Class ScheduledExecutorTask

  extended by org.springframework.scheduling.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorTask

public class ScheduledExecutorTask
extends java.lang.Object

JavaBean that describes a scheduled executor task, consisting of the Runnable and a delay plus period. The period needs to be specified; there is no point in a default for it.

The JDK 1.5 ScheduledExecutorService does not offer more sophisticated scheduling options such as cron expressions. Consider using Quartz for such advanced needs.

Note that the ScheduledExecutorService mechanism uses a Runnable instance that is shared between repeated executions, in contrast to Quartz which creates a new Job instance for each execution.

Juergen Hoeller
See Also:
ScheduledExecutorService.scheduleWithFixedDelay(java.lang.Runnable, long, long, java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit), ScheduledExecutorService.scheduleAtFixedRate(java.lang.Runnable, long, long, java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit)

Field Summary
private  long delay
private  boolean fixedRate
private  long period
private  java.lang.Runnable runnable
private  java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit timeUnit
Constructor Summary
          Create a new ScheduledExecutorTask, to be populated via bean properties.
ScheduledExecutorTask(java.lang.Runnable executorTask)
          Create a new ScheduledExecutorTask, with default one-time execution without delay.
ScheduledExecutorTask(java.lang.Runnable executorTask, long delay)
          Create a new ScheduledExecutorTask, with default one-time execution with the given delay.
ScheduledExecutorTask(java.lang.Runnable executorTask, long delay, long period, boolean fixedRate)
          Create a new ScheduledExecutorTask.
Method Summary
 long getDelay()
          Return the delay before starting the job for the first time.
 long getPeriod()
          Return the period between repeated task executions.
 java.lang.Runnable getRunnable()
          Return the Runnable to schedule as executor task.
 java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit getTimeUnit()
          Return the time unit for the delay and period values.
 boolean isFixedRate()
          Return whether to schedule as fixed-rate execution.
 boolean isOneTimeTask()
          Is this task only ever going to execute once?
 void setDelay(long delay)
          Set the delay before starting the task for the first time, in milliseconds.
 void setFixedRate(boolean fixedRate)
          Set whether to schedule as fixed-rate execution, rather than fixed-delay execution.
 void setPeriod(long period)
          Set the period between repeated task executions, in milliseconds.
 void setRunnable(java.lang.Runnable executorTask)
          Set the Runnable to schedule as executor task.
 void setTimeUnit(java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit timeUnit)
          Specify the time unit for the delay and period values.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


private java.lang.Runnable runnable


private long delay


private long period


private java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit timeUnit


private boolean fixedRate
Constructor Detail


public ScheduledExecutorTask()
Create a new ScheduledExecutorTask, to be populated via bean properties.

See Also:
setDelay(long), setPeriod(long), setFixedRate(boolean)


public ScheduledExecutorTask(java.lang.Runnable executorTask)
Create a new ScheduledExecutorTask, with default one-time execution without delay.

executorTask - the Runnable to schedule


public ScheduledExecutorTask(java.lang.Runnable executorTask,
                             long delay)
Create a new ScheduledExecutorTask, with default one-time execution with the given delay.

executorTask - the Runnable to schedule
delay - the delay before starting the task for the first time (ms)


public ScheduledExecutorTask(java.lang.Runnable executorTask,
                             long delay,
                             long period,
                             boolean fixedRate)
Create a new ScheduledExecutorTask.

executorTask - the Runnable to schedule
delay - the delay before starting the task for the first time (ms)
period - the period between repeated task executions (ms)
fixedRate - whether to schedule as fixed-rate execution
Method Detail


public void setRunnable(java.lang.Runnable executorTask)
Set the Runnable to schedule as executor task.


public java.lang.Runnable getRunnable()
Return the Runnable to schedule as executor task.


public void setDelay(long delay)
Set the delay before starting the task for the first time, in milliseconds. Default is 0, immediately starting the task after successful scheduling.


public long getDelay()
Return the delay before starting the job for the first time.


public void setPeriod(long period)
Set the period between repeated task executions, in milliseconds.

Default is -1, leading to one-time execution. In case of a positive value, the task will be executed repeatedly, with the given interval inbetween executions.

Note that the semantics of the period value vary between fixed-rate and fixed-delay execution.

Note: A period of 0 (for example as fixed delay) is not supported, simply because java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService itself does not support it. Hence a value of 0 will be treated as one-time execution; however, that value should never be specified explicitly in the first place!

See Also:
setFixedRate(boolean), isOneTimeTask(), ScheduledExecutorService.scheduleWithFixedDelay(java.lang.Runnable, long, long, java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit)


public long getPeriod()
Return the period between repeated task executions.


public boolean isOneTimeTask()
Is this task only ever going to execute once?

true if this task is only ever going to execute once
See Also:


public void setTimeUnit(java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit timeUnit)
Specify the time unit for the delay and period values. Default is milliseconds (TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS).

See Also:


public java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit getTimeUnit()
Return the time unit for the delay and period values.


public void setFixedRate(boolean fixedRate)
Set whether to schedule as fixed-rate execution, rather than fixed-delay execution. Default is "false", that is, fixed delay.

See ScheduledExecutorService javadoc for details on those execution modes.

See Also:
ScheduledExecutorService.scheduleWithFixedDelay(java.lang.Runnable, long, long, java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit), ScheduledExecutorService.scheduleAtFixedRate(java.lang.Runnable, long, long, java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit)


public boolean isFixedRate()
Return whether to schedule as fixed-rate execution.