Package org.springframework.cache.config

Support package for declarative caching configuration, with XML schema being the primary configuration format.


Class Summary
AnnotationDrivenCacheBeanDefinitionParser BeanDefinitionParser implementation that allows users to easily configure all the infrastructure beans required to enable annotation-driven cache demarcation.
AnnotationDrivenCacheBeanDefinitionParser.AopAutoProxyConfigurer Inner class to just introduce an AOP framework dependency when actually in proxy mode.
CacheAdviceParser BeanDefinitionParser for the <tx:advice/> tag.
CacheAdviceParser.Props Simple, reusable class used for overriding defaults.
CacheNamespaceHandler NamespaceHandler allowing for the configuration of declarative cache management using either XML or using annotations.

Package org.springframework.cache.config Description

Support package for declarative caching configuration, with XML schema being the primary configuration format. See EnableCaching for details on code-based configuration without XML.