
Default implementation of the type conversion system.


Class Summary
ArrayToArrayConverter Converts an Array to another Array.
ArrayToCollectionConverter Converts an Array to a Collection.
ArrayToObjectConverter Converts an Array to an Object by returning the first array element after converting it to the desired targetType.
ArrayToStringConverter Converts an Array to a comma-delimited String.
CharacterToNumberFactory Converts from a Character to any JDK-standard Number implementation.
CharacterToNumberFactory.CharacterToNumber<T extends Number>  
CollectionToArrayConverter Converts a Collection to an array.
CollectionToCollectionConverter Converts from a Collection to another Collection.
CollectionToObjectConverter Converts a Collection to an Object by returning the first collection element after converting it to the desired targetType.
CollectionToStringConverter Converts a Collection to a comma-delimited String.
ConversionServiceFactory A factory for common ConversionService configurations.
ConversionUtils Internal utilities for the conversion package.
ConvertingPropertyEditorAdapter Adapter that exposes a PropertyEditor for any given ConversionService and specific target type.
GenericConversionService Base ConversionService implementation suitable for use in most environments.
IdToEntityConverter Converts an entity identifier to a entity reference by calling a static finder method on the target entity type.
MapToMapConverter Converts a Map to another Map.
NumberToCharacterConverter Converts from any JDK-standard Number implementation to a Character.
NumberToNumberConverterFactory Converts from any JDK-standard Number implementation to any other JDK-standard Number implementation.
NumberToNumberConverterFactory.NumberToNumber<T extends Number>  
ObjectToArrayConverter Converts an Object to a single-element Array containing the Object.
ObjectToCollectionConverter Converts an Object to a single-element Collection containing the Object.
ObjectToObjectConverter Generic Converter that attempts to convert a source Object to a target type by delegating to methods on the target type.
ObjectToStringConverter Simply calls Object.toString() to convert any supported Object to a String.
PropertiesToStringConverter Converts from a Properties to a String by calling, String).
PropertyTypeDescriptor TypeDescriptor extension that exposes additional annotations as conversion metadata: namely, annotations on other accessor methods (getter/setter) and on the underlying field, if found.
StringToArrayConverter Converts a comma-delimited String to an Array.
StringToBooleanConverter Converts String to a Boolean.
StringToCharacterConverter Converts a String to a Character.
StringToCollectionConverter Converts a comma-delimited String to a Collection.
StringToEnumConverterFactory Converts from a String to a java.lang.Enum by calling Enum#valueOf(Class, String).
StringToLocaleConverter Converts a String to a Locale.
StringToNumberConverterFactory Converts from a String any JDK-standard Number implementation.
StringToNumberConverterFactory.StringToNumber<T extends Number>  
StringToPropertiesConverter Converts a String to a Properties by calling Properties#load(

Package Description

Default implementation of the type conversion system.