The Spring Framework

Package org.springframework.web.struts

Support classes for integrating a Struts web tier with a Spring middle tier which is typically hosted in a Spring root WebApplicationContext.


Class Summary
ActionSupport Convenience class for Spring-aware Struts 1.1+ Actions.
AutowiringRequestProcessor Subclass of Struts's default RequestProcessor that autowires Struts Actions with Spring beans defined in ContextLoaderPlugIn's WebApplicationContext or - in case of general service layer beans - in the root WebApplicationContext.
AutowiringTilesRequestProcessor Subclass of Struts's TilesRequestProcessor that autowires Struts Actions with Spring beans defined in ContextLoaderPlugIn's WebApplicationContext or - in case of general service layer beans - in the root WebApplicationContext.
ContextLoaderPlugIn Struts 1.1+ PlugIn that loads a Spring application context for the Struts ActionServlet.
DelegatingActionProxy Proxy for a Spring-managed Struts Action that is defined in ContextLoaderPlugIn's WebApplicationContext.
DelegatingActionUtils Common methods for letting Struts Actions work with a Spring WebApplicationContext.
DelegatingRequestProcessor Subclass of Struts's default RequestProcessor that looks up Spring-managed Struts Actions defined in ContextLoaderPlugIn's WebApplicationContext (or, as a fallback, in the root WebApplicationContext).
DelegatingTilesRequestProcessor Subclass of Struts's TilesRequestProcessor that autowires Struts Actions defined in ContextLoaderPlugIn's WebApplicationContext (or, as a fallback, in the root WebApplicationContext).
DispatchActionSupport Convenience class for Spring-aware Struts 1.1+ DispatchActions.
LookupDispatchActionSupport Convenience class for Spring-aware Struts 1.1+ LookupDispatchActions.
MappingDispatchActionSupport Convenience class for Spring-aware Struts 1.2 MappingDispatchActions.
SpringBindingActionForm A thin Struts ActionForm adapter that delegates to Spring's more complete and advanced data binder and Errors object underneath the covers to bind to POJOs and manage rejected values.

Package org.springframework.web.struts Description

Support classes for integrating a Struts web tier with a Spring middle tier which is typically hosted in a Spring root WebApplicationContext.

Supports easy access to the Spring root WebApplicationContext from Struts Actions via the ActionSupport and DispatchActionSupport classes. Actions have full access to Spring's WebApplicationContext facilities in this case, and explicitly look up Spring-managed beans.

Also supports wiring Struts Actions as Spring-managed beans in a ContextLoaderPlugIn context, passing middle tier references to them via bean references, using the Action path as bean name. There are two ways to make Struts delegate Action lookup to the ContextLoaderPlugIn:

The Spring Framework

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