The Spring Framework

Class SessionFactoryUtils

  extended by org.springframework.orm.toplink.SessionFactoryUtils

public abstract class SessionFactoryUtils
extends Object

Helper class featuring methods for TopLink Session handling, allowing for reuse of TopLink Session instances within transactions. Also provides support for exception translation.

Mainly intended for internal use within the framework.

Juergen Hoeller, James Clark

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
static DataAccessException convertTopLinkAccessException(oracle.toplink.exceptions.TopLinkException ex)
          Convert the given TopLinkException to an appropriate exception from the org.springframework.dao hierarchy.
static oracle.toplink.sessions.Session doGetSession(SessionFactory sessionFactory, boolean allowCreate)
          Get a TopLink Session for the given SessionFactory.
static oracle.toplink.sessions.Session getSession(SessionFactory sessionFactory, boolean allowCreate)
          Get a TopLink Session for the given SessionFactory.
static boolean isSessionTransactional(oracle.toplink.sessions.Session session, SessionFactory sessionFactory)
          Return whether the given TopLink Session is transactional, that is, bound to the current thread by Spring's transaction facilities.
static void releaseSession(oracle.toplink.sessions.Session session, SessionFactory sessionFactory)
          Close the given Session, created via the given factory, if it is not managed externally (i.e. not bound to the thread).
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public SessionFactoryUtils()
Method Detail


public static oracle.toplink.sessions.Session getSession(SessionFactory sessionFactory,
                                                         boolean allowCreate)
                                                  throws DataAccessResourceFailureException,
Get a TopLink Session for the given SessionFactory. Is aware of and will return any existing corresponding Session bound to the current thread, for example when using TopLinkTransactionManager. Will create a new Session otherwise, if "allowCreate" is true.

This is the getSession method used by typical data access code, in combination with releaseSession called when done with the Session. Note that TopLinkTemplate allows to write data access code without caring about such resource handling.

sessionFactory - TopLink SessionFactory to create the session with
allowCreate - if a non-transactional Session should be created when no transactional Session can be found for the current thread
the TopLink Session
DataAccessResourceFailureException - if the Session couldn't be created
IllegalStateException - if no thread-bound Session found and "allowCreate" is false
See Also:
releaseSession(oracle.toplink.sessions.Session, org.springframework.orm.toplink.SessionFactory), TopLinkTemplate


public static oracle.toplink.sessions.Session doGetSession(SessionFactory sessionFactory,
                                                           boolean allowCreate)
                                                    throws oracle.toplink.exceptions.TopLinkException,
Get a TopLink Session for the given SessionFactory. Is aware of and will return any existing corresponding Session bound to the current thread, for example when using TopLinkTransactionManager. Will create a new Session otherwise, if "allowCreate" is true.

Same as getSession, but throwing the original TopLinkException.

sessionFactory - TopLink SessionFactory to create the session with
allowCreate - if a non-transactional Session should be created when no transactional Session can be found for the current thread
the TopLink Session
oracle.toplink.exceptions.TopLinkException - if the Session couldn't be created
IllegalStateException - if no thread-bound Session found and "allowCreate" is false
See Also:
releaseSession(oracle.toplink.sessions.Session, org.springframework.orm.toplink.SessionFactory), TopLinkTemplate


public static boolean isSessionTransactional(oracle.toplink.sessions.Session session,
                                             SessionFactory sessionFactory)
Return whether the given TopLink Session is transactional, that is, bound to the current thread by Spring's transaction facilities.

session - the TopLink Session to check
sessionFactory - TopLink SessionFactory that the Session was created with (can be null)
whether the Session is transactional


public static DataAccessException convertTopLinkAccessException(oracle.toplink.exceptions.TopLinkException ex)
Convert the given TopLinkException to an appropriate exception from the org.springframework.dao hierarchy.

ex - TopLinkException that occured
the corresponding DataAccessException instance


public static void releaseSession(oracle.toplink.sessions.Session session,
                                  SessionFactory sessionFactory)
Close the given Session, created via the given factory, if it is not managed externally (i.e. not bound to the thread).

session - the TopLink Session to close
sessionFactory - TopLink SessionFactory that the Session was created with (can be null)

The Spring Framework

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