The Spring Framework

Package org.springframework.jca.cci

This package contains Spring's support for the Common Client Interface (CCI), as defined by the J2EE Connector Architecture.


Exception Summary
CannotCreateRecordException Exception thrown when the creating of a CCI Record failed for connector-internal reasons.
CannotGetCciConnectionException Fatal exception thrown when we can't connect to an EIS using CCI.
CciOperationNotSupportedException Exception thrown when the connector doesn't support a specific CCI operation.
InvalidResultSetAccessException Exception thrown when a ResultSet has been accessed in an invalid fashion.
RecordTypeNotSupportedException Exception thrown when the creating of a CCI Record failed because the connector doesn't support the desired CCI Record type.

Package org.springframework.jca.cci Description

This package contains Spring's support for the Common Client Interface (CCI), as defined by the J2EE Connector Architecture. It is conceptually similar to the org.springframework.jdbc package, providing the same levels of data access abstraction.

The Spring Framework

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