Class AbstractJasperReportsView

  extended by
      extended by
          extended by org.springframework.web.servlet.view.AbstractView
              extended by org.springframework.web.servlet.view.AbstractUrlBasedView
                  extended by org.springframework.web.servlet.view.jasperreports.AbstractJasperReportsView
All Implemented Interfaces:
BeanNameAware, InitializingBean, ApplicationContextAware, ServletContextAware, View
Direct Known Subclasses:
AbstractJasperReportsSingleFormatView, JasperReportsMultiFormatView

public abstract class AbstractJasperReportsView
extends AbstractUrlBasedView

Base class for all JasperReports views. Applies on-the-fly compilation of report designs as required and coordinates the rendering process. The resource path of the main report needs to be specified as url.

This class is responsible for getting report data from the model that has been provided to the view. The default implementation checks for a model object under the specified reportDataKey first, then falls back to looking for a value of type JRDataSource, java.util.Collection, object array (in that order).

If no JRDataSource can be found in the model, then reports will be filled using the configured javax.sql.DataSource if any. If neither a JRDataSource or javax.sql.DataSource is available then an IllegalArgumentException is raised.

Provides support for sub-reports through the subReportUrls and subReportDataKeys properties.

When using sub-reports, the master report should be configured using the url property and the sub-reports files should be configured using the subReportUrls property. Each entry in the subReportUrls Map corresponds to an individual sub-report. The key of an entry must match up to a sub-report parameter in your report file of type net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JasperReport, and the value of an entry must be the URL for the sub-report file.

For sub-reports that require an instance of JRDataSource, that is, they don't have a hard-coded query for data retrieval, you can include the appropriate data in your model as would with the data source for the parent report. However, you must provide a List of parameter names that need to be converted to JRDataSource instances for the sub-report via the subReportDataKeys property. When using JRDataSource instances for sub-reports, you must specify a value for the reportDataKey property, indicating the data to use for the main report.

Allows for exporter parameters to be configured declatively using the exporterParameters property. This is a Map typed property where the key of an entry corresponds to the fully-qualified name of the static field for the JRExporterParameter and the value of an entry is the value you want to assign to the exporter parameter.

Response headers can be controlled via the headers property. Spring will attempt to set the correct value for the Content-Diposition header so that reports render correctly in Internet Explorer. However, you can override this setting through the headers property.

Rob Harrop, Juergen Hoeller
See Also:
AbstractUrlBasedView.setUrl(java.lang.String), setReportDataKey(java.lang.String), setSubReportUrls(java.util.Properties), setSubReportDataKeys(java.lang.String[]), setHeaders(java.util.Properties), setExporterParameters(java.util.Map), setJdbcDataSource(javax.sql.DataSource)

Field Summary
protected static java.lang.String CONTENT_DISPOSITION_INLINE
          The default Content-Disposition header.
private  java.util.Map<JRExporterParameter,java.lang.Object> convertedExporterParameters
          Stores the converted exporter parameters - keyed by JRExporterParameter.
private  java.util.Map<?,?> exporterParameters
          Stores the exporter parameters passed in by the user as passed in by the user.
protected static java.lang.String HEADER_CONTENT_DISPOSITION
          Constant that defines "Content-Disposition" header.
private  java.util.Properties headers
          Stores the headers to written with each response
private  javax.sql.DataSource jdbcDataSource
          Stores the DataSource, if any, used as the report data source.
private  JasperReport report
          The JasperReport that is used to render the view.
private  java.lang.String reportDataKey
          A String key used to lookup the JRDataSource in the model.
private  java.lang.String[] subReportDataKeys
          Stores the names of any data source objects that need to be converted to JRDataSource instances and included in the report parameters to be passed on to a sub-report.
private  java.util.Map<java.lang.String,JasperReport> subReports
          Holds mappings between sub-report keys and JasperReport objects.
private  java.util.Properties subReportUrls
          Stores the paths to any sub-report files used by this top-level report, along with the keys they are mapped to in the top-level report file.
Fields inherited from class org.springframework.web.servlet.view.AbstractView
Fields inherited from class
Fields inherited from interface org.springframework.web.servlet.View
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
protected  void convertExporterParameters()
          Converts the exporter parameters passed in by the user which may be keyed by Strings corresponding to the fully qualified name of the JRExporterParameter into parameters which are keyed by JRExporterParameter.
protected  java.lang.Object convertParameterValue(JRExporterParameter parameter, java.lang.Object value)
          Convert the supplied parameter value into the actual type required by the corresponding JRExporterParameter.
protected  JRDataSource convertReportData(java.lang.Object value)
          Convert the given report data value to a JRDataSource.
protected  JRExporterParameter convertToExporterParameter(java.lang.String fqFieldName)
          Convert the given fully qualified field name to a corresponding JRExporterParameter instance.
protected  JRDataSource createReport(JRDataSourceProvider provider)
          Create a report using the given provider.
private  JasperPrint doFillReport(JasperReport report, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object> model, javax.sql.DataSource ds)
          Fill the given report using the given JDBC DataSource and model.
protected  void exposeLocalizationContext(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object> model, HttpServletRequest request)
          Expose current Spring-managed Locale and MessageSource to JasperReports i18n ($R expressions etc).
protected  JasperPrint fillReport(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object> model)
          Create a populated JasperPrint instance from the configured JasperReport instance.
protected  java.util.Map<JRExporterParameter,java.lang.Object> getConvertedExporterParameters()
          Allows subclasses to retrieve the converted exporter parameters.
protected  JRExporterParameter getExporterParameter(java.lang.Object parameter)
          Return a JRExporterParameter for the given parameter object, converting it from a String if necessary.
 java.util.Map<?,?> getExporterParameters()
          Return the exporter parameters that this view uses, if any.
protected  javax.sql.DataSource getJdbcDataSource()
          Return the javax.sql.DataSource that this view uses, if any.
protected  JasperReport getReport()
          Determine the JasperReport to fill.
protected  JRDataSource getReportData(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object> model)
          Create an appropriate JRDataSource for passed-in report data.
protected  java.lang.Class[] getReportDataTypes()
          Return the value types that can be converted to a JRDataSource, in prioritized order.
protected  void initApplicationContext()
          Checks to see that a valid report file URL is supplied in the configuration.
protected  boolean isUrlRequired()
          JasperReports views do not strictly required a 'url' value.
protected  JasperReport loadReport()
          Load the main JasperReport from the specified Resource.
protected  JasperReport loadReport(Resource resource)
          Loads a JasperReport from the specified Resource.
protected  void onInit()
          Subclasses can override this to add some custom initialization logic.
private  void populateHeaders(HttpServletResponse response)
          Populates the headers in the HttpServletResponse with the headers supplied by the user.
protected  void postProcessReport(JasperPrint populatedReport, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object> model)
          Template method to be overridden for custom post-processing of the populated report.
protected  void renderMergedOutputModel(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object> model, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
          Finds the report data to use for rendering the report and then invokes the renderReport(JasperPrint, java.util.Map, HttpServletResponse) method that should be implemented by the subclass.
protected abstract  void renderReport(JasperPrint populatedReport, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object> model, HttpServletResponse response)
          Subclasses should implement this method to perform the actual rendering process.
protected  void setConvertedExporterParameters(java.util.Map<JRExporterParameter,java.lang.Object> convertedExporterParameters)
          Allows subclasses to populate the converted exporter parameters.
 void setExporterParameters(java.util.Map<?,?> parameters)
          Set the exporter parameters that should be used when rendering a view.
 void setHeaders(java.util.Properties headers)
          Specify the set of headers that are included in each of response.
 void setJdbcDataSource(javax.sql.DataSource jdbcDataSource)
          Specify the javax.sql.DataSource to use for reports with embedded SQL statements.
 void setReportDataKey(java.lang.String reportDataKey)
          Set the name of the model attribute that represents the report data.
 void setSubReportDataKeys(java.lang.String[] subReportDataKeys)
          Set the list of names corresponding to the model parameters that will contain data source objects for use in sub-reports.
 void setSubReportUrls(java.util.Properties subReports)
          Specify resource paths which must be loaded as instances of JasperReport and passed to the JasperReports engine for rendering as sub-reports, under the same keys as in this mapping.
Methods inherited from class org.springframework.web.servlet.view.AbstractUrlBasedView
afterPropertiesSet, checkResource, getUrl, setUrl, toString
Methods inherited from class org.springframework.web.servlet.view.AbstractView
addStaticAttribute, createRequestContext, createTemporaryOutputStream, exposeModelAsRequestAttributes, generatesDownloadContent, getAttributesMap, getBeanName, getContentType, getRequestContextAttribute, getStaticAttributes, prepareResponse, render, setAttributes, setAttributesCSV, setAttributesMap, setBeanName, setContentType, setRequestContextAttribute, writeToResponse
Methods inherited from class
getServletContext, getTempDir, getWebApplicationContext, initApplicationContext, initServletContext, isContextRequired, setServletContext
Methods inherited from class
getApplicationContext, getMessageSourceAccessor, requiredContextClass, setApplicationContext
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected static final java.lang.String HEADER_CONTENT_DISPOSITION
Constant that defines "Content-Disposition" header.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected static final java.lang.String CONTENT_DISPOSITION_INLINE
The default Content-Disposition header. Used to make IE play nice.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


private java.lang.String reportDataKey
A String key used to lookup the JRDataSource in the model.


private java.util.Properties subReportUrls
Stores the paths to any sub-report files used by this top-level report, along with the keys they are mapped to in the top-level report file.


private java.lang.String[] subReportDataKeys
Stores the names of any data source objects that need to be converted to JRDataSource instances and included in the report parameters to be passed on to a sub-report.


private java.util.Properties headers
Stores the headers to written with each response


private java.util.Map<?,?> exporterParameters
Stores the exporter parameters passed in by the user as passed in by the user. May be keyed as Strings with the fully qualified name of the exporter parameter field.


private java.util.Map<JRExporterParameter,java.lang.Object> convertedExporterParameters
Stores the converted exporter parameters - keyed by JRExporterParameter.


private javax.sql.DataSource jdbcDataSource
Stores the DataSource, if any, used as the report data source.


private JasperReport report
The JasperReport that is used to render the view.


private java.util.Map<java.lang.String,JasperReport> subReports
Holds mappings between sub-report keys and JasperReport objects.

Constructor Detail


public AbstractJasperReportsView()
Method Detail


public void setReportDataKey(java.lang.String reportDataKey)
Set the name of the model attribute that represents the report data. If not specified, the model map will be searched for a matching value type.

A JRDataSource will be taken as-is. For other types, conversion will apply: By default, a java.util.Collection will be converted to JRBeanCollectionDataSource, and an object array to JRBeanArrayDataSource.

Note: If you pass in a Collection or object array in the model map for use as plain report parameter, rather than as report data to extract fields from, you need to specify the key for the actual report data to use, to avoid mis-detection of report data by type.

See Also:
convertReportData(java.lang.Object), net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRDataSource,,


public void setSubReportUrls(java.util.Properties subReports)
Specify resource paths which must be loaded as instances of JasperReport and passed to the JasperReports engine for rendering as sub-reports, under the same keys as in this mapping.

subReports - mapping between model keys and resource paths (Spring resource locations)
See Also:
AbstractUrlBasedView.setUrl(java.lang.String), ResourceLoader.getResource(java.lang.String)


public void setSubReportDataKeys(java.lang.String[] subReportDataKeys)
Set the list of names corresponding to the model parameters that will contain data source objects for use in sub-reports. Spring will convert these objects to instances of JRDataSource where applicable and will then include the resulting JRDataSource in the parameters passed into the JasperReports engine.

The name specified in the list should correspond to an attribute in the model Map, and to a sub-report data source parameter in your report file. If you pass in JRDataSource objects as model attributes, specifing this list of keys is not required.

If you specify a list of sub-report data keys, it is required to also specify a reportDataKey for the main report, to avoid confusion between the data source objects for the various reports involved.

subReportDataKeys - list of names for sub-report data source objects
See Also:
setReportDataKey(java.lang.String), convertReportData(java.lang.Object), net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRDataSource,,


public void setHeaders(java.util.Properties headers)
Specify the set of headers that are included in each of response.

headers - the headers to write to each response.


public void setExporterParameters(java.util.Map<?,?> parameters)
Set the exporter parameters that should be used when rendering a view.

parameters - Map with the fully qualified field name of the JRExporterParameter instance as key (e.g. "net.sf.jasperreports.engine.export.JRHtmlExporterParameter.IMAGES_URI") and the value you wish to assign to the parameter as value


public java.util.Map<?,?> getExporterParameters()
Return the exporter parameters that this view uses, if any.


protected void setConvertedExporterParameters(java.util.Map<JRExporterParameter,java.lang.Object> convertedExporterParameters)
Allows subclasses to populate the converted exporter parameters.


protected java.util.Map<JRExporterParameter,java.lang.Object> getConvertedExporterParameters()
Allows subclasses to retrieve the converted exporter parameters.


public void setJdbcDataSource(javax.sql.DataSource jdbcDataSource)
Specify the javax.sql.DataSource to use for reports with embedded SQL statements.


protected javax.sql.DataSource getJdbcDataSource()
Return the javax.sql.DataSource that this view uses, if any.


protected boolean isUrlRequired()
JasperReports views do not strictly required a 'url' value. Alternatively, the getReport() template method may be overridden.

isUrlRequired in class AbstractUrlBasedView


protected final void initApplicationContext()
                                     throws ApplicationContextException
Checks to see that a valid report file URL is supplied in the configuration. Compiles the report file is necessary.

Subclasses can add custom initialization logic by overriding the onInit() method.

initApplicationContext in class ApplicationObjectSupport
ApplicationContextException - in case of initialization errors
See Also:


protected void onInit()
Subclasses can override this to add some custom initialization logic. Called by initApplicationContext() as soon as all standard initialization logic has finished executing.

See Also:


protected final void convertExporterParameters()
Converts the exporter parameters passed in by the user which may be keyed by Strings corresponding to the fully qualified name of the JRExporterParameter into parameters which are keyed by JRExporterParameter.

See Also:


protected java.lang.Object convertParameterValue(JRExporterParameter parameter,
                                                 java.lang.Object value)
Convert the supplied parameter value into the actual type required by the corresponding JRExporterParameter.

The default implementation simply converts the String values "true" and "false" into corresponding Boolean objects, and tries to convert String values that start with a digit into Integer objects (simply keeping them as String if number conversion fails).

parameter - the parameter key
value - the parameter value
the converted parameter value


protected JRExporterParameter getExporterParameter(java.lang.Object parameter)
Return a JRExporterParameter for the given parameter object, converting it from a String if necessary.

parameter - the parameter object, either a String or a JRExporterParameter
a JRExporterParameter for the given parameter object
See Also:


protected JRExporterParameter convertToExporterParameter(java.lang.String fqFieldName)
Convert the given fully qualified field name to a corresponding JRExporterParameter instance.

fqFieldName - the fully qualified field name, consisting of the class name followed by a dot followed by the field name (e.g. "net.sf.jasperreports.engine.export.JRHtmlExporterParameter.IMAGES_URI")
the corresponding JRExporterParameter instance


protected JasperReport loadReport()
Load the main JasperReport from the specified Resource. If the Resource points to an uncompiled report design file then the report file is compiled dynamically and loaded into memory.

a JasperReport instance, or null if no main report has been statically defined


protected final JasperReport loadReport(Resource resource)
Loads a JasperReport from the specified Resource. If the Resource points to an uncompiled report design file then the report file is compiled dynamically and loaded into memory.

resource - the Resource containing the report definition or design
a JasperReport instance


protected void renderMergedOutputModel(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object> model,
                                       HttpServletRequest request,
                                       HttpServletResponse response)
                                throws java.lang.Exception
Finds the report data to use for rendering the report and then invokes the renderReport(JasperPrint, java.util.Map, HttpServletResponse) method that should be implemented by the subclass.

Specified by:
renderMergedOutputModel in class AbstractView
model - the model map, as passed in for view rendering. Must contain a report data value that can be converted to a JRDataSource, acccording to the rules of the fillReport(java.util.Map) method.
request - current HTTP request
response - current HTTP response
java.lang.Exception - if rendering failed


protected void exposeLocalizationContext(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object> model,
                                         HttpServletRequest request)
Expose current Spring-managed Locale and MessageSource to JasperReports i18n ($R expressions etc). The MessageSource should only be exposed as JasperReports resource bundle if no such bundle is defined in the report itself.

The default implementation exposes the Spring RequestContext Locale and a MessageSourceResourceBundle adapter for the Spring ApplicationContext, analogous to the JstlUtils.exposeLocalizationContext method.

See Also:
RequestContextUtils.getLocale(HttpServletRequest), MessageSourceResourceBundle, ApplicationObjectSupport.getApplicationContext(), net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRParameter#REPORT_LOCALE, net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRParameter#REPORT_RESOURCE_BUNDLE, JstlUtils.exposeLocalizationContext(HttpServletRequest, org.springframework.context.MessageSource)


protected JasperPrint fillReport(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object> model)
                          throws java.lang.Exception
Create a populated JasperPrint instance from the configured JasperReport instance.

By default, this method will use any JRDataSource instance (or wrappable Object) that can be located using setReportDataKey(java.lang.String), a lookup for type JRDataSource in the model Map, or a special value retrieved via getReportData(java.util.Map).

If no JRDataSource can be found, this method will use a JDBC Connection obtained from the configured javax.sql.DataSource (or a DataSource attribute in the model). If no JDBC DataSource can be found either, the JasperReports engine will be invoked with plain model Map, assuming that the model contains parameters that identify the source for report data (e.g. Hibernate or JPA queries).

model - the model for this request
the populated JasperPrint instance
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if no JRDataSource can be found and no javax.sql.DataSource is supplied
java.sql.SQLException - if there is an error when populating the report using the javax.sql.DataSource
JRException - if there is an error when populating the report using a JRDataSource
See Also:
getReportData(java.util.Map), setJdbcDataSource(javax.sql.DataSource)


private JasperPrint doFillReport(JasperReport report,
                                 java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object> model,
                                 javax.sql.DataSource ds)
                          throws java.lang.Exception
Fill the given report using the given JDBC DataSource and model.



private void populateHeaders(HttpServletResponse response)
Populates the headers in the HttpServletResponse with the headers supplied by the user.


protected JasperReport getReport()
Determine the JasperReport to fill. Called by fillReport(java.util.Map).

The default implementation returns the report as statically configured through the 'url' property (and loaded by loadReport()). Can be overridden in subclasses in order to dynamically obtain a JasperReport instance. As an alternative, consider overriding the fillReport(java.util.Map) template method itself.

an instance of JasperReport


protected JRDataSource getReportData(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object> model)
Create an appropriate JRDataSource for passed-in report data. Called by fillReport(java.util.Map) when its own lookup steps were not successful.

The default implementation looks for a value of type java.util.Collection or object array (in that order). Can be overridden in subclasses.

model - the model map, as passed in for view rendering
the JRDataSource or null if the data source is not found
See Also:
getReportDataTypes(), convertReportData(java.lang.Object)


protected JRDataSource convertReportData(java.lang.Object value)
                                  throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
Convert the given report data value to a JRDataSource.

The default implementation delegates to JasperReportUtils unless the report data value is an instance of JRDataSourceProvider. A JRDataSource, JRDataSourceProvider, java.util.Collection or object array is detected. JRDataSources are returned as is, whilst JRDataSourceProviders are used to create an instance of JRDataSource which is then returned. The latter two are converted to JRBeanCollectionDataSource or JRBeanArrayDataSource, respectively.

value - the report data value to convert
the JRDataSource
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the value could not be converted
See Also:
JasperReportsUtils.convertReportData(java.lang.Object), net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRDataSource, net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRDataSourceProvider,,


protected JRDataSource createReport(JRDataSourceProvider provider)
Create a report using the given provider.

provider - the JRDataSourceProvider to use
the created report


protected java.lang.Class[] getReportDataTypes()
Return the value types that can be converted to a JRDataSource, in prioritized order. Should only return types that the convertReportData(java.lang.Object) method is actually able to convert.

Default value types are: java.util.Collection and Object array.

the value types in prioritized order


protected void postProcessReport(JasperPrint populatedReport,
                                 java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object> model)
                          throws java.lang.Exception
Template method to be overridden for custom post-processing of the populated report. Invoked after filling but before rendering.

The default implementation is empty.

populatedReport - the populated JasperPrint
model - the map containing report parameters
java.lang.Exception - if post-processing failed


protected abstract void renderReport(JasperPrint populatedReport,
                                     java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object> model,
                                     HttpServletResponse response)
                              throws java.lang.Exception
Subclasses should implement this method to perform the actual rendering process.

Note that the content type has not been set yet: Implementors should build a content type String and set it via response.setContentType. If necessary, this can include a charset clause for a specific encoding. The latter will only be necessary for textual output onto a Writer, and only in case of the encoding being specified in the JasperReports exporter parameters.

WARNING: Implementors should not use response.setCharacterEncoding unless they are willing to depend on Servlet API 2.4 or higher. Prefer a concatenated content type String with a charset clause instead.

populatedReport - the populated JasperPrint to render
model - the map containing report parameters
response - the HTTP response the report should be rendered to
java.lang.Exception - if rendering failed
See Also:
AbstractView.getContentType(), javax.servlet.ServletResponse#setContentType, javax.servlet.ServletResponse#setCharacterEncoding