
Default implementation of the type conversion system.


Interface Summary
ConfigurableConversionService Configuration interface to be implemented by most if not all ConversionService types.

Class Summary
ArrayToArrayConverter Converts an Array to another Array.
ArrayToCollectionConverter Converts an Array to a Collection.
ArrayToObjectConverter Converts an Array to an Object by returning the first array element after converting it to the desired targetType.
ArrayToStringConverter Converts an Array to a comma-delimited String.
CharacterToNumberFactory Converts from a Character to any JDK-standard Number implementation.
CharacterToNumberFactory.CharacterToNumber<T extends Number>  
CollectionToArrayConverter Converts a Collection to an array.
CollectionToCollectionConverter Converts from a Collection to another Collection.
CollectionToObjectConverter Converts a Collection to an Object by returning the first collection element after converting it to the desired targetType.
CollectionToStringConverter Converts a Collection to a comma-delimited String.
ConversionServiceFactory A factory for common ConversionService configurations.
ConversionUtils Internal utilities for the conversion package.
ConvertingPropertyEditorAdapter Adapter that exposes a PropertyEditor for any given ConversionService and specific target type.
DefaultConversionService A specialization of GenericConversionService configured by default with converters appropriate for most environments.
EnumToStringConverter Simply calls to convert a source Enum to a String.
FallbackObjectToStringConverter Simply calls Object.toString() to convert any supported Object to a String.
GenericConversionService Base ConversionService implementation suitable for use in most environments.
IdToEntityConverter Converts an entity identifier to a entity reference by calling a static finder method on the target entity type.
MapToMapConverter Converts a Map to another Map.
NumberToCharacterConverter Converts from any JDK-standard Number implementation to a Character.
NumberToNumberConverterFactory Converts from any JDK-standard Number implementation to any other JDK-standard Number implementation.
NumberToNumberConverterFactory.NumberToNumber<T extends Number>  
ObjectToArrayConverter Converts an Object to a single-element Array containing the Object.
ObjectToCollectionConverter Converts an Object to a single-element Collection containing the Object.
ObjectToObjectConverter Generic Converter that attempts to convert a source Object to a target type by delegating to methods on the target type.
ObjectToStringConverter Simply calls Object.toString() to convert a source Object to a String.
PropertiesToStringConverter Converts from a Properties to a String by calling, String).
StringToArrayConverter Converts a comma-delimited String to an Array.
StringToBooleanConverter Converts String to a Boolean.
StringToCharacterConverter Converts a String to a Character.
StringToCollectionConverter Converts a comma-delimited String to a Collection.
StringToEnumConverterFactory Converts from a String to a java.lang.Enum by calling Enum#valueOf(Class, String).
StringToLocaleConverter Converts a String to a Locale.
StringToNumberConverterFactory Converts from a String any JDK-standard Number implementation.
StringToNumberConverterFactory.StringToNumber<T extends Number>  
StringToPropertiesConverter Converts a String to a Properties by calling Properties#load(

Package Description

Default implementation of the type conversion system.