Class FormattingConversionService

  extended by
      extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:
Aware, EmbeddedValueResolverAware, ConversionService, ConverterRegistry, ConfigurableConversionService, FormatterRegistry
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class FormattingConversionService
extends GenericConversionService
implements FormatterRegistry, EmbeddedValueResolverAware

A ConversionService implementation designed to be configured as a FormatterRegistry.

Keith Donald, Juergen Hoeller

Nested Class Summary
private static class FormattingConversionService.AnnotationConverterKey
private  class FormattingConversionService.AnnotationParserConverter
private  class FormattingConversionService.AnnotationPrinterConverter
private static class FormattingConversionService.ParserConverter
private static class FormattingConversionService.PrinterConverter
Field Summary
private  java.util.Map<FormattingConversionService.AnnotationConverterKey,GenericConverter> cachedParsers
private  java.util.Map<FormattingConversionService.AnnotationConverterKey,GenericConverter> cachedPrinters
private  StringValueResolver embeddedValueResolver
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void addFormatter(Formatter<?> formatter)
          Adds a Formatter to format fields of a specific type.
 void addFormatterForFieldAnnotation(AnnotationFormatterFactory annotationFormatterFactory)
          Adds a Formatter to format fields annotated with a specific format annotation.
 void addFormatterForFieldType(java.lang.Class<?> fieldType, Formatter<?> formatter)
          Adds a Formatter to format fields of the given type.
 void addFormatterForFieldType(java.lang.Class<?> fieldType, Printer<?> printer, Parser<?> parser)
          Adds a Printer/Parser pair to format fields of a specific type.
 void setEmbeddedValueResolver(StringValueResolver resolver)
          Set the StringValueResolver to use for resolving embedded definition values.
Methods inherited from class
addConverter, addConverter, addConverter, addConverterFactory, canConvert, canConvert, convert, convert, convert, convertNullSource, getConverter, getDefaultConverter, removeConvertible, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface org.springframework.core.convert.converter.ConverterRegistry
addConverter, addConverter, addConverter, addConverterFactory, removeConvertible

Field Detail


private StringValueResolver embeddedValueResolver


private final java.util.Map<FormattingConversionService.AnnotationConverterKey,GenericConverter> cachedPrinters


private final java.util.Map<FormattingConversionService.AnnotationConverterKey,GenericConverter> cachedParsers
Constructor Detail


public FormattingConversionService()
Method Detail


public void setEmbeddedValueResolver(StringValueResolver resolver)
Description copied from interface: EmbeddedValueResolverAware
Set the StringValueResolver to use for resolving embedded definition values.

Specified by:
setEmbeddedValueResolver in interface EmbeddedValueResolverAware


public void addFormatter(Formatter<?> formatter)
Description copied from interface: FormatterRegistry
Adds a Formatter to format fields of a specific type. The field type is implied by the parameterized Formatter instance.

Specified by:
addFormatter in interface FormatterRegistry
formatter - the formatter to add
See Also:
FormatterRegistry.addFormatterForFieldType(Class, Formatter)


public void addFormatterForFieldType(java.lang.Class<?> fieldType,
                                     Formatter<?> formatter)
Description copied from interface: FormatterRegistry
Adds a Formatter to format fields of the given type.

On print, if the Formatter's type T is declared and fieldType is not assignable to T, a coersion to T will be attempted before delegating to formatter to print a field value. On parse, if the parsed object returned by formatter is not assignable to the runtime field type, a coersion to the field type will be attempted before returning the parsed field value.

Specified by:
addFormatterForFieldType in interface FormatterRegistry
fieldType - the field type to format
formatter - the formatter to add


public void addFormatterForFieldType(java.lang.Class<?> fieldType,
                                     Printer<?> printer,
                                     Parser<?> parser)
Description copied from interface: FormatterRegistry
Adds a Printer/Parser pair to format fields of a specific type. The formatter will delegate to the specified printer for printing and the specified parser for parsing.

On print, if the Printer's type T is declared and fieldType is not assignable to T, a coersion to T will be attempted before delegating to printer to print a field value. On parse, if the object returned by the Parser is not assignable to the runtime field type, a coersion to the field type will be attempted before returning the parsed field value.

Specified by:
addFormatterForFieldType in interface FormatterRegistry
fieldType - the field type to format
printer - the printing part of the formatter
parser - the parsing part of the formatter


public void addFormatterForFieldAnnotation(AnnotationFormatterFactory annotationFormatterFactory)
Description copied from interface: FormatterRegistry
Adds a Formatter to format fields annotated with a specific format annotation.

Specified by:
addFormatterForFieldAnnotation in interface FormatterRegistry
annotationFormatterFactory - the annotation formatter factory to add