Class NamedParameterJdbcTemplate

  extended by org.springframework.jdbc.core.namedparam.NamedParameterJdbcTemplate
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class NamedParameterJdbcTemplate
extends java.lang.Object
implements NamedParameterJdbcOperations

Template class with a basic set of JDBC operations, allowing the use of named parameters rather than traditional '?' placeholders.

This class delegates to a wrapped JdbcTemplate once the substitution from named parameters to JDBC style '?' placeholders is done at execution time. It also allows for expanding a List of values to the appropriate number of placeholders.

The underlying JdbcTemplate is exposed to allow for convenient access to the traditional JdbcTemplate methods.

Thomas Risberg, Juergen Hoeller
See Also:
NamedParameterJdbcOperations, JdbcTemplate

Field Summary
private  int cacheLimit
private  JdbcOperations classicJdbcTemplate
          The JdbcTemplate we are wrapping
          Default maximum number of entries for this template's SQL cache: 256
private  java.util.Map<java.lang.String,ParsedSql> parsedSqlCache
          Cache of original SQL String to ParsedSql representation
Constructor Summary
NamedParameterJdbcTemplate(javax.sql.DataSource dataSource)
          Create a new NamedParameterJdbcTemplate for the given DataSource.
NamedParameterJdbcTemplate(JdbcOperations classicJdbcTemplate)
          Create a new NamedParameterJdbcTemplate for the given classic Spring JdbcTemplate.
Method Summary
 int[] batchUpdate(java.lang.String sql, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,?>[] batchValues)
          Executes a batch using the supplied SQL statement with the batch of supplied arguments.
 int[] batchUpdate(java.lang.String sql, SqlParameterSource[] batchArgs)
          Execute a batch using the supplied SQL statement with the batch of supplied arguments.
<T> T
execute(java.lang.String sql, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,?> paramMap, PreparedStatementCallback<T> action)
          Execute a JDBC data access operation, implemented as callback action working on a JDBC PreparedStatement.
<T> T
execute(java.lang.String sql, SqlParameterSource paramSource, PreparedStatementCallback<T> action)
          Execute a JDBC data access operation, implemented as callback action working on a JDBC PreparedStatement.
 int getCacheLimit()
          Return the maximum number of entries for this template's SQL cache.
 JdbcOperations getJdbcOperations()
          Expose the classic Spring JdbcTemplate to allow invocation of less commonly used methods.
protected  ParsedSql getParsedSql(java.lang.String sql)
          Obtain a parsed representation of the given SQL statement.
protected  PreparedStatementCreator getPreparedStatementCreator(java.lang.String sql, SqlParameterSource paramSource)
          Build a PreparedStatementCreator based on the given SQL and named parameters.
<T> T
query(java.lang.String sql, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,?> paramMap, ResultSetExtractor<T> rse)
          Query given SQL to create a prepared statement from SQL and a list of arguments to bind to the query, reading the ResultSet with a ResultSetExtractor.
 void query(java.lang.String sql, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,?> paramMap, RowCallbackHandler rch)
          Query given SQL to create a prepared statement from SQL and a list of arguments to bind to the query, reading the ResultSet on a per-row basis with a RowCallbackHandler.
<T> java.util.List<T>
query(java.lang.String sql, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,?> paramMap, RowMapper<T> rowMapper)
          Query given SQL to create a prepared statement from SQL and a list of arguments to bind to the query, mapping each row to a Java object via a RowMapper.
<T> T
query(java.lang.String sql, SqlParameterSource paramSource, ResultSetExtractor<T> rse)
          Query given SQL to create a prepared statement from SQL and a list of arguments to bind to the query, reading the ResultSet with a ResultSetExtractor.
 void query(java.lang.String sql, SqlParameterSource paramSource, RowCallbackHandler rch)
          Query given SQL to create a prepared statement from SQL and a list of arguments to bind to the query, reading the ResultSet on a per-row basis with a RowCallbackHandler.
<T> java.util.List<T>
query(java.lang.String sql, SqlParameterSource paramSource, RowMapper<T> rowMapper)
          Query given SQL to create a prepared statement from SQL and a list of arguments to bind to the query, mapping each row to a Java object via a RowMapper.
 int queryForInt(java.lang.String sql, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,?> paramMap)
          Query given SQL to create a prepared statement from SQL and a list of arguments to bind to the query, resulting in an int value.
 int queryForInt(java.lang.String sql, SqlParameterSource paramSource)
          Query given SQL to create a prepared statement from SQL and a list of arguments to bind to the query, resulting in an int value.
 java.util.List<java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object>> queryForList(java.lang.String sql, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,?> paramMap)
          Query given SQL to create a prepared statement from SQL and a list of arguments to bind to the query, expecting a result list.
<T> java.util.List<T>
queryForList(java.lang.String sql, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,?> paramMap, java.lang.Class<T> elementType)
          Query given SQL to create a prepared statement from SQL and a list of arguments to bind to the query, expecting a result list.
 java.util.List<java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object>> queryForList(java.lang.String sql, SqlParameterSource paramSource)
          Query given SQL to create a prepared statement from SQL and a list of arguments to bind to the query, expecting a result list.
<T> java.util.List<T>
queryForList(java.lang.String sql, SqlParameterSource paramSource, java.lang.Class<T> elementType)
          Query given SQL to create a prepared statement from SQL and a list of arguments to bind to the query, expecting a result list.
 long queryForLong(java.lang.String sql, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,?> paramMap)
          Query given SQL to create a prepared statement from SQL and a list of arguments to bind to the query, resulting in a long value.
 long queryForLong(java.lang.String sql, SqlParameterSource paramSource)
          Query given SQL to create a prepared statement from SQL and a list of arguments to bind to the query, resulting in a long value.
 java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object> queryForMap(java.lang.String sql, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,?> paramMap)
          Query given SQL to create a prepared statement from SQL and a list of arguments to bind to the query, expecting a result Map.
 java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object> queryForMap(java.lang.String sql, SqlParameterSource paramSource)
          Query given SQL to create a prepared statement from SQL and a list of arguments to bind to the query, expecting a result Map.
<T> T
queryForObject(java.lang.String sql, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,?> paramMap, java.lang.Class<T> requiredType)
          Query given SQL to create a prepared statement from SQL and a list of arguments to bind to the query, expecting a result object.
<T> T
queryForObject(java.lang.String sql, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,?> paramMap, RowMapper<T> rowMapper)
          Query given SQL to create a prepared statement from SQL and a list of arguments to bind to the query, mapping a single result row to a Java object via a RowMapper.
<T> T
queryForObject(java.lang.String sql, SqlParameterSource paramSource, java.lang.Class<T> requiredType)
          Query given SQL to create a prepared statement from SQL and a list of arguments to bind to the query, expecting a result object.
<T> T
queryForObject(java.lang.String sql, SqlParameterSource paramSource, RowMapper<T> rowMapper)
          Query given SQL to create a prepared statement from SQL and a list of arguments to bind to the query, mapping a single result row to a Java object via a RowMapper.
 SqlRowSet queryForRowSet(java.lang.String sql, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,?> paramMap)
          Query given SQL to create a prepared statement from SQL and a list of arguments to bind to the query, expecting a SqlRowSet.
 SqlRowSet queryForRowSet(java.lang.String sql, SqlParameterSource paramSource)
          Query given SQL to create a prepared statement from SQL and a list of arguments to bind to the query, expecting a SqlRowSet.
 void setCacheLimit(int cacheLimit)
          Specify the maximum number of entries for this template's SQL cache.
 int update(java.lang.String sql, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,?> paramMap)
          Issue an update via a prepared statement, binding the given arguments.
 int update(java.lang.String sql, SqlParameterSource paramSource)
          Issue an update via a prepared statement, binding the given arguments.
 int update(java.lang.String sql, SqlParameterSource paramSource, KeyHolder generatedKeyHolder)
          Issue an update via a prepared statement, binding the given arguments, returning generated keys.
 int update(java.lang.String sql, SqlParameterSource paramSource, KeyHolder generatedKeyHolder, java.lang.String[] keyColumnNames)
          Issue an update via a prepared statement, binding the given arguments, returning generated keys.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final int DEFAULT_CACHE_LIMIT
Default maximum number of entries for this template's SQL cache: 256

See Also:
Constant Field Values


private final JdbcOperations classicJdbcTemplate
The JdbcTemplate we are wrapping


private volatile int cacheLimit


private final java.util.Map<java.lang.String,ParsedSql> parsedSqlCache
Cache of original SQL String to ParsedSql representation

Constructor Detail


public NamedParameterJdbcTemplate(javax.sql.DataSource dataSource)
Create a new NamedParameterJdbcTemplate for the given DataSource.

Creates a classic Spring JdbcTemplate and wraps it.

dataSource - the JDBC DataSource to access


public NamedParameterJdbcTemplate(JdbcOperations classicJdbcTemplate)
Create a new NamedParameterJdbcTemplate for the given classic Spring JdbcTemplate.

classicJdbcTemplate - the classic Spring JdbcTemplate to wrap
Method Detail


public JdbcOperations getJdbcOperations()
Expose the classic Spring JdbcTemplate to allow invocation of less commonly used methods.

Specified by:
getJdbcOperations in interface NamedParameterJdbcOperations


public void setCacheLimit(int cacheLimit)
Specify the maximum number of entries for this template's SQL cache. Default is 256.


public int getCacheLimit()
Return the maximum number of entries for this template's SQL cache.


public <T> T execute(java.lang.String sql,
                     SqlParameterSource paramSource,
                     PreparedStatementCallback<T> action)
          throws DataAccessException
Description copied from interface: NamedParameterJdbcOperations
Execute a JDBC data access operation, implemented as callback action working on a JDBC PreparedStatement. This allows for implementing arbitrary data access operations on a single Statement, within Spring's managed JDBC environment: that is, participating in Spring-managed transactions and converting JDBC SQLExceptions into Spring's DataAccessException hierarchy.

The callback action can return a result object, for example a domain object or a collection of domain objects.

Specified by:
execute in interface NamedParameterJdbcOperations
sql - SQL to execute
paramSource - container of arguments to bind to the query
action - callback object that specifies the action
a result object returned by the action, or null
DataAccessException - if there is any problem


public <T> T execute(java.lang.String sql,
                     java.util.Map<java.lang.String,?> paramMap,
                     PreparedStatementCallback<T> action)
          throws DataAccessException
Description copied from interface: NamedParameterJdbcOperations
Execute a JDBC data access operation, implemented as callback action working on a JDBC PreparedStatement. This allows for implementing arbitrary data access operations on a single Statement, within Spring's managed JDBC environment: that is, participating in Spring-managed transactions and converting JDBC SQLExceptions into Spring's DataAccessException hierarchy.

The callback action can return a result object, for example a domain object or a collection of domain objects.

Specified by:
execute in interface NamedParameterJdbcOperations
sql - SQL to execute
paramMap - map of parameters to bind to the query (leaving it to the PreparedStatement to guess the corresponding SQL type)
action - callback object that specifies the action
a result object returned by the action, or null
DataAccessException - if there is any problem


public <T> T query(java.lang.String sql,
                   SqlParameterSource paramSource,
                   ResultSetExtractor<T> rse)
        throws DataAccessException
Description copied from interface: NamedParameterJdbcOperations
Query given SQL to create a prepared statement from SQL and a list of arguments to bind to the query, reading the ResultSet with a ResultSetExtractor.

Specified by:
query in interface NamedParameterJdbcOperations
sql - SQL query to execute
paramSource - container of arguments to bind to the query
rse - object that will extract results
an arbitrary result object, as returned by the ResultSetExtractor
DataAccessException - if the query fails


public <T> T query(java.lang.String sql,
                   java.util.Map<java.lang.String,?> paramMap,
                   ResultSetExtractor<T> rse)
        throws DataAccessException
Description copied from interface: NamedParameterJdbcOperations
Query given SQL to create a prepared statement from SQL and a list of arguments to bind to the query, reading the ResultSet with a ResultSetExtractor.

Specified by:
query in interface NamedParameterJdbcOperations
sql - SQL query to execute
paramMap - map of parameters to bind to the query (leaving it to the PreparedStatement to guess the corresponding SQL type)
rse - object that will extract results
an arbitrary result object, as returned by the ResultSetExtractor
DataAccessException - if the query fails


public void query(java.lang.String sql,
                  SqlParameterSource paramSource,
                  RowCallbackHandler rch)
           throws DataAccessException
Description copied from interface: NamedParameterJdbcOperations
Query given SQL to create a prepared statement from SQL and a list of arguments to bind to the query, reading the ResultSet on a per-row basis with a RowCallbackHandler.

Specified by:
query in interface NamedParameterJdbcOperations
sql - SQL query to execute
paramSource - container of arguments to bind to the query
rch - object that will extract results, one row at a time
DataAccessException - if the query fails


public void query(java.lang.String sql,
                  java.util.Map<java.lang.String,?> paramMap,
                  RowCallbackHandler rch)
           throws DataAccessException
Description copied from interface: NamedParameterJdbcOperations
Query given SQL to create a prepared statement from SQL and a list of arguments to bind to the query, reading the ResultSet on a per-row basis with a RowCallbackHandler.

Specified by:
query in interface NamedParameterJdbcOperations
sql - SQL query to execute
paramMap - map of parameters to bind to the query (leaving it to the PreparedStatement to guess the corresponding SQL type)
rch - object that will extract results, one row at a time
DataAccessException - if the query fails


public <T> java.util.List<T> query(java.lang.String sql,
                                   SqlParameterSource paramSource,
                                   RowMapper<T> rowMapper)
                        throws DataAccessException
Description copied from interface: NamedParameterJdbcOperations
Query given SQL to create a prepared statement from SQL and a list of arguments to bind to the query, mapping each row to a Java object via a RowMapper.

Specified by:
query in interface NamedParameterJdbcOperations
sql - SQL query to execute
paramSource - container of arguments to bind to the query
rowMapper - object that will map one object per row
the result List, containing mapped objects
DataAccessException - if the query fails


public <T> java.util.List<T> query(java.lang.String sql,
                                   java.util.Map<java.lang.String,?> paramMap,
                                   RowMapper<T> rowMapper)
                        throws DataAccessException
Description copied from interface: NamedParameterJdbcOperations
Query given SQL to create a prepared statement from SQL and a list of arguments to bind to the query, mapping each row to a Java object via a RowMapper.

Specified by:
query in interface NamedParameterJdbcOperations
sql - SQL query to execute
paramMap - map of parameters to bind to the query (leaving it to the PreparedStatement to guess the corresponding SQL type)
rowMapper - object that will map one object per row
the result List, containing mapped objects
DataAccessException - if the query fails


public <T> T queryForObject(java.lang.String sql,
                            SqlParameterSource paramSource,
                            RowMapper<T> rowMapper)
                 throws DataAccessException
Description copied from interface: NamedParameterJdbcOperations
Query given SQL to create a prepared statement from SQL and a list of arguments to bind to the query, mapping a single result row to a Java object via a RowMapper.

Specified by:
queryForObject in interface NamedParameterJdbcOperations
sql - SQL query to execute
paramSource - container of arguments to bind to the query
rowMapper - object that will map one object per row
the single mapped object
IncorrectResultSizeDataAccessException - if the query does not return exactly one row, or does not return exactly one column in that row
DataAccessException - if the query fails


public <T> T queryForObject(java.lang.String sql,
                            java.util.Map<java.lang.String,?> paramMap,
                            RowMapper<T> rowMapper)
                 throws DataAccessException
Description copied from interface: NamedParameterJdbcOperations
Query given SQL to create a prepared statement from SQL and a list of arguments to bind to the query, mapping a single result row to a Java object via a RowMapper.

Specified by:
queryForObject in interface NamedParameterJdbcOperations
sql - SQL query to execute
paramMap - map of parameters to bind to the query (leaving it to the PreparedStatement to guess the corresponding SQL type)
rowMapper - object that will map one object per row
the single mapped object
IncorrectResultSizeDataAccessException - if the query does not return exactly one row, or does not return exactly one column in that row
DataAccessException - if the query fails


public <T> T queryForObject(java.lang.String sql,
                            SqlParameterSource paramSource,
                            java.lang.Class<T> requiredType)
                 throws DataAccessException
Description copied from interface: NamedParameterJdbcOperations
Query given SQL to create a prepared statement from SQL and a list of arguments to bind to the query, expecting a result object.

The query is expected to be a single row/single column query; the returned result will be directly mapped to the corresponding object type.

Specified by:
queryForObject in interface NamedParameterJdbcOperations
sql - SQL query to execute
paramSource - container of arguments to bind to the query
requiredType - the type that the result object is expected to match
the result object of the required type, or null in case of SQL NULL
IncorrectResultSizeDataAccessException - if the query does not return exactly one row, or does not return exactly one column in that row
DataAccessException - if the query fails
See Also:
JdbcTemplate.queryForObject(String, Class)


public <T> T queryForObject(java.lang.String sql,
                            java.util.Map<java.lang.String,?> paramMap,
                            java.lang.Class<T> requiredType)
                 throws DataAccessException
Description copied from interface: NamedParameterJdbcOperations
Query given SQL to create a prepared statement from SQL and a list of arguments to bind to the query, expecting a result object.

The query is expected to be a single row/single column query; the returned result will be directly mapped to the corresponding object type.

Specified by:
queryForObject in interface NamedParameterJdbcOperations
sql - SQL query to execute
paramMap - map of parameters to bind to the query (leaving it to the PreparedStatement to guess the corresponding SQL type)
requiredType - the type that the result object is expected to match
the result object of the required type, or null in case of SQL NULL
IncorrectResultSizeDataAccessException - if the query does not return exactly one row, or does not return exactly one column in that row
DataAccessException - if the query fails
See Also:
JdbcTemplate.queryForObject(String, Class)


public java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object> queryForMap(java.lang.String sql,
                                                                    SqlParameterSource paramSource)
                                                             throws DataAccessException
Description copied from interface: NamedParameterJdbcOperations
Query given SQL to create a prepared statement from SQL and a list of arguments to bind to the query, expecting a result Map.

The query is expected to be a single row query; the result row will be mapped to a Map (one entry for each column, using the column name as the key).

Specified by:
queryForMap in interface NamedParameterJdbcOperations
sql - SQL query to execute
paramSource - container of arguments to bind to the query
the result Map (one entry for each column, using the column name as the key)
IncorrectResultSizeDataAccessException - if the query does not return exactly one row, or does not return exactly one column in that row
DataAccessException - if the query fails
See Also:
JdbcTemplate.queryForMap(String), ColumnMapRowMapper


public java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object> queryForMap(java.lang.String sql,
                                                                    java.util.Map<java.lang.String,?> paramMap)
                                                             throws DataAccessException
Description copied from interface: NamedParameterJdbcOperations
Query given SQL to create a prepared statement from SQL and a list of arguments to bind to the query, expecting a result Map. The queryForMap() methods defined by this interface are appropriate when you don't have a domain model. Otherwise, consider using one of the queryForObject() methods.

The query is expected to be a single row query; the result row will be mapped to a Map (one entry for each column, using the column name as the key).

Specified by:
queryForMap in interface NamedParameterJdbcOperations
sql - SQL query to execute
paramMap - map of parameters to bind to the query (leaving it to the PreparedStatement to guess the corresponding SQL type)
the result Map (one entry for each column, using the column name as the key)
IncorrectResultSizeDataAccessException - if the query does not return exactly one row, or does not return exactly one column in that row
DataAccessException - if the query fails
See Also:
JdbcTemplate.queryForMap(String), ColumnMapRowMapper


public long queryForLong(java.lang.String sql,
                         SqlParameterSource paramSource)
                  throws DataAccessException
Description copied from interface: NamedParameterJdbcOperations
Query given SQL to create a prepared statement from SQL and a list of arguments to bind to the query, resulting in a long value.

The query is expected to be a single row/single column query that results in a long value.

Specified by:
queryForLong in interface NamedParameterJdbcOperations
sql - SQL query to execute
paramSource - container of arguments to bind to the query
the long value, or 0 in case of SQL NULL
IncorrectResultSizeDataAccessException - if the query does not return exactly one row, or does not return exactly one column in that row
DataAccessException - if the query fails
See Also:


public long queryForLong(java.lang.String sql,
                         java.util.Map<java.lang.String,?> paramMap)
                  throws DataAccessException
Description copied from interface: NamedParameterJdbcOperations
Query given SQL to create a prepared statement from SQL and a list of arguments to bind to the query, resulting in a long value.

The query is expected to be a single row/single column query that results in a long value.

Specified by:
queryForLong in interface NamedParameterJdbcOperations
sql - SQL query to execute
paramMap - map of parameters to bind to the query (leaving it to the PreparedStatement to guess the corresponding SQL type)
the long value, or 0 in case of SQL NULL
IncorrectResultSizeDataAccessException - if the query does not return exactly one row, or does not return exactly one column in that row
DataAccessException - if the query fails
See Also:


public int queryForInt(java.lang.String sql,
                       SqlParameterSource paramSource)
                throws DataAccessException
Description copied from interface: NamedParameterJdbcOperations
Query given SQL to create a prepared statement from SQL and a list of arguments to bind to the query, resulting in an int value.

The query is expected to be a single row/single column query that results in an int value.

Specified by:
queryForInt in interface NamedParameterJdbcOperations
sql - SQL query to execute
paramSource - container of arguments to bind to the query
the int value, or 0 in case of SQL NULL
IncorrectResultSizeDataAccessException - if the query does not return exactly one row, or does not return exactly one column in that row
DataAccessException - if the query fails
See Also:


public int queryForInt(java.lang.String sql,
                       java.util.Map<java.lang.String,?> paramMap)
                throws DataAccessException
Description copied from interface: NamedParameterJdbcOperations
Query given SQL to create a prepared statement from SQL and a list of arguments to bind to the query, resulting in an int value.

The query is expected to be a single row/single column query that results in an int value.

Specified by:
queryForInt in interface NamedParameterJdbcOperations
sql - SQL query to execute
paramMap - map of parameters to bind to the query (leaving it to the PreparedStatement to guess the corresponding SQL type)
the int value, or 0 in case of SQL NULL
IncorrectResultSizeDataAccessException - if the query does not return exactly one row, or does not return exactly one column in that row
DataAccessException - if the query fails
See Also:


public <T> java.util.List<T> queryForList(java.lang.String sql,
                                          SqlParameterSource paramSource,
                                          java.lang.Class<T> elementType)
                               throws DataAccessException
Description copied from interface: NamedParameterJdbcOperations
Query given SQL to create a prepared statement from SQL and a list of arguments to bind to the query, expecting a result list.

The results will be mapped to a List (one entry for each row) of result objects, each of them matching the specified element type.

Specified by:
queryForList in interface NamedParameterJdbcOperations
sql - SQL query to execute
paramSource - container of arguments to bind to the query
elementType - the required type of element in the result list (for example, Integer.class)
a List of objects that match the specified element type
DataAccessException - if the query fails
See Also:
JdbcTemplate.queryForList(String, Class), SingleColumnRowMapper


public <T> java.util.List<T> queryForList(java.lang.String sql,
                                          java.util.Map<java.lang.String,?> paramMap,
                                          java.lang.Class<T> elementType)
                               throws DataAccessException
Description copied from interface: NamedParameterJdbcOperations
Query given SQL to create a prepared statement from SQL and a list of arguments to bind to the query, expecting a result list.

The results will be mapped to a List (one entry for each row) of result objects, each of them matching the specified element type.

Specified by:
queryForList in interface NamedParameterJdbcOperations
sql - SQL query to execute
paramMap - map of parameters to bind to the query (leaving it to the PreparedStatement to guess the corresponding SQL type)
elementType - the required type of element in the result list (for example, Integer.class)
a List of objects that match the specified element type
DataAccessException - if the query fails
See Also:
JdbcTemplate.queryForList(String, Class), SingleColumnRowMapper


public java.util.List<java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object>> queryForList(java.lang.String sql,
                                                                                     SqlParameterSource paramSource)
                                                                              throws DataAccessException
Description copied from interface: NamedParameterJdbcOperations
Query given SQL to create a prepared statement from SQL and a list of arguments to bind to the query, expecting a result list.

The results will be mapped to a List (one entry for each row) of Maps (one entry for each column, using the column name as the key). Thus Each element in the list will be of the form returned by this interface's queryForMap() methods.

Specified by:
queryForList in interface NamedParameterJdbcOperations
sql - SQL query to execute
paramSource - container of arguments to bind to the query
a List that contains a Map per row
DataAccessException - if the query fails
See Also:


public java.util.List<java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object>> queryForList(java.lang.String sql,
                                                                                     java.util.Map<java.lang.String,?> paramMap)
                                                                              throws DataAccessException
Description copied from interface: NamedParameterJdbcOperations
Query given SQL to create a prepared statement from SQL and a list of arguments to bind to the query, expecting a result list.

The results will be mapped to a List (one entry for each row) of Maps (one entry for each column, using the column name as the key). Each element in the list will be of the form returned by this interface's queryForMap() methods.

Specified by:
queryForList in interface NamedParameterJdbcOperations
sql - SQL query to execute
paramMap - map of parameters to bind to the query (leaving it to the PreparedStatement to guess the corresponding SQL type)
a List that contains a Map per row
DataAccessException - if the query fails
See Also:


public SqlRowSet queryForRowSet(java.lang.String sql,
                                SqlParameterSource paramSource)
                         throws DataAccessException
Description copied from interface: NamedParameterJdbcOperations
Query given SQL to create a prepared statement from SQL and a list of arguments to bind to the query, expecting a SqlRowSet.

The results will be mapped to an SqlRowSet which holds the data in a disconnected fashion. This wrapper will translate any SQLExceptions thrown.

Note that that, for the default implementation, JDBC RowSet support needs to be available at runtime: by default, Sun's com.sun.rowset.CachedRowSetImpl class is used, which is part of JDK 1.5+ and also available separately as part of Sun's JDBC RowSet Implementations download (rowset.jar).

Specified by:
queryForRowSet in interface NamedParameterJdbcOperations
sql - SQL query to execute
paramSource - container of arguments to bind to the query
a SqlRowSet representation (possibly a wrapper around a javax.sql.rowset.CachedRowSet)
DataAccessException - if there is any problem executing the query
See Also:
JdbcTemplate.queryForRowSet(String), SqlRowSetResultSetExtractor, CachedRowSet


public SqlRowSet queryForRowSet(java.lang.String sql,
                                java.util.Map<java.lang.String,?> paramMap)
                         throws DataAccessException
Description copied from interface: NamedParameterJdbcOperations
Query given SQL to create a prepared statement from SQL and a list of arguments to bind to the query, expecting a SqlRowSet.

The results will be mapped to an SqlRowSet which holds the data in a disconnected fashion. This wrapper will translate any SQLExceptions thrown.

Note that that, for the default implementation, JDBC RowSet support needs to be available at runtime: by default, Sun's com.sun.rowset.CachedRowSetImpl class is used, which is part of JDK 1.5+ and also available separately as part of Sun's JDBC RowSet Implementations download (rowset.jar).

Specified by:
queryForRowSet in interface NamedParameterJdbcOperations
sql - SQL query to execute
paramMap - map of parameters to bind to the query (leaving it to the PreparedStatement to guess the corresponding SQL type)
a SqlRowSet representation (possibly a wrapper around a javax.sql.rowset.CachedRowSet)
DataAccessException - if there is any problem executing the query
See Also:
JdbcTemplate.queryForRowSet(String), SqlRowSetResultSetExtractor, CachedRowSet


public int update(java.lang.String sql,
                  SqlParameterSource paramSource)
           throws DataAccessException
Description copied from interface: NamedParameterJdbcOperations
Issue an update via a prepared statement, binding the given arguments.

Specified by:
update in interface NamedParameterJdbcOperations
sql - SQL containing named parameters
paramSource - container of arguments and SQL types to bind to the query
the number of rows affected
DataAccessException - if there is any problem issuing the update


public int update(java.lang.String sql,
                  java.util.Map<java.lang.String,?> paramMap)
           throws DataAccessException
Description copied from interface: NamedParameterJdbcOperations
Issue an update via a prepared statement, binding the given arguments.

Specified by:
update in interface NamedParameterJdbcOperations
sql - SQL containing named parameters
paramMap - map of parameters to bind to the query (leaving it to the PreparedStatement to guess the corresponding SQL type)
the number of rows affected
DataAccessException - if there is any problem issuing the update


public int update(java.lang.String sql,
                  SqlParameterSource paramSource,
                  KeyHolder generatedKeyHolder)
           throws DataAccessException
Description copied from interface: NamedParameterJdbcOperations
Issue an update via a prepared statement, binding the given arguments, returning generated keys.

Specified by:
update in interface NamedParameterJdbcOperations
sql - SQL containing named parameters
paramSource - container of arguments and SQL types to bind to the query
generatedKeyHolder - KeyHolder that will hold the generated keys
the number of rows affected
DataAccessException - if there is any problem issuing the update
See Also:
MapSqlParameterSource, GeneratedKeyHolder


public int update(java.lang.String sql,
                  SqlParameterSource paramSource,
                  KeyHolder generatedKeyHolder,
                  java.lang.String[] keyColumnNames)
           throws DataAccessException
Description copied from interface: NamedParameterJdbcOperations
Issue an update via a prepared statement, binding the given arguments, returning generated keys.

Specified by:
update in interface NamedParameterJdbcOperations
sql - SQL containing named parameters
paramSource - container of arguments and SQL types to bind to the query
generatedKeyHolder - KeyHolder that will hold the generated keys
keyColumnNames - names of the columns that will have keys generated for them
the number of rows affected
DataAccessException - if there is any problem issuing the update
See Also:
MapSqlParameterSource, GeneratedKeyHolder


public int[] batchUpdate(java.lang.String sql,
                         java.util.Map<java.lang.String,?>[] batchValues)
Description copied from interface: NamedParameterJdbcOperations
Executes a batch using the supplied SQL statement with the batch of supplied arguments.

Specified by:
batchUpdate in interface NamedParameterJdbcOperations
sql - the SQL statement to execute
batchValues - the array of Maps containing the batch of arguments for the query
an array containing the numbers of rows affected by each update in the batch


public int[] batchUpdate(java.lang.String sql,
                         SqlParameterSource[] batchArgs)
Description copied from interface: NamedParameterJdbcOperations
Execute a batch using the supplied SQL statement with the batch of supplied arguments.

Specified by:
batchUpdate in interface NamedParameterJdbcOperations
sql - the SQL statement to execute
batchArgs - the array of SqlParameterSource containing the batch of arguments for the query
an array containing the numbers of rows affected by each update in the batch


protected PreparedStatementCreator getPreparedStatementCreator(java.lang.String sql,
                                                               SqlParameterSource paramSource)
Build a PreparedStatementCreator based on the given SQL and named parameters.

Note: Not used for the update variant with generated key handling.

sql - SQL to execute
paramSource - container of arguments to bind
the corresponding PreparedStatementCreator


protected ParsedSql getParsedSql(java.lang.String sql)
Obtain a parsed representation of the given SQL statement.

The default implementation uses an LRU cache with an upper limit of 256 entries.

sql - the original SQL
a representation of the parsed SQL statement