The Spring Framework

Interface MimeMessagePreparator

public interface MimeMessagePreparator

Callback interface for the preparation of JavaMail MIME messages.

The corresponding send methods of JavaMailSender will take care of the actual creation of a MimeMessage instance, and of proper exception conversion.

It is often convenient to use a MimeMessageHelper for populating the passed-in MimeMessage, in particular when working with attachments or special character encodings. See MimeMessageHelper's javadoc for an example.

Juergen Hoeller
See Also:
JavaMailSender.send(MimeMessagePreparator), JavaMailSender.send(MimeMessagePreparator[]), MimeMessageHelper

Method Summary
 void prepare(MimeMessage mimeMessage)
          Prepare the given new MimeMessage instance.

Method Detail


void prepare(MimeMessage mimeMessage)
             throws Exception
Prepare the given new MimeMessage instance.

mimeMessage - the message to prepare
MessagingException - passing any exceptions thrown by MimeMessage methods through for automatic conversion to the MailException hierarchy
IOException - passing any exceptions thrown by MimeMessage methods through for automatic conversion to the MailException hierarchy
Exception - if mail preparation failed, for example when a Velocity template cannot be rendered for the mail text

The Spring Framework

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