Package org.springframework.util.xml

Miscellaneous utility classes for XML parsing and transformation, such as error handlers that log warnings via Commons Logging.


Class Summary
AbstractStaxContentHandler Abstract base class for SAX ContentHandler implementations that use StAX as a basis.
AbstractStaxXMLReader Abstract base class for SAX XMLReader implementations that use StAX as a basis.
AbstractStaxXMLReader.StaxLocator Implementation of the Locator interface that is based on a StAX Location.
AbstractXMLReader Abstract base class for SAX XMLReader implementations.
AbstractXMLStreamReader Abstract base class for XMLStreamReaders.
DomContentHandler SAX ContentHandler that transforms callback calls to DOM Nodes.
DomUtils Convenience methods for working with the DOM API, in particular for working with DOM Nodes and DOM Elements.
SimpleNamespaceContext Simple javax.xml.namespace.NamespaceContext implementation.
SimpleSaxErrorHandler Simple org.xml.sax.ErrorHandler implementation: logs warnings using the given Commons Logging logger instance, and rethrows errors to discontinue the XML transformation.
SimpleTransformErrorListener Simple javax.xml.transform.ErrorListener implementation: logs warnings using the given Commons Logging logger instance, and rethrows errors to discontinue the XML transformation.
StaxEventContentHandler SAX ContentHandler that transforms callback calls to XMLEvents and writes them to a XMLEventConsumer.
StaxEventXMLReader SAX XMLReader that reads from a StAX XMLEventReader.
StaxResult Implementation of the Result tagging interface for StAX writers.
StaxSource Implementation of the Source tagging interface for StAX readers.
StaxStreamContentHandler SAX ContentHandler that writes to a XMLStreamWriter.
StaxStreamXMLReader SAX XMLReader that reads from a StAX XMLStreamReader.
StaxUtils Convenience methods for working with the StAX API.
StaxUtils.Jaxp14StaxHandler Inner class to avoid a static JAXP 1.4 dependency.
TransformerUtils Contains common behavior relating to Transformers, and the javax.xml.transform package in general.
XMLEventStreamReader Implementation of the XMLStreamReader interface that wraps a XMLEventReader.
XMLEventStreamWriter Implementation of the XMLStreamWriter interface that wraps a XMLEventWriter.
XmlValidationModeDetector Detects whether an XML stream is using DTD- or XSD-based validation.

Package org.springframework.util.xml Description

Miscellaneous utility classes for XML parsing and transformation, such as error handlers that log warnings via Commons Logging.