Class ResourceBundleViewResolver

  extended by
      extended by
          extended by org.springframework.web.servlet.view.AbstractCachingViewResolver
              extended by org.springframework.web.servlet.view.ResourceBundleViewResolver
All Implemented Interfaces:
Aware, DisposableBean, InitializingBean, ApplicationContextAware, Ordered, ServletContextAware, ViewResolver

public class ResourceBundleViewResolver
extends AbstractCachingViewResolver
implements Ordered, InitializingBean, DisposableBean

ViewResolver implementation that uses bean definitions in a ResourceBundle, specified by the bundle basename.

The bundle is typically defined in a properties file, located in the class path. The default bundle basename is "views".

This ViewResolver supports localized view definitions, using the default support of PropertyResourceBundle. For example, the basename "views" will be resolved as class path resources "", "", "" - for a given Locale "de_AT".

Note: this ViewResolver implements the Ordered interface to allow for flexible participation in ViewResolver chaining. For example, some special views could be defined via this ViewResolver (giving it 0 as "order" value), while all remaining views could be resolved by a UrlBasedViewResolver.

Rod Johnson, Juergen Hoeller
See Also:
ResourceBundle.getBundle(java.lang.String), PropertyResourceBundle, UrlBasedViewResolver

Field Summary
private  java.lang.String[] basenames
private  java.util.Map<java.util.List<java.util.ResourceBundle>,ConfigurableApplicationContext> bundleCache
private  java.lang.ClassLoader bundleClassLoader
static java.lang.String DEFAULT_BASENAME
          The default basename if no other basename is supplied.
private  java.lang.String defaultParentView
private  java.util.Map<java.util.Locale,BeanFactory> localeCache
private  java.util.Locale[] localesToInitialize
private  int order
Fields inherited from class
Fields inherited from interface org.springframework.core.Ordered
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void afterPropertiesSet()
          Eagerly initialize Locales if necessary.
 void destroy()
          Close the bundle View factories on context shutdown.
protected  java.util.ResourceBundle getBundle(java.lang.String basename, java.util.Locale locale)
          Obtain the resource bundle for the given basename and Locale.
protected  java.lang.ClassLoader getBundleClassLoader()
          Return the ClassLoader to load resource bundles with.
 int getOrder()
          Return the order value of this object, with a higher value meaning greater in terms of sorting.
protected  BeanFactory initFactory(java.util.Locale locale)
          Initialize the View BeanFactory from the ResourceBundle, for the given locale.
protected  View loadView(java.lang.String viewName, java.util.Locale locale)
          Subclasses must implement this method, building a View object for the specified view.
 void setBasename(java.lang.String basename)
          Set a single basename, following ResourceBundle conventions.
 void setBasenames(java.lang.String[] basenames)
          Set an array of basenames, each following ResourceBundle conventions.
 void setBundleClassLoader(java.lang.ClassLoader classLoader)
          Set the ClassLoader to load resource bundles with.
 void setDefaultParentView(java.lang.String defaultParentView)
          Set the default parent for views defined in the ResourceBundle.
 void setLocalesToInitialize(java.util.Locale[] localesToInitialize)
          Specify Locales to initialize eagerly, rather than lazily when actually accessed.
 void setOrder(int order)
Methods inherited from class org.springframework.web.servlet.view.AbstractCachingViewResolver
clearCache, createView, getCacheKey, isCache, isCacheUnresolved, removeFromCache, resolveViewName, setCache, setCacheUnresolved
Methods inherited from class
getServletContext, getTempDir, getWebApplicationContext, initApplicationContext, initServletContext, isContextRequired, setServletContext
Methods inherited from class
getApplicationContext, getMessageSourceAccessor, initApplicationContext, requiredContextClass, setApplicationContext
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final java.lang.String DEFAULT_BASENAME
The default basename if no other basename is supplied.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


private int order


private java.lang.String[] basenames


private java.lang.ClassLoader bundleClassLoader


private java.lang.String defaultParentView


private java.util.Locale[] localesToInitialize


private final java.util.Map<java.util.Locale,BeanFactory> localeCache


private final java.util.Map<java.util.List<java.util.ResourceBundle>,ConfigurableApplicationContext> bundleCache
Constructor Detail


public ResourceBundleViewResolver()
Method Detail


public void setOrder(int order)


public int getOrder()
Description copied from interface: Ordered
Return the order value of this object, with a higher value meaning greater in terms of sorting.

Normally starting with 0, with Integer.MAX_VALUE indicating the greatest value. Same order values will result in arbitrary positions for the affected objects.

Higher values can be interpreted as lower priority. As a consequence, the object with the lowest value has highest priority (somewhat analogous to Servlet "load-on-startup" values).

Specified by:
getOrder in interface Ordered
the order value


public void setBasename(java.lang.String basename)
Set a single basename, following ResourceBundle conventions. The default is "views".

ResourceBundle supports different suffixes. For example, a base name of "views" might map to ResourceBundle files "views", "views_en_au" and "views_de".

Note that ResourceBundle names are effectively classpath locations: As a consequence, the JDK's standard ResourceBundle treats dots as package separators. This means that "test.theme" is effectively equivalent to "test/theme", just like it is for programmatic java.util.ResourceBundle usage.

See Also:
setBasenames(java.lang.String[]), ResourceBundle.getBundle(String)


public void setBasenames(java.lang.String[] basenames)
Set an array of basenames, each following ResourceBundle conventions. The default is a single basename "views".

ResourceBundle supports different suffixes. For example, a base name of "views" might map to ResourceBundle files "views", "views_en_au" and "views_de".

The associated resource bundles will be checked sequentially when resolving a message code. Note that message definitions in a previous resource bundle will override ones in a later bundle, due to the sequential lookup.

Note that ResourceBundle names are effectively classpath locations: As a consequence, the JDK's standard ResourceBundle treats dots as package separators. This means that "test.theme" is effectively equivalent to "test/theme", just like it is for programmatic java.util.ResourceBundle usage.

See Also:
setBasename(java.lang.String), ResourceBundle.getBundle(String)


public void setBundleClassLoader(java.lang.ClassLoader classLoader)
Set the ClassLoader to load resource bundles with. Default is the thread context ClassLoader.


protected java.lang.ClassLoader getBundleClassLoader()
Return the ClassLoader to load resource bundles with.

Default is the specified bundle ClassLoader, usually the thread context ClassLoader.


public void setDefaultParentView(java.lang.String defaultParentView)
Set the default parent for views defined in the ResourceBundle.

This avoids repeated "yyy1.(parent)=xxx", "yyy2.(parent)=xxx" definitions in the bundle, especially if all defined views share the same parent.

The parent will typically define the view class and common attributes. Concrete views might simply consist of an URL definition then: a la "yyy1.url=/my.jsp", "yyy2.url=/your.jsp".

View definitions that define their own parent or carry their own class can still override this. Strictly speaking, the rule that a default parent setting does not apply to a bean definition that carries a class is there for backwards compatiblity reasons. It still matches the typical use case.


public void setLocalesToInitialize(java.util.Locale[] localesToInitialize)
Specify Locales to initialize eagerly, rather than lazily when actually accessed.

Allows for pre-initialization of common Locales, eagerly checking the view configuration for those Locales.


public void afterPropertiesSet()
                        throws BeansException
Eagerly initialize Locales if necessary.

Specified by:
afterPropertiesSet in interface InitializingBean
See Also:


protected View loadView(java.lang.String viewName,
                        java.util.Locale locale)
                 throws java.lang.Exception
Description copied from class: AbstractCachingViewResolver
Subclasses must implement this method, building a View object for the specified view. The returned View objects will be cached by this ViewResolver base class.

Subclasses are not forced to support internationalization: A subclass that does not may simply ignore the locale parameter.

Specified by:
loadView in class AbstractCachingViewResolver
viewName - the name of the view to retrieve
locale - the Locale to retrieve the view for
the View instance, or null if not found (optional, to allow for ViewResolver chaining)
java.lang.Exception - if the view couldn't be resolved
See Also:
AbstractCachingViewResolver.resolveViewName(java.lang.String, java.util.Locale)


protected BeanFactory initFactory(java.util.Locale locale)
                           throws BeansException
Initialize the View BeanFactory from the ResourceBundle, for the given locale.

Synchronized because of access by parallel threads.

locale - the target Locale
the View factory for the given Locale
BeansException - in case of initialization errors


protected java.util.ResourceBundle getBundle(java.lang.String basename,
                                             java.util.Locale locale)
                                      throws java.util.MissingResourceException
Obtain the resource bundle for the given basename and Locale.

basename - the basename to look for
locale - the Locale to look for
the corresponding ResourceBundle
java.util.MissingResourceException - if no matching bundle could be found
See Also:
ResourceBundle.getBundle(String, java.util.Locale, ClassLoader)


public void destroy()
             throws BeansException
Close the bundle View factories on context shutdown.

Specified by:
destroy in interface DisposableBean