
Proxy factory bean for simplified declarative transaction handling. |
Uses of InitializingBean in org.springframework.transaction.jta |
Classes in org.springframework.transaction.jta that implement InitializingBean | |
class |
PlatformTransactionManager implementation
for JTA, delegating to a backend JTA provider. |
class |
Special JtaTransactionManager variant for Oracle OC4J (10.1.3 and higher). |
class |
Special JtaTransactionManager variant for BEA WebLogic (7.0, 8.1 and higher). |
class |
WebSphere-specific PlatformTransactionManager implementation that delegates to a UOWManager instance, obtained from WebSphere's
JNDI environment. |
Uses of InitializingBean in org.springframework.transaction.support |
Classes in org.springframework.transaction.support that implement InitializingBean | |
class |
Template class that simplifies programmatic transaction demarcation and transaction exception handling. |
Uses of InitializingBean in org.springframework.ui.freemarker |
Classes in org.springframework.ui.freemarker that implement InitializingBean | |
class |
Factory bean that creates a FreeMarker Configuration and provides it as bean reference. |
Uses of InitializingBean in org.springframework.ui.velocity |
Classes in org.springframework.ui.velocity that implement InitializingBean | |
class |
Factory bean that configures a VelocityEngine and provides it as bean reference. |
Uses of InitializingBean in org.springframework.web.context.support |
Classes in org.springframework.web.context.support that implement InitializingBean | |
class |
subclass which implements the
interface for web environments. |
class |
WebApplicationContext implementation
which takes its configuration from XML documents, understood by an
XmlBeanDefinitionReader . |
Uses of InitializingBean in org.springframework.web.filter |
Classes in org.springframework.web.filter that implement InitializingBean | |
class |
Base class for Filter s that perform logging operations before and after a
request is processed. |
class |
Servlet 2.3/2.4 Filter that allows one to specify a character encoding for requests. |
class |
Simple request logging filter that writes the request URI (and optionally the query string) to the Commons Log. |
class |
Proxy for a standard Servlet 2.3 Filter, delegating to a Spring-managed bean that implements the Filter interface. |
class |
Simple base implementation of Filter which treats
its config parameters (init-param entries within the
filter tag in web.xml ) as bean properties. |
class |
Request logging filter that adds the request log message to the Log4J nested diagnostic context (NDC) before the request is processed, removing it again after the request is processed. |
class |
Filter base class that guarantees to be just executed once per request, on any servlet container. |
class |
Servlet 2.3 Filter that exposes the request to the current thread, through both LocaleContextHolder and
RequestContextHolder . |
class |
Simple request logging filter that writes the request URI (and optionally the query string) to the ServletContext log. |
Uses of InitializingBean in org.springframework.web.multipart.support |
Classes in org.springframework.web.multipart.support that implement InitializingBean | |
class |
Servlet 2.3 Filter that resolves multipart requests via a MultipartResolver. |
Uses of InitializingBean in org.springframework.web.portlet.context |
Classes in org.springframework.web.portlet.context that implement InitializingBean | |
class |
subclass which implements the ConfigurablePortletApplicationContext
interface for portlet environments. |
class |
Portlet-based WebApplicationContext
implementation which takes its configuration from XML documents, understood
by an XmlBeanDefinitionReader . |
Uses of InitializingBean in org.springframework.web.portlet.mvc |
Classes in org.springframework.web.portlet.mvc that implement InitializingBean | |
class |
Controller implementation that wraps a portlet instance which it manages
internally. |
Uses of InitializingBean in org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc |
Classes in org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc that implement InitializingBean | |
class |
Spring Controller implementation that wraps a servlet instance which it manages internally. |
Uses of InitializingBean in org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.multiaction |
Classes in org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.multiaction that implement InitializingBean | |
class |
The most flexible out-of-the-box implementation of the MethodNameResolver interface. |
Uses of InitializingBean in org.springframework.web.servlet.view |
Classes in org.springframework.web.servlet.view that implement InitializingBean | |
class |
Adapter base class for template-based view technologies such as Velocity and FreeMarker, with the ability to use request and session attributes in their model and the option to expose helper objects for Spring's Velocity/FreeMarker macro library. |
class |
Abstract base class for URL-based views. |
class |
Wrapper for a JSP or other resource within the same web application. |
class |
Specialization of InternalResourceView for JSTL pages,
i.e. |
class |
View that redirects to an absolute, context relative, or current request relative URL, by default exposing all model attributes as HTTP query parameters. |
Uses of InitializingBean in org.springframework.web.servlet.view.document |
Classes in org.springframework.web.servlet.view.document that implement InitializingBean | |
class |
Abstract superclass for PDF views that operate on an existing document with an AcroForm. |
Uses of InitializingBean in org.springframework.web.servlet.view.freemarker |
Classes in org.springframework.web.servlet.view.freemarker that implement InitializingBean | |
class |
JavaBean to configure FreeMarker for web usage, via the "configLocation" and/or "freemarkerSettings" and/or "templateLoaderPath" properties. |
class |
View using the FreeMarker template engine. |
Uses of InitializingBean in org.springframework.web.servlet.view.jasperreports |
Classes in org.springframework.web.servlet.view.jasperreports that implement InitializingBean | |
class |
Extends AbstractJasperReportsView to provide basic rendering logic
for views that use a fixed format, e.g. always PDF or always HTML. |
class |
Base class for all JasperReports views. |
class |
Configurable JasperReports View, allowing to specify the JasperReports exporter to be specified through bean properties rather than through the view class name. |
class |
Implementation of AbstractJasperReportsSingleFormatView
that renders report results in CSV format. |
class |
Implementation of AbstractJasperReportsSingleFormatView
that renders report results in HTML format. |
class |
Jasper Reports view class that allows for the actual rendering format to be specified at runtime using a parameter contained in the model. |
class |
Implementation of AbstractJasperReportsSingleFormatView
that renders report results in PDF format. |
class |
Implementation of AbstractJasperReportsSingleFormatView
that renders report results in XLS format. |
Uses of InitializingBean in org.springframework.web.servlet.view.tiles |
Classes in org.springframework.web.servlet.view.tiles that implement InitializingBean | |
class |
Helper class to configure Tiles 1.x for the Spring Framework. |
class |
Specialization of TilesView for JSTL pages,
i.e. |
class |
View implementation that retrieves a Tiles definition. |
Uses of InitializingBean in org.springframework.web.servlet.view.velocity |
Classes in org.springframework.web.servlet.view.velocity that implement InitializingBean | |
class |
JavaBean to configure Velocity for web usage, via the "configLocation" and/or "velocityProperties" and/or "resourceLoaderPath" bean properties. |
class |
VelocityLayoutView emulates the functionality offered by Velocity's VelocityLayoutServlet to ease page composition from different templates. |
class |
VelocityView subclass which adds support for Velocity Tools toolboxes
and Velocity Tools ViewTool callbacks / Velocity Tools 1.3 init methods. |
class |
View using the Velocity template engine. |
Uses of InitializingBean in org.springframework.web.servlet.view.xslt |
Classes in org.springframework.web.servlet.view.xslt that implement InitializingBean | |
class |
XSLT-driven View that allows for response context to be rendered as the result of an XSLT transformation. |
The Spring Framework | |||||||||