Interface WebApplicationContext

All Superinterfaces:
ApplicationContext, ApplicationEventPublisher, BeanFactory, EnvironmentCapable, HierarchicalBeanFactory, ListableBeanFactory, MessageSource, ResourceLoader, ResourcePatternResolver
All Known Subinterfaces:
ConfigurablePortletApplicationContext, ConfigurableWebApplicationContext
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractRefreshablePortletApplicationContext, AbstractRefreshableWebApplicationContext, AnnotationConfigWebApplicationContext, GenericWebApplicationContext, StaticPortletApplicationContext, StaticWebApplicationContext, XmlPortletApplicationContext, XmlWebApplicationContext

public interface WebApplicationContext
extends ApplicationContext

Interface to provide configuration for a web application. This is read-only while the application is running, but may be reloaded if the implementation supports this.

This interface adds a getServletContext() method to the generic ApplicationContext interface, and defines a well-known application attribute name that the root context must be bound to in the bootstrap process.

Like generic application contexts, web application contexts are hierarchical. There is a single root context per application, while each servlet in the application (including a dispatcher servlet in the MVC framework) has its own child context.

In addition to standard application context lifecycle capabilities, WebApplicationContext implementations need to detect ServletContextAware beans and invoke the setServletContext method accordingly.

January 19, 2001
Rod Johnson, Juergen Hoeller
See Also:

Field Summary
static java.lang.String CONTEXT_ATTRIBUTES_BEAN_NAME
          Name of the ServletContext/PortletContext attributes environment bean in the factory.
static java.lang.String CONTEXT_PARAMETERS_BEAN_NAME
          Name of the ServletContext/PortletContext init-params environment bean in the factory.
          Context attribute to bind root WebApplicationContext to on successful startup.
static java.lang.String SCOPE_APPLICATION
          Scope identifier for the global web application scope: "application".
static java.lang.String SCOPE_GLOBAL_SESSION
          Scope identifier for global session scope: "globalSession".
static java.lang.String SCOPE_REQUEST
          Scope identifier for request scope: "request".
static java.lang.String SCOPE_SESSION
          Scope identifier for session scope: "session".
static java.lang.String SERVLET_CONTEXT_BEAN_NAME
          Name of the ServletContext environment bean in the factory.
Fields inherited from interface org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanFactory
Fields inherited from interface
Fields inherited from interface
Method Summary
 ServletContext getServletContext()
          Return the standard Servlet API ServletContext for this application.
Methods inherited from interface org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext
getAutowireCapableBeanFactory, getDisplayName, getId, getParent, getStartupDate
Methods inherited from interface org.springframework.core.env.EnvironmentCapable
Methods inherited from interface org.springframework.beans.factory.ListableBeanFactory
containsBeanDefinition, findAnnotationOnBean, getBeanDefinitionCount, getBeanDefinitionNames, getBeanNamesForType, getBeanNamesForType, getBeansOfType, getBeansOfType, getBeansWithAnnotation
Methods inherited from interface org.springframework.beans.factory.HierarchicalBeanFactory
containsLocalBean, getParentBeanFactory
Methods inherited from interface org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanFactory
containsBean, getAliases, getBean, getBean, getBean, getBean, getType, isPrototype, isSingleton, isTypeMatch
Methods inherited from interface org.springframework.context.MessageSource
getMessage, getMessage, getMessage
Methods inherited from interface org.springframework.context.ApplicationEventPublisher
Methods inherited from interface
Methods inherited from interface
getClassLoader, getResource

Field Detail


Context attribute to bind root WebApplicationContext to on successful startup.

Note: If the startup of the root context fails, this attribute can contain an exception or error as value. Use WebApplicationContextUtils for convenient lookup of the root WebApplicationContext.

See Also:
WebApplicationContextUtils.getWebApplicationContext(ServletContext), WebApplicationContextUtils.getRequiredWebApplicationContext(ServletContext)


static final java.lang.String SCOPE_REQUEST
Scope identifier for request scope: "request". Supported in addition to the standard scopes "singleton" and "prototype".

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final java.lang.String SCOPE_SESSION
Scope identifier for session scope: "session". Supported in addition to the standard scopes "singleton" and "prototype".

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final java.lang.String SCOPE_GLOBAL_SESSION
Scope identifier for global session scope: "globalSession". Supported in addition to the standard scopes "singleton" and "prototype".

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final java.lang.String SCOPE_APPLICATION
Scope identifier for the global web application scope: "application". Supported in addition to the standard scopes "singleton" and "prototype".

See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final java.lang.String SERVLET_CONTEXT_BEAN_NAME
Name of the ServletContext environment bean in the factory.

See Also:
javax.servlet.ServletContext, Constant Field Values


static final java.lang.String CONTEXT_PARAMETERS_BEAN_NAME
Name of the ServletContext/PortletContext init-params environment bean in the factory.

Note: Possibly merged with ServletConfig/PortletConfig parameters. ServletConfig parameters override ServletContext parameters of the same name.

See Also:
javax.servlet.ServletContext#getInitParameterNames(), javax.servlet.ServletContext#getInitParameter(String), javax.servlet.ServletConfig#getInitParameterNames(), javax.servlet.ServletConfig#getInitParameter(String), Constant Field Values


static final java.lang.String CONTEXT_ATTRIBUTES_BEAN_NAME
Name of the ServletContext/PortletContext attributes environment bean in the factory.

See Also:
javax.servlet.ServletContext#getAttributeNames(), javax.servlet.ServletContext#getAttribute(String), Constant Field Values
Method Detail


ServletContext getServletContext()
Return the standard Servlet API ServletContext for this application.

Also available for a Portlet application, in addition to the PortletContext.