Package org.springframework.mock.web.portlet

A comprehensive set of Portlet API 2.0 mock objects, targeted at usage with Spring's web MVC framework.


Class Summary
MockActionRequest Mock implementation of the javax.portlet.ActionRequest interface.
MockActionResponse Mock implementation of the javax.portlet.ActionResponse interface.
MockBaseURL Mock implementation of the javax.portlet.BaseURL interface.
MockCacheControl Mock implementation of the javax.portlet.CacheControl interface.
MockClientDataRequest Mock implementation of the javax.portlet.ClientDataRequest interface.
MockEvent Mock implementation of the javax.portlet.Event interface.
MockEventRequest Mock implementation of the javax.portlet.EventRequest interface.
MockEventResponse Mock implementation of the javax.portlet.EventResponse interface.
MockMimeResponse Mock implementation of the javax.portlet.MimeResponse interface.
MockMultipartActionRequest Mock implementation of the MultipartActionRequest interface.
MockPortalContext Mock implementation of the javax.portlet.PortalContext interface.
MockPortletConfig Mock implementation of the javax.portlet.PortletConfig interface.
MockPortletContext Mock implementation of the javax.portlet.PortletContext interface.
MockPortletContext.MimeTypeResolver Inner factory class used to just introduce a Java Activation Framework dependency when actually asked to resolve a MIME type.
MockPortletPreferences Mock implementation of the javax.portlet.PortletPreferences interface.
MockPortletRequest Mock implementation of the javax.portlet.PortletRequest interface.
MockPortletRequestDispatcher Mock implementation of the javax.portlet.PortletRequestDispatcher interface.
MockPortletResponse Mock implementation of the javax.portlet.PortletResponse interface.
MockPortletSession Mock implementation of the javax.portlet.PortletSession interface.
MockPortletURL Mock implementation of the javax.portlet.PortletURL interface.
MockRenderRequest Mock implementation of the javax.portlet.RenderRequest interface.
MockRenderResponse Mock implementation of the javax.portlet.RenderResponse interface.
MockResourceRequest Mock implementation of the javax.portlet.ResourceRequest interface.
MockResourceResponse Mock implementation of the javax.portlet.ResourceResponse interface.
MockResourceURL Mock implementation of the javax.portlet.ResourceURL interface.
MockStateAwareResponse Mock implementation of the javax.portlet.StateAwareResponse interface.
ServletWrappingPortletContext Mock implementation of the javax.portlet.PortletContext interface, wrapping an underlying javax.servlet.ServletContext.

Package org.springframework.mock.web.portlet Description

A comprehensive set of Portlet API 2.0 mock objects, targeted at usage with Spring's web MVC framework. Useful for testing web contexts and controllers.

More convenient to use than dynamic mock objects (EasyMock) or existing Portlet API mock objects.