
Class Summary
ReflectionHelper Utility methods used by the reflection resolver code to discover the appropriate methods/constructors and fields that should be used in expressions.
ReflectionHelper.ArgumentsMatchInfo An instance of ArgumentsMatchInfo describes what kind of match was achieved between two sets of arguments - the set that a method/constructor is expecting and the set that are being supplied at the point of invocation.
ReflectiveConstructorExecutor A simple ConstructorExecutor implementation that runs a constructor using reflective invocation.
ReflectiveConstructorResolver A constructor resolver that uses reflection to locate the constructor that should be invoked
ReflectiveMethodResolver A method resolver that uses reflection to locate the method that should be invoked.
ReflectivePropertyAccessor Simple PropertyAccessor that uses reflection to access properties for reading and writing.
ReflectivePropertyAccessor.InvokerPair Captures the member (method/field) to call reflectively to access a property value and the type descriptor for the value returned by the reflective call.
ReflectivePropertyAccessor.OptimalPropertyAccessor An optimized form of a PropertyAccessor that will use reflection but only knows how to access a particular property on a particular class.
StandardEvaluationContext Provides a default EvaluationContext implementation.
StandardTypeComparator A simple basic TypeComparator implementation.
StandardTypeConverter Default implementation of the TypeConverter interface, delegating to a core Spring ConversionService.
StandardTypeLocator A default implementation of a TypeLocator that uses the context classloader (or any classloader set upon it).

Enum Summary