The Spring Framework

Uses of Package

Packages that use org.springframework.jmx
org.springframework.jmx This package contains Spring's JMX support, which includes registration of Spring-managed beans as JMX MBeans as well as access to remote JMX MBeans. 
org.springframework.jmx.access Provides support for accessing remote MBean resources. 
org.springframework.jmx.export This package provides declarative creation and registration of Spring-managed beans as JMX MBeans. 
org.springframework.jmx.export.metadata Provides generic JMX metadata classes and basic support for reading JMX metadata in a provider-agnostic manner. 
org.springframework.jmx.export.notification Provides supporting infrastructure to allow Spring-created MBeans to send JMX notifications. Contains support classes for connecting to local and remote MBeanServers and for exposing an MBeanServer to remote clients. 

Classes in org.springframework.jmx used by org.springframework.jmx
          General base exception to be thrown on JMX errors.

Classes in org.springframework.jmx used by org.springframework.jmx.access
          General base exception to be thrown on JMX errors.
          Exception thrown when we cannot locate an instance of an MBeanServer, or when more than one instance is found.

Classes in org.springframework.jmx used by org.springframework.jmx.export
          General base exception to be thrown on JMX errors.

Classes in org.springframework.jmx used by org.springframework.jmx.export.metadata
          General base exception to be thrown on JMX errors.

Classes in org.springframework.jmx used by org.springframework.jmx.export.notification
          General base exception to be thrown on JMX errors.

Classes in org.springframework.jmx used by
          Exception thrown when we cannot locate an instance of an MBeanServer, or when more than one instance is found.

The Spring Framework

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