The Spring Framework


Provides a mechanism for extracting native implementations of JDBC interfaces from wrapper objects that got returned from connection pools.


Interface Summary
NativeJdbcExtractor Interface for extracting native JDBC objects from wrapped objects coming from connection pools.

Class Summary
C3P0NativeJdbcExtractor Implementation of the NativeJdbcExtractor interface for the C3P0 connection pool.
CommonsDbcpNativeJdbcExtractor Implementation of the NativeJdbcExtractor interface for the Jakarta Commons DBCP connection pool, version 1.1 or higher.
JBossNativeJdbcExtractor Implementation of the NativeJdbcExtractor interface for JBoss, supporting JBoss Application Server 3.2.4+.
Jdbc4NativeJdbcExtractor NativeJdbcExtractor implementation that delegates to JDBC 4.0's unwrap method, as defined by Wrapper.
NativeJdbcExtractorAdapter Abstract adapter class for the NativeJdbcExtractor interface, for simplified implementation of basic extractors.
SimpleNativeJdbcExtractor Simple implementation of the NativeJdbcExtractor interface.
WebLogicNativeJdbcExtractor Implementation of the NativeJdbcExtractor interface for WebLogic, supporting WebLogic Server 8.1 and higher.
WebSphereNativeJdbcExtractor Implementation of the NativeJdbcExtractor interface for WebSphere, supporting WebSphere Application Server 5.1 and higher.
XAPoolNativeJdbcExtractor Implementation of the NativeJdbcExtractor interface for ObjectWeb's XAPool, as shipped with JOTM and used in JOnAS.

Package Description

Provides a mechanism for extracting native implementations of JDBC interfaces from wrapper objects that got returned from connection pools.

Can be used independently, for example in custom JDBC access code.

The Spring Framework

Copyright © 2002-2008 The Spring Framework.