
Provides a stategy interface for Large OBject handling, with implementations for various databases.


Interface Summary
LobCreator Interface that abstracts potentially database-specific creation of large binary fields and large text fields.
LobHandler Abstraction for handling large binary fields and large text fields in specific databases, no matter if represented as simple types or Large OBjects.
OracleLobHandler.LobCallback Internal callback interface for use with createLob.

Class Summary
AbstractLobHandler Abstract base class for LobHandler implementations.
DefaultLobHandler Default implementation of the LobHandler interface.
JtaLobCreatorSynchronization Callback for resource cleanup at the end of a JTA transaction.
LobCreatorUtils Helper class for registering a transaction synchronization for closing a LobCreator, preferring Spring transaction synchronization and falling back to plain JTA transaction synchronization.
OracleLobHandler LobHandler implementation for Oracle databases.
PassThroughBlob Simple JDBC Blob adapter that exposes a given byte array or binary stream.
PassThroughClob Simple JDBC Clob adapter that exposes a given String or character stream.
SpringLobCreatorSynchronization Callback for resource cleanup at the end of a Spring transaction.

Package Description

Provides a stategy interface for Large OBject handling, with implementations for various databases.

Can be used independently from jdbc.core and jdbc.object, for example in custom JDBC access code.